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Looking for a few casual RP connections.

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As the title says, I'm looking for a few casual RP connections to spice the game up a little. Things have been rather slow as of late and figured I'd see if anyone would be interested in possibly playing around with a cocky bard, Phae'ra(the description in sig is a bit outdated but still give a good feel for the char.) or my most recent addition, Xh'rizen, which is more of a scholarly/inventor type who's mainly interested in Allagan ruins and Garlean technology.


If either strike your fancy, don't be shy, feel free to leave a msg here or hit me up in game. I tend to be on late at night/early morning during the week (EST), week ends tend to be more random depending on RL.

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Hey! Locke has had a growing interest in Garlean technology lately. Perhaps he and Xh'rizen could strike up a conversation! I'll see if I can't contact you in-game sometime. ^^

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I'd be happy to RP anytime! \o/ I could RP on any of my characters, really, but I have an alt with an interest in Garlean/Allagan technology who I don't use nearly enough, and X'unmei is secretly a bit of an aspiring bard.

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@Kinono - Ul'dah is fine for both characters really, so no problem there! I think I saw you in one of my LS quite a few times, seems we do indeed have similar playtime. \o/


@Locke - Oh hey Locke, I remember you from skype with Lili lol. Sounds great, Rizen is still pretty fresh as a character so meeting people with similar interest will help shape him better.


@Faye - Yay for more characters with an interest for the more technological aspect of the game! (Wtb Machinist now please!)



I'll keep an eye out for you guys this week end and see if we can set an encounter up. As I mention in the OP, will just be a casual once in a while for fun kinda thing, granted I'm open to more serious if schedule allow for it in the future.

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Oooooo, pick me too!


Currently I have Oliwat, who is a thaumaturge that is fiddling with ways to mix spellcraft with technology at the moment, and he'd totally have fun with a technological conversation. I also have Adalhaid, who is super timid and rarely talks without using her fists.


I'm also often up late because sleep clocks can go directly to hell (do not pass go, do not collect $200).



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