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I am fairly new to Hydaelyn, and am pleased to make your acquaintances. I used to spend a great deal of time in places like Forsaken World, Fiesta, Flyff, Furcadia..apparently I just tended to gravitate towards MMOs with titles that begin with the letter 'F'. 

I never roleplayed on an MMO before, however. Such experience was gained in the gilded halls of Gaia Online (I no longer frequent the place), Faery Tale Online (text-based mmo I still play, so perhaps counts as mmo), and tumblr. 


I've currently 1 characters with whom I intend to roleplay. There are 5 total, but I have yet to decide if I want to roleplay with them or not. Plus, I'm not certain how active things are outside of Balmung or Gilgamesh, and only 2 of my characters are on Balmung. 


Autriche Vallano is a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te raised within Gridiana. City life has not tempered her completely, however, and she adores roaming the forest around her home. She has an inkling of joining the Wood Wailers, if she could just keep from wandering the woods long enough to finish training. 


Jilan Layali is also a Keeper of the Moon, but with a very different upbringing. She was raised among her tribe in a remote section of the Black Shroud. Life had been peaceful until the Calamity disrupted their hunting patterns. As such, they had been forced to settle much closer to a human village. Some of the tribe found banditry more appealing than troubling themselves with Hyur society.


I do work 5 days a week, and I have a puppy I'm working at training. I really can't think of a whole lot else to say right now. If you've any questions, you can always ask. :D

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Hello! Pardon my canned response; It's fresh I promise.


This is the link to the Directory for Balmung. It's just a place to jot down some general ideas on your character concept and your OOC schedule and stuff, so people who mesh with your preferences and styles can meet up with you. Here is a link to the template.


This is a link to the Town Square. It's the forums' stomping grounds for play-by-post roleplay; The place where we write stories instead of doing them on the fly in-game. My personal favorite part of it is right here and that's the Bulletin Board: It's for one-off posts and stories and stuff not worth an entire thread, but makes for delicious teaser scenes and touching moments.


And finally, here is a link to our rather robust Wiki for characters. Lots of us have links to our pages in our signatures *cough* and it's a little daunting but there's always help available if you need it.


I... think that covers it. Someone more knowledgeable and polite will be here shortly!

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Hey there! MMO rp might take a little bit of getting used to after coming from full-text games, but I bet you'll slide into it very easily. There are a few other servers with rpers here and there, but if you want a server where you're going to run into open world rp very frequently, you'd be best off sticking to balmung or gilgamesh.


Don't be afraid to interact with rpers you see out and about! The community is pretty friendly, so never be leery of reaching out. And if you have problems finding rp partners, give me a holler!


Welcome to the RPC. :)

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Hello there, welcome to Balmung! *_* Puppies! As someone who's recently made the transition from forum RP to RPing in MMO's, it takes some adjusting, but it's a pretty smooth transition! I'm always glad to make some new friends or RP buddies, so feel free to approach or send a /tell if you see me around.

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