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Jackal & Hide [EU]


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Jackal & Hide are a neutral-aligned free company on the FFXIV:ARR server of Balmung. We're a tightly knit group of outcasts and oddballs, with engaging roleplay, a friendly atmosphere and plenty of fun for all involved. As most of our members are based in Europe, all of our events and our peak times for activity are in EU time zones.




The company was founded by J'kilid Tia and J'inarah Marad, outcasts from a Jackal tribe in the wilds of La Noscea. Combining Kilid's brute strength and Inarah's guile, they created a security company based near Limsa Lominsa. Although incepted with scarcely more than two coins to rub together, the fledgling venture soon found success and expanded into a proper outfit.


Their eclectic crew have a wide variety of talents and their own unique goals but the success of the company (or "pack", as Kilid and Inarah oft call it) as a whole binds them together. From sellswords to scholars, physicians to pickpockets and artisans to accountants, they live and work as a team. Though there may be friction from time to time, at the end of each long day, the pack stands together.


What We Do


Our headquarters are in the Mists, Ward 12, Plot 35 and ostensibly operating as Sunny Seas Salvage, where we buy and sell all manner of merchandise. Having a word with the right person, however, will uncover the full spectrum of services on offer. We run the gamut from simple caravan escorts and body guarding to espionage, smuggling and outright theft. Whilst our morals are perhaps a bit fluid, our intentions are not malicious and we never engage in work that exploits or harms innocent people.


We also run a monthly seaside bar at Costa del Sol, both to generate some additional income and negotiate with prospective employees and clients.


How We RP


Most of our contracts are played out from within the company by either creating throwaway NPCs or (gasp) using our imagination. We weave an overarching plotline through our events to provide a cohesive purpose, foster individual character development and, let's face it, bring some intrigue and excitement! Although company leaders arrange these plotline events, we encourage members to take initiative and host their own events as well.


We aim to run our events in the open world rather than private areas whenever possible so outsiders can jump in if they so desire. If you see us out and about, feel free to introduce yourself and join the fun. The Jackals may seem a bit eccentric but we're a welcoming bunch!


We're open to working with other companies for cross-FC RP as well so, by all means, speak with Kilid or Inarah if you have need of our services.

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Kilid and I just updated this to clarify some things and flesh it out a bit more. We've also established our IC linkshell so that information is on there now too.


Please feel free to contact either of us if you have any questions or comments!

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Jackal & Hide will be hosting its first event tomorrow evening!


Will it be small intimate?  Yes!


Will it be fun?  Hopefully Damn right.


Will it have lots of screenshots?  PrtSc key already weeps in horror.



So what exactly are we doing then? I'm glad you asked! We'll be taking a leisurely walk through the bustling city of Limsa Lominsa, with perhaps a jaunt along the picturesque coastline of Lower La Noscea, and see what we find.  What, you think we're looking for something in particular? I d-don't know where you got that impression, haha, how ludicrous!... Anyway, meet us at the Drowning Wench at 19:30 GMT if you'd like to tag along and watch the sunset with us...yes, sunset, that sounds innocent enough...


What this actually marks is the first of what we're hoping to be a weekly FC event for members and anyone curious about Jackal and Hide, occasionally sprinkled with larger open and/or cross-FC events once we've gained some steam.

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Jackal & Hide are pleased to report that our first event... is complete!


There was intrigue!  There was (an acceptable amount of) drama!  More importantly, there was the beginnings of the FCs overarching plot, the threads of which will be weaved in and out of future events by our spider queen resident storyteller, Inarah!


(Secretly, she enjoys making us dance.  Given how tonight's story was told, I think being a puppet in this could be quite fun).



Tl;dr, it was a fun small-scale, intimate story event, and this tale shall continue to be told week after week until its conclusion, whereupon something else shall take its place.


Hope to see some of you there!


