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Senpais... notice me! (RP connections and Storylines?)

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Ehehe! Just kidding! Possibly!! More like help the little baby out. This server is way too big for her and I just need to flesh her out a bit more. Actually, I made 0% progress rp'ing wise. Caelia did manage to get through Satasha and level 17, though! There's that.


So, I decided to make a thread in hopes to make a few connections. ICly and if it's alright... OOCly. I did make a player who was new to the game! I'm hoping they'll be one of the main players I'll progress with OOC. My plan is to get Caelia to a lvl 50 WHM so I can worry getting all DoH and DoL classes to 50 after. Since they do involve what I have in mind with her IC.


Okay, now that I think about it, I may be asking for a senpai/mentor to help me get through this RP'ing gig. Even though I am a big girl... It'd be nice to have someone to be comfortable with when I need pointers.


Also, before I forget.. Caelia is my alt character. My main lives on Siren so most play-time will be there and not on Balmung. I do try to log on once a day so I can level Caelia up. Don't wanna be a low level forever.


[align=center]Without further ado, here's my little baby muse![/align]



[align=center]Caelia Salinas / Midlander Hyur / Gridania / Conjurer soon to be turned Botanist



Following the events after the Calamity, Caelia found herself moving to Gridania to learn the art of the Conjurers. Originally, she resided in Bentbranch Meadows with her brother and grandmother. Tending to the chocobos that would be a future companion to a member who enlisted themselves with the Order of the Twin Adder.


She considers herself the average conjurer, skilled enough to keep wounds to a minimal, but not enough to be exceptional. Caelia does try her best. As of late, she has been having self-doubt with her skills. Beginning to think that her life belongs else where and not with the Elementals.


Recently, she could be found quietly travelling the city-states. Most of her time is spent in Bentbranch by the atheryte crystal. Thinking to herself and avoiding eye-contact at all costs. The few people she had formed acquaintances with know why all the travelling. Caelia had lost her best friend during the battle of Cartenau. They didn't fall in battle, they had mysteriously disappeared. Ever since, she tried finding any leads to know their whereabouts. Sadly, Caelia has no clue who to turn to. It also doesn't help she's too much of a nervous wreck to approach anyone...


Aaaaaand that's pretty much it so far! If you need anything to know, I'm a PM away! If you would love to help me flesh her out more.. Shoot me a time and place via Mog mail, PM, or reply to this thread?? I honestly don't know how to execute this. Meep.




[align=center]Look at the little babbu ; A; Help.. me se..n.pa..is..[/align]

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*notices Caelia-kun* I'd be happy to help you out anytime, or simply just role-play. :) My main is also a Midlander Conjurer from Gridania, so it seems they'd have some basic ground in common right from the start.

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T'shina is the type to try and help someone out and has a tendency to really watch over those who she thinks needs to be watched over. *coughAyacough* Though, when asked for help she becomes more active than being in the silent watcher type. Currently T'shina can be found in the Ul'dah area and more recently in La Noscea but she has been known to travel to the Shroud for hunting purposes when prey becomes too scarce in Thanalan for her.


OOCly, I'm always glad to help and give out pointers and generally just drag you along.


Only thing is... I have these weird hours of playtime. Usually around 8pm est to 7-9am and am online only four times a week and it doesn't include Saturday!


But perhaps we could have our characters meet and see how they hit it off and we'll go from there?

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*notices Caelia-kun* I'd be happy to help you out anytime, or simply just role-play. :) My main is also a Midlander Conjurer from Gridania, so it seems they'd have some basic ground in common right from the start.


Perhaps Caelia has caught word about Faye once upon a time? Probably know her by name but haven't seen or met Faye ever. She shys away from other conjurers unless she's being taught a lesson. I don't mind them running into each other in the near future! Perhaps a HoD tavern night.. wink wonk


I would love to help ~ it's a shame my in-game character isn't exactly senpai material nor is my more senpai-worthy NPC actually an in-game character.


Ehehe, Aisa sounds like a person Caelia would get along with, though! Even though she seems a little.. strange.. hm. Since they're conjurers and hang around the Shroud.. they probably seen each other. Just made awkward eye contact and carried on their way. (Probably because she's heard about Aisa's strange behavior and she was too scared to approach her on her own) Honestly, I am curious how these two would act towards each other. Who knows? Aisa might become the terribad senpai for Caelia. ( ´ ▽ ` )


OOCly, I'm always glad to help and give out pointers and generally just drag you along.


Only thing is... I have these weird hours of playtime. Usually around 8pm est to 7-9am and am online only four times a week and it doesn't include Saturday!


But perhaps we could have our characters meet and see how they hit it off and we'll go from there?


Hmmm.. T'shina sounds like a very kind soul. Caelia needs more of those in her life. If she ever sees T'shina around the Shroud.. I'll try to make Caelia have the courage to wave. Maybe interact without her crying. Ububu////


ALSO IT'S GOOD TO KNOW YOU CAN CARRY ME OOCLY. Or when we have the time. It's very strange starting out as a newb again. Also, I feel you about the playtime hours. I don't even know when I'll be on Balmung on most days. So no need to feel guilty to be there for me.


