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Since everyone else is doing it...


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Since everyone else is doing it, I figured it's time to come out of my shell and put something up (long time listener, first time caller).


MMORPG Background:

I've been playing MMO's for a while, my gateway MMO being Everquest (or a MUD called Dragon's Gate back in the AOL days). Since then, I've dabbled in several other MMO's like Lineage II, SWTOR, LoTRO, etc. EQ, WoW, and now FFXIV are the one's that have kept my interest and I'm seeing myself on FFXIV for a while (so long as I can keep playing MMO's).


RP Experience:

Typically I'm a light to medium roleplayer, only because sometimes I can't pull my head out from trying to make progress in the game's PvE content. MUD's always seemed a little more conducive to roleplay, since I guess community run servers have a way of enforcement and let's people freeform more without the restrictions of hard gameplay mechanics sometimes. Since there aren't any visuals like clothes or environment, you so have to go more into detail. (I don't think I do a very good job describing things, but there are so many talented writers I've come across that just blow my mind away.) Either way, I've been around the RP community in various areas for a long time, but still consider still super novice.


Character Ideas/Info:

One of my biggest reservations is the character concept I want to play. In the roles I have played, I've been mostly good aligned. I really want to try something different and go more chaotic or evil. As I have things now, Phayte is a courtesan by trade and I'm just afraid that may come off the wrong way to other in public, but I do have ideas of other dimensions to her as well. Rather it's an IG or OOC stereotype of miqo'te to play the role, I actually have seen too many PC's take up the role and though it might be interesting. I haven't been that close to the community so I may be wrong. Either way, I just hope the community doesn't get offended by this. The other foreseeable challenge is how to balance the public nature of this role as I want to be respectful to everyone around. My OOC'ly very shy in a public setting and this is definitely in my un-comfort zone. /end-ramblings



As I mentioned before, I have a tendency to get my head stuck way to deep in PvE to set aside time for RP. I'm hoping I can kick my butt to get more into RP and development my character, meet new people, and stop grinding so much. But that also means that if you're like to party up for duty roulette, raids, dungeons for books, primals for relics, etc, feel free to PM me! I'm more than happy to help and can fill any role (except battles where you need to tank swap).


Also my other warning is that I do have a family, a mischievous little boy and another new unknown terror on the way. He of course takes priority so I usually only have time to seriously play the game after he's asleep (8-9PM CST), and even then he does wake up with nightmares and such. This is also one of the reasons I have reservations with RP and stay away from the larger affairs because I don't want to be one of those characters who have epilepsy and need to zone out when I need to step away. I feel to make other characters wait or halt the flow of RP. So I apologize in advance for anyone I interact when I have to step away unexpectedly but definitely appreciate if interact with me despite the risk!


Phew, that was a lot. Thanks for reading! *Hides back under a rock.*

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I wouldn't worry too much about your concept. I'm not sure what city you're operating out of, but Ul'dah's certainly got a history of lovely ladies plying their crafts to get by. You're not going to offend anyone as long as you're not, erm, rendering those services in public. While we all love the occasional scandalous mistell, we all seem to agree it's best left out of the public's eye.


There's nothing wrong with being super-novice, either! I've been roleplaying for years and always forget the little details. Anyone who's ever roleplayed with Warren when there's food or drink involved might have noticed I always forget to post him actually eating or drinking anything.


Something I've noticed is that roleplay hubs seem to have certain times when they really come alive. As such, it's easy to find plenty of time to play the game and PVE when there's not a lot going on. It's perfectly reasonable to balance playing the game with playing in the game, and no one's going to shun you for wanting to do dungeons or go after some gear in the meanwhile. There are roleplayers decked out in coil gear and swinging Novus weapons.


Lastly, real life > in game. If anything comes up with your family, again, I don't think anyone would be quick to shun you for it. Everyone's character gets a case of the glassy eyes from time to time.

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One of my biggest reservations is the character concept I want to play...


I would not worry too much about the concept you described above. There are quite a few players who follow that same idea, and nobody is inconsiderate or trying to chase them off.