And I believe I promised you all screenshots?  Kilid don't go back on his promises!  So, here y'all go!  11 of the finest from tonights crop of 130: http://imgur.com/a/75v0G

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As we've created an overarching plotline for our company RP nights, we thought we'd start sharing the after-the-event summaries here.




Act 1: Crystal Unclear


Chapter 1


"Mmyes, you're here for the job, I take it?" A plump lalafell attempted to peer down his nose at the blonde miqo'te sat opposite his ornately carved desk, although the height difference made his efforts appear more amusing than intimidating. "A-aye, sir. What do ye need doin'...?" He shuffled about some papers and pulled one from the pile. "All the details are here, you'll find. Sign your name at the end and we can get started. And remember, strict confidentiality. Anything less will result in termination." His deep brown eyes bore holes into her and she flinched despite herself. "O-o'course, sir, ye won't be dis'pointed none." He passed over the long parchment, covered completely in very small, fine print. She took a shaky breath as she skimmed over it. The tiny words swam before her eyes; there was no way she was going to read all of this now. Shrugging, she reached for the quill perched next to her new employer, signed her name in a hurried mess and passed it back to him.


"Very good, In--... What is this?" He frowned at her, little mouth pursed like he'd sucked on a lemon. "I-inarah, sir, sorry, sir..." The lalafell shook his head and tutted quietly. "I hope your other abilities make up for your lack in penmanship," he snorted and turned his attention to a ledger hidden under the copious parchments. After a few moments of awkward silence, he looked up with a glare. "Why are you still here?" Inarah let out an involuntary squeak of shock and scurried out of the room.




More will come as and when we write them up. :)

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The next segment arrives!



Chapter 2


Dusk had just fallen in Limsa Lominsa, casting dark shadows across the city as street lamps flickered to life. Two Seekers quietly nursed their pints in the Drowning Wench, the male leaning back with one arm resting across the chair languidly and the female sitting prim and proper, fingers curled protectively around her tankard. He leaned forward, not looking directly at her, as he whispered. "S' lookin' like s' jus' gonna be us, 'Narah. Y' sure, uhh... sure y' read the contract right?" Inarah nodded simply as she folded a piece of parchment into one of her many pockets. "A-ah did th'best ah could, Kilid," she whispered back, a hint of defensiveness tingeing her tone. "Ah got faith in y'!" Kilid responded, quickly, and with his most winning smile. "Should we give it a few more, see what 'appens, anyway?"


Inarah nodded again and the two kept their vigil until the stars twinkled brightly in the indigo sky. As if she had been waiting for a cue, the blonde miqo'te abruptly leant back and cracked her knuckles. "Ye...fancy goin' fer a walk then?" Kilid's ears wilted and he cast a longing glance at his mostly untouched pint. "Ah reckon so, aye. So, who we lookin' fer?" Inarah rose to her feet and immediately strode off to the north without so much as a glance over her shoulder. "A-ain't lookin' fer n-nobody. Jus' fancied a walk...round th'city, is all."


He trotted after her and the pair came up to the bridge leading to the Marauders' Guild. Inarah shot him a frown as her ears flattened, and hissed through her teeth, "Ye gotta keep yer voice down if'n we're t'get th'drop on 'im..." Kilid blinked with surprise, seemingly thrown by her change in demeanour. "Wha'? Oh, aye. Ah meant, uhh... yer dream fella! Aye, that." She laughed a light, false laugh and they joked about her finding her soulmate until a roegadyn male hurried by them towards the Bismarck, hefting a large sack over his shoulder.


Inarah continued with her smiles and laughter whilst he passed, but her ears immediately swung back towards the man bustling along. As his footsteps faded, she narrowed her eyes. "Mebbe we should get somethin' t'eat, ye reckon?" Kilid nodded and they set off at a leisurely pace to the restaurant.