Let me know when you wanna the two girls to meet up, though!


I can always help out with OOC things. (Or if we get a light/full party, IC could happen to).


If you need any help with leveling, I'm usually free if online :)


Franz typically is around Ul'dah, but I stick him in the Shroud here and there as well.


Franz-senpai, thank you for your kindness! (*・∀・)/♡\(・∀・*) I'm trying my best to solo on my own until I hit level 30 or something! Or if I'm not feeling like doing a dungeon with three other strangers.. I know who to call. Caelia will be forever grateful.


Is it ok if I can add you guys on my friends list in-game? I find it much easier sending a tell rather tabbing out to PM you guys on RPC. ////

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I can always help out with OOC things. (Or if we get a light/full party, IC could happen to).


If you need any help with leveling, I'm usually free if online :)


Franz typically is around Ul'dah, but I stick him in the Shroud here and there as well.


Franz-senpai, thank you for your kindness! (*・∀・)/♡\(・∀・*) I'm trying my best to solo on my own until I hit level 30 or something! Or if I'm not feeling like doing a dungeon with three other strangers.. I know who to call. Caelia will be forever grateful.


Is it ok if I can add you guys on my friends list in-game? I find it much easier sending a tell rather tabbing out to PM you guys on RPC. ////


Of course! My friend's list still has lots of space. >_> <_>_>


Plus, doing dungeons with friendly, patient, people makes them a LOT more enjoyable. If you like the addition of voice chat, many players have those as well, either through skype, mumble, ventrillo, etc. Not a requirement in any way, but always there.

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Of course! My friend's list still has lots of space. >_> <_< >_>


Plus, doing dungeons with friendly, patient, people makes them a LOT more enjoyable. If you like the addition of voice chat, many players have those as well, either through skype, mumble, ventrillo, etc. Not a requirement in any way, but always there.


Last night was actually the most fun dungeon I've done on my own since I joined! Well, I had my new buddy with me.. but the rest of the party were such good sports. I'll be sure to add you next time I'm on Caelia.


I do have raidcall! Since my laptop doesn't like me taking up too much CPU while running FFXIV. I'm looking at your skype.  Use it when my FC is running long raids and EX modes. :P


Ey gurl you feeling hungry tonight?  Lets go get dinner.


I think Caelia wouldn't know what to do with this proposal. Curl into a little ball and cry? Why must this fashionabluh man approach an unworthy girl like her? Ehehe.. but EYYYYYYY! Very forward of you. I commend that. ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ Hope to meet Master Otto Vann soon.

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Of course! My friend's list still has lots of space. >_> <_< >_>


Plus, doing dungeons with friendly, patient, people makes them a LOT more enjoyable. If you like the addition of voice chat, many players have those as well, either through skype, mumble, ventrillo, etc. Not a requirement in any way, but always there.


Last night was actually the most fun dungeon I've done on my own since I joined! Well, I had my new buddy with me.. but the rest of the party were such good sports. I'll be sure to add you next time I'm on Caelia.


I do have raidcall! Since my laptop doesn't like me taking up too much CPU while running FFXIV. I'm looking at your skype.  Use it when my FC is running long raids and EX modes. :P


Ey gurl you feeling hungry tonight?  Lets go get dinner.


I think Caelia wouldn't know what to do with this proposal. Curl into a little ball and cry? Why must this fashionabluh man approach an unworthy girl like her? Ehehe.. but EYYYYYYY! Very forward of you. I commend that. ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ Hope to meet Master Otto Vann soon.


Message me in game and we can RP a bit, its always fun being so forward with the shy types.

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Ehehe, Aisa sounds like a person Caelia would get along with, though! Even though she seems a little.. strange.. hm. Since they're conjurers and hang around the Shroud.. they probably seen each other. Just made awkward eye contact and carried on their way. (Probably because she's heard about Aisa's strange behavior and she was too scared to approach her on her own) Honestly, I am curious how these two would act towards each other. Who knows? Aisa might become the terribad senpai for Caelia. ( ´ ▽ ` )


awkward eye contact on your end, creepy grin on mine? uwee hee hee. while Aisa/Asten didn't really hang around Gridania until after the Calamity, 5-ish years is enough time to join the conjurer's guild officially, meet and scare most people, and get very well-acquainted with the Little Solace sylphs.


I like this, tho. :'D we can definitely do that. finding a reason she'd talk to someone is certainly not too hard, and I will think of something!


btw I was a dumb and didn't realize I had to make a mule to get a name change when I transferred to Balmung, so my username is not my character name. I might have the funds to do another pair of transfers at some point, but idk if I really want to do that...

so, if you see an Alisviel running around, that's me. I also don't have Raidcall bc it never worked properly, but if you at least have an OOC non-game-calls skype, I could add that too? I'll be on the game in a few minutes for a little under/over an hour before I have to head to work, haha. even if you don't catch me then, feel free to PM me for my skype.

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