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Small Kitty, Big Request!

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So I'm new to the server, in fact just managed to get another character on Balmung tonight that I've been meaning to try out in the FFXIV universe for a while now, but I'm a bit at a loss for how I want to play her. The best way I figure to do this was to see if anyone else wanted to go what I call 'ground up' roleplaying with me and go from 1-100(50) all strictly in character. I also don't mind a group thing. But not too big, maybe 3-5ish. 


I've done this before in games like WoW, Wildstar, GW1-2 and a few other FTPs but this will be my first time trying to go out at make connections on my own like a big girl! You can be anything you want, race, gender, class what ever. Your character you do what you want with him/her. Granted if you pick something outside of a set class city we will need to do some work around. (Lvl alone until we hit that part in the story). This will be long term. 



Just a few quick tidbits. 

1. As I said, long term so strap in. 

2. Literate*, I've been doing this a while and I tend to get wordy at time. I need a partner who     is not only willing to put up with lots of text but is also willing to give it. 

3. Teen-Adult. I'm a college grad. Love you little guy's but my stories can get dark so rated           mature. 

That was the TL;DR bit. Now comes the text heavy junk that's important but nothing I can't fill you in on later. 



Ojou Nojhal | Miqo'te | Keeper of the Moon | Female | Conjurer | 1st Sun of the 1st Astral Moon | Thaliak, the Scholar. 



Her story is simple, she was raised by her mother who in keeping with the Moon clan was a bit of a loner. She has impecable manners yet lacks some social skills. A bit...simple at time's regardless of her Guardian and is generally just getting swept up in all the madness of the world alone yet thinks she can deal with everything just fine like that. Stubborn thing. 



That's about it. Feel free to contact me in game though mail, tell or here...what ever works for you. 


[align=center]Ojou Nojhal [/align]


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Hey, Welcome to Balmung! It's difficult to get new characters in, so grats on slipping through the server cycle!


As to the long term RP, Rhal'rhiki the Breaker (J'rhiki Tia) is always willing to lend a hand to one in need ^^ Send me a PM here or poke me in game and we can do a meet and greet.

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Well I'd be interested in long term RP and I like your idea. However, I am already level 50 in every Dow/DoM (except for lancer, level 49) and I can only make one character per server. If you can accommodate a seasoned professional, I'd be willing to help out. There are things I'll get from fates/dungeons and still quests that I want to finish, and achievements to get!


Hit up Yaaris Rowe in game.

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To both of you. Of course! I'll be on later tonight for sure so I'll send you both a message and see if you want to meet up. I always find just jumping into things to be far more fun that lots of planning.

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Sadly my main is already level 50 and while I'm leveling some alt classes, I don't have enough time to get them to 50 anytime soon, especially not while RPing them. :( But I'm glad to RP anytime or help you and those who join you run dungeons.

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Oh! I think I've seen you the night I managed to get into Balmung! Actually, I think we joined on the same night. It's about 5AM where I was.. HAHA.. ha.


Considering Caelia is my alternate character... I don't think I'd be the ideal partner for you. My time will be limited when I'm playing FFXIV.. But most of my time will be me on Siren doing end-game content with my FC there. But since most of the FC is going back to school this semester, it will give me some times to log onto Balmung.


Though, I wouldn't mind Caelia and Ojou to be acquainted with another. (Both started in Gridania.. newbie conjourers.) But I will be progressing a little slower due to obvious reasons. Haa;;


Let me know through in-game or send a PM!

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