Ordering two glasses of water, much to the waitress's annoyance, the pair took up seats near their target. The roegadyn drummed his thick fingers along his table with the sack dumped in the chair next to him. He rudely ordered a meal from the waitress, adding, "An' make it quick," which sent the petite hyur off in a huff. Watching this with some amusement, Kilid rolled his eyes and lowered his voice to avoid carrying too far. "Ah reckon someone's gonna be gettin' somethin' extra added t' their order, straight from the chef." Inarah smiled, nodded and laughed, leaning forward in her chair as if enthralled by whatever her partner was saying. Her flicking ears and swishing tail, however, said otherwise.


Their mark picked up the sack as he waited, rifling through it quickly over and over, until the waitress arrived. He hurriedly tied it shut and slammed a fist down whilst waiting for her to serve the plate of food and tankard of ale. "Enjoy your meal, sir," she snorted and turned on her heel. The miqo'te continued to talk an awful lot about nothing whilst he scoffed his meal and washed it down quickly with ale. With a grunt, he practically threw down a small bag of gil and hefted the sack over his shoulder again, taking off in quick strides.


Kilid and Inarah nodded once to each other and rose to their feet. The male Seeker slipped a pair of fingers into the small pouch at his waist, fishing out a coin and flicking it towards the short-tempered waitress. "Thanks f' the water," he offered with a polite smile as the pair made off to tail the roegadyn to the southern city gate.


They made their way along the crude path leading away from the city without incident. As they approached the bridge to Moraby Drydocks, Inarah narrowed her eyes and sniffed the air. With a swift tug on Kilid's shoulder, she paused. He turned his head back and peered at her questioningly. "'e went round...lost 'is scent an' no way 'e'd get through them Yellabellies wivout 'assle," she whispered through the side of her mouth. The male couldn't deny that. "So, what're we gonna do now?" His partner scanned the bridge and cliffs on either side. "Reckon we should jus' cross th'bridge an' try an' catch 'is scent 'gain..."


Casually walking past the Yellowjackets stationed at numerous points on the bridge with a polite nod, they reached the other side and resumed their chase in earnest. Inarah glanced around and knelt down to touch the dirt, passing her fingers over a faint footprint. "Big foot 'ere...an' ah smell somethin' 'gain." Kilid's attention wandered all about, seemingly quite bored by the proceedings. His tail, however, remained half-raised and semi-bristled, ears pricked high. "There. Let's go," the female grunted as she pointed to a spot in the distance. Their mark was further down the path, sprinting as fast as his burly legs could carry him towards Candlekeep Quay.


Setting up in wait near one of the many enormous boulders dotting the landscape, the pair watched the roegadyn bustle up to the coast, where a small boat guarded by three men was docked a short distance from the Quay proper. The Seekers' target approached the dinghy and, through the gentle haze that had settled in from the sea, it appeared all four of them were talking.


"All me gil t' know what they're sayin'. Well... maybe not all. Or even that much, ah guess," Kilid mused quietly. His partner squinted and raised a finger to point to the men. "Ey, look there...dun look like they're gettin' on..." The roegadyn had begun gesturing angrily; the three others seemed rather amused at first, but soon weapons were drawn. One lunged forward and fists began to fly. "...let's get down there, fast!" Inarah made a move to leap into action but the male's heavy hand pulled down her shoulder. She sat back down, surprised, with no small measure of annoyance written on her features and ears flattening. "We ain't goin' nowhere! S'posed t' tail 'im, not leap t' 'is rescue. 'specially not 'gainst them odds, they look like they know 'ow t' use them swords." The blonde miqo'te just shook her head at Kilid's remark. "Who said anythin' bout rescuin' 'im?" she scoffed and leapt to her feet. Kilid hesitated for a moment before following her down to hide behind a closer boulder.