In fact, one of them in particular has already admitted to making over half a million gil through her dealings. So it could be quite profitable for you! :D

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Thanks for the words Warren! I know the community is great here and very accepting, but the feeling just nags me that a majorit is thinking "Oh, it's one of THOSE miqo'te again." I'll of course always keep things as tasteful as possible in public, just seems sort of common sense. And if things can be done better, I'm always open to feedback! I'm definitely looking forward to getting more involved, life allowing. :)

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Hey there, welcome, I'm glad you decided to sneak out of lurkdom!


To be perfectly honest, there will always be people who view any courtesan type character as nothing more than an ERP alt (even if you don't even ERP...) and look down on that idea from way up on their high horses. The plus side is, these generally are people who aren't worth befriending or role-playing with anyway, so it's a foolproof plan to weed out the people who aren't worth your time. :P The idea of playing a courtesan is completely lore-friendly, so people who'll pick at it are really just beings jerks.


Playing chaotic/evil characters is very fun and I don't regret making the jump from maining a shy, goody-good character to maining a character a bit more... ruthless. As someone also quite shy and timid OOC, playing confident and cut-throat characters like that is a nice and interesting break from reality. And if you do decide to make a courtesan, check out this linkshell! Always looked like a cool idea to me, and PkThunda is awesome.

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MUDs really were a great way to role play.


I had the pleasure of being on a MUD called Achaea many years ago and it was hardcore role play. Cities, guilds, religions everything was ran by players. There were GMs and they played the Gods so they had their own way of messing with the world and keeping things flowing, but honestly they really didn't have to do much.


That was a great place. Had PK and everything...


Honestly this game is free to try a lot of alignments per say. There are a few recent threads that talk about that and there are some link shells which specifically support evil characters for plots in anyone's role play. Long as both sides are willing to lose now and then it makes for a great dynamic.


Welcome aboard!

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MUDs really were a great way to role play.


I had the pleasure of being on a MUD called Achaea many years ago and it was hardcore role play. Cities, guilds, religions everything was ran by players. There were GMs and they played the Gods so they had their own way of messing with the world and keeping things flowing, but honestly they really didn't have to do much.


That was a great place. Had PK and everything...


Honestly this game is free to try a lot of alignments per say. There are a few recent threads that talk about that and there are some link shells which specifically support evil characters for plots in anyone's role play. Long as both sides are willing to lose now and then it makes for a great dynamic.


Welcome aboard!


Thanks for the welcome! Glad to find another MUD'er out there. Sort of a dying genre but still a good one class for the one's still left out there and going strong. It's the only time that I've fully enjoyed a full PVP game because people killed within a context/reason.


For the evil aligned aspect of RP, still trying ot figure out a good balance to keep ineractions open with people. If you need a mostly non-combatant bad egg, I'm always up for it and I certainly don't mind losing (more fun to lose in my opinion)!

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Hey there, welcome, I'm glad you decided to sneak out of lurkdom!


To be perfectly honest, there will always be people who view any courtesan type character as nothing more than an ERP alt (even if you don't even ERP...) and look down on that idea from way up on their high horses. The plus side is, these generally are people who aren't worth befriending or role-playing with anyway, so it's a foolproof plan to weed out the people who aren't worth your time. :P The idea of playing a courtesan is completely lore-friendly, so people who'll pick at it are really just beings jerks.


Playing chaotic/evil characters is very fun and I don't regret making the jump from maining a shy, goody-good character to maining a character a bit more... ruthless. As someone also quite shy and timid OOC, playing confident and cut-throat characters like that is a nice and interesting break from reality. And if you do decide to make a courtesan, check out this linkshell! Always looked like a cool idea to me, and PkThunda is awesome.


Thanks for the comments! The RP/RPC community always seems so open-minded and welcoming. I wasn't too too concerned that the people I would want to interact with wouldn't have a problem with it.


I did take a look at PkThunda's shell and considered asking for an invite. Though I have a feeling I'd get booted pretty quickly IC for causing problems among the memberships. Already had an idea from an interaction with a random walk up RP (props to Verad - reminds me I need to write something to) of something terrible she'd do to others.

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