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Roleplayers of moogle, UNITE!

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Since even if i wished differently i don't have time to log on my alt on Balmung to roleplay with other....(and also my Lissandra Bellatrices knows no one in Balmung) i was thinking about creating a rpLS on Moogle (or i was looking for one if there already exists), so i was wondering if there were fellow rpers that are on this forum and on Moogle and would like the idea or not......

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  • 3 weeks later...

To all of you guys playing on Balmung and Gilgamesh, what the lag like?


Evidentially very few players RP on Moogle and you guys don't support the server, so I'll need to consider moving to another server. However being a British player I don't want to suffer from lag by using NA servers. I've also heard that SE will be moving the EU server actually to Europe soon, madness.


Any other British/European players on Balmung/Gilgamesh to help answer this?



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British player on Balmung, and geographically speaking, all the servers are located in Canada (I think - correct me if I'm wrong). So theoretically, any lag you get on your respective servers, would be the same on any other servers.


That would be, until they implement the EU servers they announced at Fanfest, and haven't followed up with any information on, as of yet.


As for lag in general? It depends, it's mostly due to server load, if anything (seriously, hunting at peak-times is a complete no-go with me). I don't get any instance lag, and no lag with roleplaying in hotspots. Though, as a disclaimer, I have pretty terrible internet, due to the exchange being shared with two suburbs in my city so I average ~3mb download speed.


That's all I can think of, if you have any questions, I wouldn't mind answering more~

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To all of you guys playing on Balmung and Gilgamesh, what the lag like?


Evidentially very few players RP on Moogle and you guys don't support the server, so I'll need to consider moving to another server. However being a British player I don't want to suffer from lag by using NA servers. I've also heard that SE will be moving the EU server actually to Europe soon, madness.


Any other British/European players on Balmung/Gilgamesh to help answer this?




It's not so much that the site doesn't support any specific servers (We try to be inclusive of everyone who wants to RP, and the forum RP threads aren't restricted at all! We've had a few successful cross-server threads pop up.) as there's not much of a population on those servers who know we exist.


I do know that Balmung has a couple of EU-specific FCs and while lag in this game is a problem for everyone, I'm yet to hear any EU-specific gripings.

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British player on Balmung, and geographically speaking, all the servers are located in Canada (I think - correct me if I'm wrong). So theoretically, any lag you get on your respective servers, would be the same on any other servers.


That would be, until they implement the EU servers they announced at Fanfest, and haven't followed up with any information on, as of yet.


As for lag in general? It depends, it's mostly due to server load, if anything (seriously, hunting at peak-times is a complete no-go with me). I don't get any instance lag, and no lag with roleplaying in hotspots. Though, as a disclaimer, I have pretty terrible internet, due to the exchange being shared with two suburbs in my city so I average ~3mb download speed.


That's all I can think of, if you have any questions, I wouldn't mind answering more~


Thanks for the quick replies!


Its good to know what kind of experience other EU players are getting on the NA servers, and its good news that their moving the EU server to the EU (kinda makes sense). 

Perhaps I'll consider moving to either Balmung or Gilgamesh, been craving some RP for a while now. Do you also progress in PvE content too?

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British player on Balmung, and geographically speaking, all the servers are located in Canada (I think - correct me if I'm wrong). So theoretically, any lag you get on your respective servers, would be the same on any other servers.


That would be, until they implement the EU servers they announced at Fanfest, and haven't followed up with any information on, as of yet.


As for lag in general? It depends, it's mostly due to server load, if anything (seriously, hunting at peak-times is a complete no-go with me). I don't get any instance lag, and no lag with roleplaying in hotspots. Though, as a disclaimer, I have pretty terrible internet, due to the exchange being shared with two suburbs in my city so I average ~3mb download speed.


That's all I can think of, if you have any questions, I wouldn't mind answering more~


Thanks for the quick replies!


Its good to know what kind of experience other EU players are getting on the NA servers, and its good news that their moving the EU server to the EU (kinda makes sense). 

Perhaps I'll consider moving to either Balmung or Gilgamesh, been craving some RP for a while now. Do you also progress in PvE content too?


I'm on Turn 8 in Second Coil after, honestly, not spending a lot of time in there. Your only struggle -might- be attempting to find a GMT-friendly static, if that's one of your main interests. Though, I have seen a few advertisements for permanent static members in GMT-friendly times, not to mention PF always has people looking for replacements in a static.


There's plenty of Linkshells for it too, from what I hear!


We have a few EU players in my Free Company too, and the others are progressing through the Final Coil absolutely perfectly fine. If I'm honest, as long as you have an above-average (or nothing comparatively as bad as mine) internet connection, the place is just as easy in terms of latency etc.

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Posting my add out there for you all...


I currently run a daytime NA / EU peak hour FC for roleplayers seeking progression PvE on Balmung. We're new and relatively small, but do offer medium housing, and a commitment to this player base only. Should you be interested in making the move, send me a PM for details.





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