As they approached, the roegadyn fell face down on the ground. One of the other men seemed injured, limping as he moved to pick up the sack. Some fevered whispering was exchanged as the pair plotted their next move. With a curt nod to Kilid, Inarah stalked through the shadows up behind the injured man. He shortly fell to the ground as well, the tip of a dagger glinting in the dim starlight as it protruded from his chest. She ducked as the other two men shouted and lunged for her, sidestepping out of their way and dancing circles round them.


Kilid bellowed a warcry, perhaps needlessly, but he seemed to enjoy it all the same. He dashed across the short distance at an impressive rate of knots with axe held back behind his body and ready to swing at the first poor sod to get in his way. Whilst he charged in, the men followed Inarah round in a rather comical manner, and she smirked with amusement as she easily twirled and danced out of reach. After some taunting, she wheeled back on one and her blades found their way into his stomach. The other gave up on the whirling dervish and lunged for Kilid.


The male Seeker didn't so much as bat an eyelid, his axe flashing through the air in a silvery arc that, after a brief 'thnk-squelch', turned into a silvery-red arc, and a crimson fountain followed the third man's head through the air. In his enthusiasm, he carried on a bit too far over the coastline and disappeared from sight with a yelp and a loud splash. Inarah wiped her blades quickly on the grass, chuckling at Kilid's dunk in the sea, and immediately rifled through the clothing of the corpses.


She pocketed several bags of coin and turned her attention to the roegadyn's possessions. With a curious tilt of her head, she dug her hand into the large sack and pulled it back out, crystals slipping through her fingers with a merry tinkling sound. Kilid emerged from the water, shivering and dripping but still looking quite unphased by the bloodshed, his attention more on the crystals in his partner's hands. "Ah dunno much bout this...but ain't this odd?..." Inarah looked up to him questioningly. "Ah don't think so, y' listen t' some'ah the merchants in Limsa, they pay gil by the sackload fer precious gems an' stones, eh? Ah reckon we done good, stoppin' a thief. Less competition!" The female didn't seem convinced, narrowing her eyes as she tied the sack shut with swish of her tail. "Aye...mebbe. Let's...let's jus' get this back, s'pose..."


The muscular male Seeker grabbed the neck of the sack in one hand, casually attempting to haul it up over his shoulder in one smooth motion. Upon hefting it less than a fulm from the ground, he listed to one side and staggered off a few paces. With a second attempt, more careful this time, he managed to haul the sack awkwardly over his shoulder. "Ah wish ah were a Roe, round 'bout now." Inarah hid a smirk behind her hand as she looked away from Kilid.


"Let's get goin' then."


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Week 2, event 2


Status:  Complete

Result:  Aww, hells yeah 8-)



So, what happened?  Well, most of that will appear in a write-up, which is yet to come (It's Valentione's Day, I beg your forgiveness for the delay today, folks */grovel*) but in short... there was a merchant escort job, with a twist.


The twist didn't go -quite- according to the IC plan (I know... shock!), but the end result was better and perhaps a little more profitable in terms of gil and information than either Inarah or Kilid expected :D


And more importantly... the turnout was greater!  Many thanks to all who involved themselves last night, we here at Jackal & Hide hope it was as fun for you as it was for us. :love:


Screenshots incoming, of course!  Last nights images come courtesy of the lovely Inarah, as I was laptop-bound.  If you want some context to the images (I.e. you want to see the names they've been given -they help give a little more context, I promise!), you can find the originals in our event gallery, here!










Bonus edit: Inarah updated the story post just above this one! I do believe that it's now complete :D

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We've updated the main listing to include reference to our FC plot which is well under way now. Much intrigue, so mystery, wow. I'll continue writing reports after events to keep everyone up to speed. We expect this particular storyline will be resolved in a month or two, after which we'll begin plotting the next one. Mwahaha!


There's also now a section about our current headquarters in Costa del Sol, which is where we run our public bar event. A shack on the coast counts as a house, right...? We do intend to move to a more permanent fixture at some point but that's very dependent on the availability of housing on Balmung so we're making the most of what we can get!

