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Picking up the adventure again!


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Hello, everyone! I've lurked this forum for awhile and finally got around to registering! I've only recently returned to the game--as it seems many people are doing since the new updates and the free weekend--and I'm looking for more people to RP with on Balmung.


I used to RP with a small group of great people, but sadly some of those people no longer play, and I never got to RP as much as I would've liked with that group because of schedules. I'm mainly on in the evenings (Pacific time) and weekends, so finding some night owls to hang out with would be cool.


My character, Bumo Dalumo, is an immigrant Lominsan, armorer by profession, so I'm most often found hanging around that stone-hewn port city.


Looking forward to meeting some new RP friends, and maybe finding a new FC!

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Limsan Lominsan? What? WHERE?


Pleased to meet you! Happy to see you've returned to the game. AND YOU'RE PACIFIC! Us people around the west coast have to stick together, I tell you, it's a madhouse of central/easterners and Europeans out there! So, hopefully I'll get to see you around and stuff. Raz is cool, you should rp with him. Aerghwab is also cool, though I haven't rped with him yet -- so hopefully some day I'll run into him and/or you and delightful rp will follow!


Welcome back!

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Hey there, I'm glad you decided to step out of lurkdom! Welcome! Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. We'd be happy to have you! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. Also, I'm happy to chat or role-play anytime! Feel free to approach or send a /tell if you see me around! :D

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Thanks for all the welcomes!


Limsan Lominsan? What? WHERE?


Pleased to meet you! Happy to see you've returned to the game. AND YOU'RE PACIFIC! Us people around the west coast have to stick together, I tell you, it's a madhouse of central/easterners and Europeans out there! So, hopefully I'll get to see you around and stuff. Raz is cool, you should rp with him. Aerghwab is also cool, though I haven't rped with him yet -- so hopefully some day I'll run into him and/or you and delightful rp will follow!


Welcome back!


Yes, more Pacific Coasters! :D


I'm sure I'll run into you, Raz, and Aerghwab at some point!


Hey there, I'm glad you decided to step out of lurkdom! Welcome! Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. We'd be happy to have you! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. Also, I'm happy to chat or role-play anytime! Feel free to approach or send a /tell if you see me around! :D


Thanks Faye, I'll definitely take a look. And likewise: if you see me around, don't hesitate to chat or strike up some RP!

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