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Greetings from a Wayward soul

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Greetings to you all


I am a long time RPer in games and forums.  Primary game was City of Heroes (Shut down 2012) A few years in World of Warcraft two Level 90s.  I been drifting for the last two years or so seeking a new realm to dwell in.  


So now I'm entering Final Fantasy 14 ARR.  I'm leaning for a Miqo'te Archer, however I really enjoyed RPing a fortune teller.  Had a whole act in Wow where I was a Troll witch doctor reading bones.  So being able to integrate that into my character would be a plus, but not needed. 


Now for the major issues, I DON'T KNOW ENOUGH LORE!  That and I'm a Noob to FF14 so still learning the basics of combat and crafting.  I hope I can get into one of the Roleplay worlds and be invited into this RP community.


The traveling vagabond


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I think as long as you don't involve actual "powers"/Magic/whatever-you-call it, it should be perfectly passable to roleplay as a fortune teller. I have so far at least not heard of any magic that would be able to give a fortune teller some credit, though they could use magic to give like that "OoooOOooo" feeling. They could be right or wrong just from chance, and I think some of the charm about fortune-telling is that it makes people think of the "what if she/he is right" which may provoke changes in their behavior, which could be very interesting. Ie, telling someone that they'll soon be rich and them watch them go out and confidently spend gil until they're broke - obviously a negative reaction but fun none-the-less. 

Should you go with it I have a character that would be curious enough to try it out ^^ 

(That is if you roll on balmung)


Anyways, welcome! :)

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I'm trying!  So far the three big RP servers are new character locked.


Would not be trying the RP Fortune telling during combat way to much of a mess.  So no using powers or abilities except for that wow factor you mentioned.


More along the line of what race or clan would have a fortune teller in the culture.  For example the Miqo'te Keepers of the Moon clan are nocturnal by nature.  So not a far fetched idea that a form of Astrology came about.  For my act I could use tiles or cards with star signs.  This of course if it does fit in with the Miqo'te culture lore wise.  I been reading the Wiki's and surfing the web trying to find out more.  


And yes what I use is a dice roller so all Fortunes are RANDOM kind of loosely based off of Norse Runes Deviations Runestones.

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I also adore the fortune teller angle...and considering that Astrologians will apparently utilize a divining deck in their magics, then it's definitely not out of the realm of canon. Hell, just regular old-fashioned fortune telling is just fine without feeling a compulsion to roll up the class.


Here's hoping you find some in-game RP. Failing that, you're more than welcome to bring your divining tools to some forum RP here if you're otherwise unable to get your roleplaying fix. :3


In either case, welcome to the RPC!

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Huh didn't even think of using an Astrologian thought it fits perfectly.  Using the divining deck to read the fortunes for example.  


Also got me thinking of my character's back story.  After the calamity he was left an Orphan and turned to the Moon for guidance and so became entranced with the stars.  Using the stars and the heavens as guidance he became an Astrologian and using his own method uses divination to read fortunes.


Just have to wait for the expansion to be released.


Till then guess I work on the Disciples of Magic.  Arcanist can help with the BS as well having lost his family young he would have felt alone more so being able to summon pets to aid his depression.


Or anger till he finds the path could aid in Thaumaturge story.  


This opens more options of race now as an Astrologian could be the RP base for the fortune telling instead of cultural wise.  


Lol good thing I'm an Altaholic!  Going to have to think about this new possibility.

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