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Thanks very much to Kilid for providing the write up for last week's event.



Chapter 3


"...right, an' we'll be keepin' watch from th'shadows like, so don't y' worry." Kilid flashed a dazzling, confident grin at the white maned elezen stood before the carriage outside Limsa Lominsa's city gates. She didn't look entirely convinced, given the dour expression dragging down her features, but nodded and returned to the chocobos squawking in their harnesses.


Inarah was having a quiet conversation with Xivrez'to, a Keeper male they had recently employed, about whether clouds are edible. As the female miqo'te tilted her head with confusion at his odd remarks, Helia and P'etri appeared over the hill. The dark haired Keeper, finely dressed in long robes, moved with a bearing befitting royalty, whilst P'etri bounced along behind her, the Seeker's long blonde dreadlocks whipping about in the warm sea breeze. "O-oh, ye came!" Inarah greeted them warmly. She and Kilid had met the friendly pair the previous evening as they were negotiating today's contract. Worried that the Jackals' plan to make the caravan appear unguarded would blow up in their faces, Helia had insisted that she and her partner accompany them. "Of course we did," P'etri replied with a beaming smile.


Kilid finally turned away from the elezen to the small crowd of people assembled before him. "Y' all ready then?" A choir of assents later and the carriage was creaking along the cobbled path north towards Camp Bronze Lake.


Inarah sat hidden in the back of the carriage, muscles tense and ears flicking about nervously. Helia casually called from the front, next to the driver. "Relax. There's nothing to worry about. We're on a main road." The blonde miqo'te sighed and settled onto the box of goods she was perched upon. "A-alright...so where'd ye say yer from then...?"


The pair chatted away amiably whilst the rest of the entourage kept a brisk pace about half a malm ahead. Up ahead, the trio of ambush-ambushers were passing the journey with talk about, of all things, windmills. After Xivrez'to's excited exclamation about the size of the local birdlife ("Dodo!"), their journey along the road north led them past the monumental 'mills, and a number of docile Goobbue. Given Xivrez'to's... "unusual" nature, eventually the combination of questions and explanations about both windmills, and goobbue, along with P'etri's anecdotal story about someone she once knew living in one or the other, culminated in a very puzzled Kilid vocalising the question of just -why- anyone would want to turn a goobbue into a house.


Until his dying day, this would remain one of the most surreal conversations Kilid had ever participated in.


Onwards they travelled however, the confusion of goobbue windmill housing proving to be nothing more than a speed-bump on their journey north. Unlike the following caravan, the trio -could- cross the bridge between southern La Noscea, and Wineport, making their coming plan all the easier to achieve. Despite an unfortunate incident involving the swallowing of a Midge or three by Kilid, and a face full of midge swarm by P'etri, their journey North, then doubling back around the cliffs, remained uneventful. Boring, almost! If there was an ambush laying in wait, there was no sign of it just yet, and so the three settled down in the shade of a great tree to wait, and discuss today's relevant political and philosophical topics.


Such as what it would be like to fly. Not using an airship, but to -fly-, man! And daring each other to try and ride one of the wild couerl they saw on their travels. Important topics...


The driver came to a halt abruptly when they reached the rickety bridge leading up to Wineport. "W-what's wrong?" Inarah immediately leant out the back of the carriage and scanned the terrain. "The bridge is too narrow. We're going round the long way," came the terse reply. A flick of the reins and the chocobos trotted off deeper into the jungle.


They hadn't travelled far when a faint whistling rung through Inarah's ears, followed by the death squawks of both chocobos. "We're under attack!" Helia cried, pulling out her engraved staff as the elezen dove into the back to huddle behind a crate. The female Seeker was silent as she peered out from the back. Archers on either side of the carriage and a handful of men with axes were charging down a small knoll towards them. Helia began chanting and raised the staff high into the air as flames circled around her head, whilst Inarah dropped down onto the ground quietly with a dagger in each hand.


