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Morning! New person here!


I just started playing FFXIV again, after having played for a short time back when it first released. Figured I'd see how much it has improved since then.

Had some good memories from V1.0, even though I didn't play as much due to the gameplay and environments boring me at times.

No idea what else to say, so o/

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I'd say enough is said for now! \o


Welcome back! There's been a fair bit piled on at the post-cap end of things, so depending on your character's level, you'll either have lots to do or have a lot to look forward to.


Hope to see you in-game or in-forum! <3

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Hi! Welcome to the RPC!


*cough* Yes...more 1.0 players. *cough*



A lot has changed in a couple years since 1.0 shut down, as you've probably seen and played by now. And a large amount of quality changes have been added to 2.0 as well, such as the glamour system, player housing, numerous server stability fixes (there will never be enough though), and the way that some classes work, such as WAR's wrath stacks. You'll likely find the red circles for enemies attacks have changed to a more visible orange, and that they pulse with the entire AoE range now, giving a better indication of where the attack is. To name a few.

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Thanks for the welcome!


I decided to create an entirely new character, since I wasn't really sure what I intended to do with my old one. I'll leave it hanging around in case I get an idea later.


I've just reached level 16 as a Pugilist, went to Limsa Lominsa for the first time, and am now stuck wondering whether I want to continue as a Pugilist, or switch to a Rogue instead.

Decisions, decisions...


As for the server I'm playing on, it's currently Cactuar. Since Balmung appears to be permanently locked down, and I didn't feel like wasting my gametime, I just started on a different server. I'll probably transfer to Balmung as soon as Paypal is back as a payment option (or when I figure out another method of paying that doesn't involve a credit card).


Anyway! Even though I'm playing on a faraway server, I'll still be hanging around here. For my character, I decided to go for something simple, since I don't know the lore well enough yet.

I've given my character a goal and have a vague idea as for what kind of person he is, and I'll figure the rest out as I go along. Winging it!

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