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Presentations.....the worst part in entering a fandom in my opinion: you became tense, write craptons of "chocobo shite" (to quote some lominsan townfolk) just trying to sound a cool person, get your hopes up....and eventually FAIL in your intent putting down something in the likes of the aforementioned waste.

However this is a ritual every member must forego before being really admitted, so *sigh* here i come.......


I play this fantastic game since 2.0 2nd beta phase mostly on Moogle server where my main, Minako Peregrinus -unluckily seeing the quasi total lack of rpcitizens- resides........i also have an alt.....that i use pretty much NEVER.... on Balmung -just as a kind of lag test and also to try and play with some streamers-, Lissandra Bellatrices.

For past MMO exp i can quote (in chronological order) Metin2, Shaiya, Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online, Elsword, GW2, WoW and FFXI (last 2 for a couple months each on private and deliciously pirated servers, still i played and experienced them), probably not much and as u can see mostly oriented in F2P/P2W MMOs but before i couldn't really afford a monthly fee, so FFXIV ARR is my first p2p MMO.


More importantly than gaming experience is the roleplaying one......i've been rping since nearly 8 full years....and while 5 of them were pretty much "wasted" in rping in my mother-language, since 3 years ago i started rping in eng. All good and etc etc....but really, it's my first time trying to combine MMO and RP since in other games i was pretty much a soloer.

Also, keeping in mind the presentation template about now i should say what kind of roleplayer i am, light/medium/heavy....but,.......i don't know jack about the meaning of it. I mean....if i were with the right people i'd rp all the time i was not in dung/coil, for serious rps, erotic ones or even just silly ones, so i pretty much leave it to you to judge it for me....


Well well.... *checks the template* ah, how i did i find the coalition...... Pretty much boosting a frenchie rper at IfritEx. She had her Wiki on her search info and from there i shipwrecked here. Nothing epic, i apologise /grovel.


About my main, Minako....well she's still in the works (rp side) since i still need to come up with a serious background for her (hell, i need to make everything up for her since i never ever though i'd have rp'd with her), however i can pretty much say that she's quite the inquisitive tomboyish miquote with a various times questionable sense of humor and a caustic tongue -if provoked-.

Finally, about irl facts about me, the player........u can ask...but most probably i won't oblige your requests....or really be terse about it. Here and for you i'm mostly a rper, and as such my ethics is -quoting the Persona games- I AM THOU AND THOU ART I, in other words, i eclipse my true self (damn, too many Persona feels and quotes are rushing to me :( ) and become one with the pc i'm rping as, i see through her eyes, feel through her skin, hear through her ears, to the point that more than once you'll really wonder about me. DON'T. I'm strange and i know it, no need to make me worry for such a petty thing called mental sanity, do we? :D :lol:

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This was probably one of the more fun entrances to read, so thanks for that. <3


Welcome to the RPC! I'm sure you'll iron out the details for Minako here amongst our own insane little amalgamation of the XIV community.


If you're ever around at about 7pm EST and would like to RP, my characters are Steel Wolf (main) and Cliaux Rondelet (alt). I'm all about meeting new peepulz. <3

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This was probably one of the more fun entrances to read, so thanks for that. <3


Welcome to the RPC! I'm sure you'll iron out the details for Minako here amongst our own insane little amalgamation of the XIV community.


If you're ever around at about 7pm EST and would like to RP, my characters are Steel Wolf (main) and Cliaux Rondelet (alt). I'm all about meeting new peepulz. <3


Glad u liked it ^^


Yeah i've seen and already i'm casting facts in pure steel, Garlean steel (since it's the most tenacious by IG descriptions....or it's a spoiler on my gurl? who knows :P)


uhm... converting it to GMT+1 time....... oh damn so late xD well on saturdays i'd be on to rp a bit, otherwise we'd need to rp here.....or through mogletters, Kupò!

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