Quite oblivious to the assault happening just out of earshot, the trio hiding in the shade of the tree continued their deep, meaningful conversation about how it would be -really- nice to have something to eat right now...


Weaving this way and that, Inarah's blades were a confusing blur of steel as she worked her way about behind one of the surprised axe-wielding roegadyn and promptly embedded both blades hilt-deep into the small of his back, bringing forth a roar of pain from the falling roe. Surprised, and now somewhat cautious of the sweet-looking miqo'te that so effortlessly laid low one of his comrades, the nearest of the remaining three swings about, axe raised in a defensive posture to hold off the unexpected assailant, for his archer 'friends' to finish off.


Things never work out as we want, though.


While one of the archers did, indeed, manage to score a grazing blow across one of Inarah's shoulders, the other in his panic, embeds his arrow deep into the arm of the roegadyn stood next to her, bringing forth an enraged yell of pain from yet another of the ambushers! Re-prioritising her targets, Inarah's spritely dance about the axe-wielder turns into a fully-fledged sprint, dodging and weaving, towards the two archers further along the path, leaving Helia alone atop the drivers bench behind...


Not that this seems to phase the lone Keeper much! Almost negligibly, she waves her faintly glowing staff, forming a barrier about herself that deflects the pair of arrows coming from the opposite path to Inarah. Oddly, no further arrows seem to come, although far from leaving her safe this does create something of a problem, in the shape of two large, burly roegadyn that broke away from the pair that challenged Inarah.


A gesture of her hand, a sweep of that staff, and the ill-prepared assault staggers to something of a standstill as a wave of ice washed out over the pair, and the kneeling roegadyn with the arrow lodged in his arm. Of the three, only the arrow-impaled roe remains held for long however, the charging pair stumbling about the ice, each other and the dead chocobos with their hands seemingly frozen solid to the crystallised axes, but still intent on drawing blood from the unimposing, lone Keeper.


In unison, two glittering, ice-sheathed axes swing for Helia's body, and as one, the pair of axes shatter like glass against the pulsing, glowing staff in her hands. The pair, already unbalanced and in pain beyond the understanding of most men and women, were carried past Helia by their own momentum. Tripping at last over one of the fallen chocobo, they remained on the ground, clutching crystallised hands to their chests and groaning in apparent agony.


Unheard by the distant trio, who were back to goading one another to try and mount one of the couerl, the fight on the far side of the ravine played out for the most part, unnoticed until the second roar of pain, and the roar of the rush of ice. Curious and slightly fearful as to quite -what- was causing those sounds, Xivrez'to and Kilid poked their heads about either side of the large, ancient tree.


And promptly pulled them back in again as the wood of the tree suddenly found itself peppered with arrows, one either side, and worryingly close to hitting each of the miqo'te. A momentary confab between all three led to them concluding, bravely, that it was best to send P'etri out first as a lead ("Ladies first", Kilid uttered with a small bow, gesturing her onwards). The method behind the madness of charging out headfirst before at least two archers being that P'etri seemed rather confident about her ability to deflect arrows, which neither of the two males felt it prudent to question at the time.


All for naught, it seems. The two archers that had thus far remained hidden chose this moment to turn tail and flee from the failed ambush, as...


With one of the four archers laying dead at her feet (this one a miqo'te), and the other (a hyur, no less) pressed up against the rock with a hand pressed tightly to the gash across his gut, Inarah turned tail (literally) and rushed back to rejoin Helia...


Arriving with all the effect (and timing) of the cavalry in just about any film ever, P'etri, Xivrez'to and Kilid arrive at the carriage just in time to bear witness to Helia almost lazily thrusting her staff out to one side. From the tip, a ball of lightning that flies straight along the path results in a cringe-worthy crackling sound, and a high-pitched scream accompanying the sight of another hyur, this one smoldering, falling head-first into the Ravine.


