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Thanks for the warm greetings everyone~


I haven't really settled down in game to attempt RPing or lurking in the busy spots I come across. So much running around just trying to level. ^^


Haha, yeah I don't blame you for that X3 I'm kinda doing the same thing a little (while still on the lookout for an opportunity appropriate for me to jump in on~)



There's especially a certain part you unlock that'll allow you to find parties and such so more reason to go around and leveling >w<;

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Thanks for the warm greetings everyone~


I haven't really settled down in game to attempt RPing or lurking in the busy spots I come across. So much running around just trying to level. ^^


Haha, yeah I don't blame you for that X3 I'm kinda doing the same thing a little (while still on the lookout for an opportunity appropriate for me to jump in on~)



There's especially a certain part you unlock that'll allow you to find parties and such so more reason to go around and leveling >w<;


Yus. Getting involve in scenes always seems to be the most challenging! 


;~; So anxious when it comes to just approaching someone and being all "yo~"


It doesn't help I haven't 100% cemented her personality, but all things with time and RP.

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Thanks for the warm greetings everyone~


I haven't really settled down in game to attempt RPing or lurking in the busy spots I come across. So much running around just trying to level. ^^


Haha, yeah I don't blame you for that X3 I'm kinda doing the same thing a little (while still on the lookout for an opportunity appropriate for me to jump in on~)



There's especially a certain part you unlock that'll allow you to find parties and such so more reason to go around and leveling >w<;


Yus. Getting involve in scenes always seems to be the most challenging! 


;~; So anxious when it comes to just approaching someone and being all "yo~"


It doesn't help I haven't 100% cemented her personality, but all things with time and RP.



Indeed.... I think >w<


Yes... dat anxiety... Of course, all that's a thing of a past once the ice has broken... It's definitely a matter of finding that grove and getting used to how people act and such... It's interesting to see different things and different interactions when you're just in one place people-watching!


Ah I see. Yes yes, also helps to read up lores and other characters for inspiration too, along with other things like in the forums that'll help too. In fact, I believe I saw one that says character development under Resources over at the front page. I never really looked into it and I'm not that familiar with where everything is but it might benefit you more than me maybe! >w<

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