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Hello.. I guess?

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I'll go with hello though for some reason it feels abit off. Anyways, I am Sieg and new to FF14 roleplay though not new to the concept in general. Joined Balmung to play with a friend of mine but she up and poofed thus I ended up wandering the web and miraculously (quite easily) found this site.


Now to go down the bullet points of the handy template. My background in MMORPGs starts in runescape when I was a wee lad, moved onto WoW when I was slightly older which I played extensively until I realized.. it had become dull. Moving on I played Rift for a few years before hopping to Tera and then I finally joined this game.


Now my RP experience... well I'll just leave that one up in the air, I have never considered myself a great roleplayer. I started on a forum about eight years ago, had a good time developed my writing abit came to enjoy it before magically.. the board died about a year ago. Afterwards I dabbled with RPing in Tera though nothing  extremely extensive. Due to this I consider myself a light roleplayer, I can develop a story for my character and write a detailed profile for him but really I just can't stay in that mindset all the time while playing a MMORPG though I do try.


Now.. anything from real life? Nope.


Lastly character ideas, I am still developing this. I have the general idea of the personality which I wish to aim for and will be comfortable playing for extended periods now I just need to research lore, race information ect for a meager back story. Details? My general response to that is... find me to find out cause it's normally easier that way and more entertaining.


Well that's my drawn out introduction, I thank anyone who actually read that and will pat you on the back for reading all of it cause I probably could have summed it up in three sentences. I also probably could have avoided the grammatical errors that'll probably make someone's eyes bleed.

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Haha, that wasn't that long of a read. Hello to you too, welcome to the RPC and may your rp ventures net you many wordy profits.


And I have to say, I have yet to see anyone nag anyone about grammar either here or in game. I think you'll do just fine. :)

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