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A Monk to Model After!

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So, I have a character (parts of that profile are WAY outdated but the basic bits are the same) that's only just starting to come to terms with her Chakra and what it means to be a fighter. Due to fear, a lack of control, and low self-esteem, she's pretty sure that this isn't something that she can do all by herself. She's a wandering fighter at the moment, but lacks a sense of purpose or personal direction at the moment.


As a result, she needs a mentor to teach her a few things and perhaps inspire a bit of proper fighting spirit. Her technique is technically sound for the most part, but she lacks the confidence to carry her movements through. Anything involving Chakra is also highly destructive at the moment, especially to herself, since that ability hasn't been refined.


OOCly, she's level 32 at the moment. I'm generally around in the CST evenings, but I tend to keep weird hours (read: I pull frequent all-nighters because I don't know how sleep works). If I'm not on Adalhaid, I can also be found on Oliwat Kokiwat if I need to be contacted in-game.


If anyone is interested and has a character that they would like a student for, post below, and maybe we can work something out!

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Berrod Armstrong, my Highlander monk -- has been trained in the ways of destruction by a surviving member of the Fist. While his own knowledge is somewhat incomplete, he's been taking on students to teach them everything he knows, and 'rebuild them from the ground up' as proud monks. 


So far he has two students, and would not at all be opposed to more. He also teaches the nature of the chakras, how they work, what opens them, what each one does for an individual -- so lessons with him aren't limited to power-punch fests. If you want, we can probably schedule an introduction and a session or two!

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I'm usually around after 7pm EST...up till 10:30 pm. Sometimes later, if stuff is going on! That only counts for the weekdays, as I'm usually around all day everyday on weekends (this weekend is an exception since I'm being...SOCIAL *thundercrack*). I'll still be on at night, likely, and definitely on Sunday.

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The dreaded social weekend is over! I'll be available at the times mentioned going forward! I'm also open to forum stuff, if you're inclined to that!




I might be a little too busy to get into the game today, but I'll see if I can get in touch with you tomorrow if that's the case!

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