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Looking for a certain knight and Ishgardians.


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I'm looking to expand upon my character's background by having some figures from his past make themselves known to him. Most particularly, I'm after a childhood friend whom his backstory mentions as the youngest son of Lord Haillenarte of Ishgard, whom Aurege grew up with. Perhaps their relationship is best explained with a little of Aurege's backstory. 



  • Aurege was the son of an Ishgardian dragoon which was known for being extremely damn good at killing dragons, and saved the life of Lord Hiallenarte upon the field of battle. As reward, he was given a request - and that request was that Aurege would become Lord Hiallenarte's ward. As such, Aurege and the youngest son of Lord Hiallenarte became friends from childhood, and played  tricks upon the knights on guard duty tbh together upon the battlements of the then-Ishgard controlled Stone Vigil as children. When they grew up, Aurege entered the Holy See, and this friend entered a more martial role within Ishgard's army. I'm looking for this friend, and what's become of him.

Mannerism, personality, life course and alignment is up to the roleplayer whom plays him, I have no intention of stepping on the toes of anyone who would fill this request- and want to give them as much freedom as they need. I do have one or two sticking points though, that I hate to bring up (especially when asking for a favour) but I like to stick to FFXIV's established lore.


  • Must be elezen. Wildwood preferred, as House Hiallenarte are Wildwood.
  • Must conform to XIV's lore. We have confirmed that House Hiallenarte fell out of favour with the Holy See upon Dravanian occupation of the Stone Vigil, and it is the players choice if this character is disgraced or not. 
  • Gender optional.For the sake of staying consistent with some already played memory events I would prefer that this character is male, but I don't mind rewriting things for a female. It's really no big. 


About me! I play on GMT time but I can and do, most often play way longer than what I really should, so I can stay up for awkward time zones. I will pass skype details along to anyone who is interested.



OTHERWISE I'm looking for Ishgardians in general as new connections and/or old connections I can write in, especially those tied to the Holy See. Send me a PM with your character's deets and what you'd like to do, and (hopefully!) we can work something out. Thanks for reading!

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I play Ophelie who is an Ishgardian, she is from one of House Duredaire's vassal houses. Currently she lives in exile for being the mistress of a heretic and interfering with his trial (she spoke out of place to defend his honor.) Before this she was a socialite, who refused or rather could not get married for various reasons, and later becomes the mistress of one the young lords of House Durendaire. There's more info on her wiki page in you're interested.

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I play Ophelie who is an Ishgardian, she is from one of House Duredaire's vassal houses. Currently she lives in exile for being the mistress of a heretic and interfering with his trial (she spoke out of place to defend his honor.)  Before this she was a socialite, who refused or rather could not get married for various reasons, and later becomes the mistress of one the young lords of House Durendaire. There's more info on her wiki page in you're interested.


Oh my.


I'm very interested, I'll PM you my skype details!

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