"Well... curses. I was hoping to get both..." muttered the dark-haired Keeper, Helia, to somewhat awed stares from at least one of the group assembled back at the caravan. The best thing that could be said for the cleanup after, is that it was swift. The two roegadyn in possession of frozen hands were forced into a deep sleep, while the kneeling Roe with the arrow in his arm remained safely entombed (mostly) in ice. Of the archers... well, two were dead, but leaving loose ends in this sort of situation was agreed to be a bad thing. Frustratingly, the injured Archer had managed to find the strength to try and 'flee', albeit rather slowly and leaving an easily followable path.


Xivrez'to offered to go after that particular prey, and so sauntered off at a leisurely jog. Rather more urgently, P'etri volunteered to chase down the remaining archer, which looked to be the only elezen of this particular group of bandits, and so set off at an impressive pace after him.


Sadly, it seems no-one ever taught P'etri not to play with her food. (Xivrez'to seems to have also escaped from this sage piece of advice).


After a masterful display of dodging arrows (Including, quite literally, stepping on one as it passed beneath her in mid-leap), and perhaps unnecessarily breaking several fingers by punching the elezen's hand as he tried swinging a long sword at her... and definitely very much unnecessarily breaking several ribs with a suplex, P'etri returned to the group all but dragging the elezen by an arm across her shoulders.


Xivrez'to's approach to apprehending a target, while far different in approach to Petri's, turned out to be just as effective. Offering the hyur a peaceful solution and, surprisingly, even medical aid, the hyur's response was to bare his teeth, draw a dagger, and lunge for the peaceful, somewhat spaced-out Keeper, who just as casually, stepped to one side, brushing the blade away without a care in the world. More words were exchanged, Xivrez'to recommending that perhaps the hyur should think about a career change. Maybe become a baker. Everyone loves bakers, right?


More snarling from the hyur, perhaps predictably. This time, however, his wild slash with the blade, instead of being turned aside, is caught by the Keeper, who promptly uppercuts the already wounded hyur with enough force to shatter teeth and send him sprawling on the ground.


Yet another of the attempted escapees has to be dragged back... such is the danger of this line of work, it seems.


While P'etri and Xivrez'to are off making sport of their respective escapees, Inarah's offer of moving on ahead to Wineport is, perhaps a little grudgingly, accepted by Kilid, who by this point is sat on the drivers bench, quite bored out of his mind and pointedly ignoring the damp smell coming from the back of the carriage, where the Elezen driver continues to hide.


Helia, however, makes much more productive use of her time, expressing her displeasure with the idea that eight armed men would be spared to assault a simple, sole caravan. Stepping on through into the back of the carriage, Kilid gives into curiosity and pokes his head in after her, watching with a mild interest as she breaks open first one crate (Silks. Lots and lots of bolts of silk), and another (Books. Many many books. All hand-written.), and another, the smallest of the seven or eight contained within... seemingly more books.


An oddly smooth, level, flat layer of books that, when she tried to prise one free, ended up shifting the entire layer of elaborately painted wood. With Kilid's help, the cover hiding the true contents of the crate was pulled free, and... crystals. So many crystals. Shards, even clusters poking through in places!


This, of course, wasn't what either Helia nor Kilid were -quite- expecting, and so followed some awkward questions at about the time that Inarah returned, atop one of the two chocobos and in the company of two Yellowjackets, and more awkward questions ensued, as Kilid led one of the two Yellowjackets aside to explain just what, precisely, had happened to the best of his ability while the other bound and secured the surviving bandits in the carriage...


Having sufficiently explained... sort of, kinda... maybe, the events to the remaining Yellowjacket, they set off after their companion riding the carriage, after helping affix the fresh chocobo to the harnesses of the fallen Gridanian birds.


