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Oh you know, That One Miqo'te.

How awesome is this Miqo'te right here?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. How awesome is this Miqo'te right here?

    • Fantastically-Stupendously Awesome
    • T-Rex-Flying-A-Space-Ship-While-Angels-Serenade-An-Army-Of-Dolphins-Swimming-To-My-Glory, Awesome.

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Well hey there folks, what's new? Besides this brand-spankin', fantastic new guy right here? Glad to finally be a part'a this little merry band of compatriots. Been walkin' around and pokin' at things for a few weeks and I've liked what I've seen so far. Should be all kinds'a fun for me and you. Mostly me though. 


Right! Template thing-shtick. Give you a good sum-up of -yours- truly. Well, what little justice a brief little snap-shot can give this hunk'a epic-ness I am.


--MMORPG background



I've seen a few things, been around the block a few times and poked my head into quite a few'a them: WoW, ArcheAge, Rift, GuildWars 

--RP experience



Well I'm -quite- the experienced actor, as you all might have guess from just baskin' in my ambiance. Been doin' this gig fer' about a decade, and lemme tell ya I'm -only gettin' better-. Agin' like fine wine , this one right here is.



--Character ideas/info



  Well I'm a simple man, I enjoy a good rink, some -honest- gamblin' (Hate me a no good, filty, stinkin' wannabe cheater with all of my honest-blooded-god-soul'ed-nature.), and shinies. I love me some shinies. I also have a hobby in collectin' little disc-shaped shinies with pictures of people's faces on'em. Feel free ta' give me those donations.


Aside form that, I'm a master boater,harpooner-of-whales,Safari-guide,poet/writer, tamer of vicious insects and, I travel the world in my hot-air balloon with my trusty three headed lizard, Piko. I frequent the more fine experiences in life; live in a mansion with nothin' but exotic fur pelt-rugs and the rarest of old time'y paintings. Always stocked with the best kind'a liqour ta' get ya drunk off yer' gourd with.

--How did you learn about the coalition?



I was pesterin' my squeeze A'toli one day and she kept on goin' about this group'a people talkin' at eachother and how much she would just -love- to have yours truly pop in and really get the party started. So I did'er the favor and came around ta' bless you fine folk with my endless amounts of learnin'-knowledge and golden personality/moral compass. Gotta say, you thought it was good -before-, now that I'm here, hoo' boys and girls it'll be the best.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Heavy, full blown professional yer' talkin' to right here. I got medals on medals on medals fer' this mad skill I've got. Even performed live for the president. All of'em. In their back yard for barbecue. 


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)



If -any'a- you -ever- want a good night'a drinkin' and games, I loiter around, always up for a good laugh. Lookin' ta' shoot the die, maybe flip a coin? I got it covered, no worries what so ever. I even got the hook-up on booze, if boozin' is yer' thing. 'Course why bother with payin' the tab outright? Let's live a little! Worry about that bill later, when yer' too drunk ta' care how much yer' 'bout ta' spend havin' a good time the best Miqo'te around!

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Drinky kitty is a-okay with Steel! :3


Welcome to the RPC. Helluvan entrance you made, I gotta say. I'm sure you'll find plenty to step toe to toe and challenge your boast. Should make for interesting viewing I'd think.


If you'd like to step it up to Roelady, feel free to give Steel a poke. i'm sure we'll have lots to drink talk about.

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Of course I'm the best Miqo'te 'round! 


It's fine and well, there's gonna be plenty'a poser-Penelopes, but there's only one'a me. And I can tell ya, I'm -the best-. Ever was, ever will be. No doubt. 


If there's any refutin' that, that's cool, I understand. Not everyone can be -as good- as I can. And hey, who's ta' say all'a you others weren't the -best- second-placers around anywho? I think that silver medal looks great on ya.

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Of course I'm the best Miqo'te 'round! 


It's fine and well, there's gonna be plenty'a poser-Penelopes, but there's only one'a me. And I can tell ya, I'm -the best-. Ever was, ever will be. No doubt. 


If there's any refutin' that, that's cool, I understand. Not everyone can be -as good- as I can. And hey, who's ta' say all'a you others weren't the -best- second-placers around anywho? I think that silver medal looks great on ya.



*sound of shotgun racking*



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-Oli-! My -best- friend! How are ya?  Haven't seen you around lately, how's things been? We should meet up sometime at the tavern! Have a few drinks, play a few games! How's yer' head doin', after all that bonkin' on the table, that can't be good.


But hey, I'll tell ya somethin', I got these new dice here, see? Should give'm a toss over some boozin'! I got a feelin' someone's luck is in store for some changin'!

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