Which left... the inevitable goodbyes! Not that these sorts of goodbyes last, but... it's always something of a come down, after such an action-packed few bells. There's always work to be done, however, and so having seen off P'etri and Helia, and bidding adieu to Xivrez'to, Inarah and Kilid departed on foot for Wineport. They had a carriage to deliver, and no group of Yellowjackets was going to stand in the way of -that-! Not with Kilid's winning smile and Inarah's batting lashes...



In other news, we had another event last night which brought new developments into the FC plot! Thanks to everyone who attended; it was an interesting evening. Have some screenshots! :D





















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Well, as many of you know (Given how many of you were there!), last night Jackal & Hide hosted its very first large-scale (... huge, for us) public event, the Sunny Seaside Bar.  While on occasion calling it the 'Sunny' Seaside Bar wasn't quite as accurate as we'd have liked (Soggy Stormridden Seaside Bar actually.  Curse those coastal Costa storms!), little things like the weather didn't seem to deter people, all of whom are clearly hardier than a little bit of rain!


And so to each and every one of you that turned up last night, you beautiful, beautiful people, we here at J&H would like to say thank you.  You all made it a resounding success, and a thoroughly enjoyable experience for us here behind the characters.  And hopefully for yourselves too.  It meant a lot to us :love:


And if anyone ordered a drink that we missed, due to chatscroll... sorry!  We're looking into a system that probably involves poking us in whispers next time to ensure you don't get overlooked.  I'm not sure anyone -did- get overlooked, as I know Inarah and myself were scanning the chat until our eyeballs melted, along with Xivrez'to and Mihrimi, but better safe than sorry :P


We're already plotting the next event, and would like to offer up an open invitation.  If you'd like to perform, or offer some form of entertainment in any (mostly legal) way, shape or form, we'd love to hear from you either here or via whispers IG!


The Chocobo racing may or may not return, we're still unsure on that one but we know of at least one person wanting to start an illicit gambling ring over it.  Which could be fun :D It depends on how things go with the Golden Saucer's racing, I guess!


(*Cough* Squee *Cough* Golden saucer!)


If you want to see some images, then the lovely Inarah added some to her thank you post here (I do believe she took more than I, overall, and caught more of you throughout the event), and I'll add some to the end of this little ol' post for you all to peruse in a moment, after one final message:


See You Space Cowboy



(Couldn't resist.  Shoot me.)




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As Kilid says, the bar was a smashing success - thanks again to all you lovely people who attended. We're really looking forward to the next one!


But we're not resting on our laurels now. Tonight we have our weekly PVE night, running lowbie dungeons for our members still levelling up and some end game content for our 50s. Hooray for better gear and hopefully some fashionable new clothes for glamour!


Saturday we'll be wrapping up our first FC plotline and I'm quite excited to see how everyone plays their part. On Sunday, we're going to visit the Golden Saucer ICly with the whole company. Anyone interested in joining our company is welcome to come to the RP then (at 19.00 GMT in Ul'dah), ask questions both IC and OOC and otherwise get a feel for what our RP is like. Or if you just fancy RPing with us, by all means, go for it! :D

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happy that we all are going our marry way to the golden saucer event on sunday, yippie


Indeed we are, Mihrimi! :D As I said before, anyone is welcome to join us as well. Just meet us outside the front entrance of the Adventurer's Guild in Ul'dah at 19.00 GMT.


Also, last week's plotline event has finally been written up.



Chapter 4


Yukiki Yuki, the lalafell who hired Jackal & Hide for the Camp Bronze Lake escort, turned to them again for aid. With only a short letter to go on, asking that they meet her in Horizon with the specific request that they be as discreet as possible, the company made their way to Thanalan.


Having never been outside of La Noscea before, Kilid was grateful to Helia and P'etri for leading him, Myra and Xivrez'to to Horizon. "Looks jus' like Vesper. But less sea," he remarked with a shrug and scanned the village for their client. Yukiki was lurking in the shadows in a hooded robe; one would assume she was trying to look inconspicuous but her utter lack of subtlety merely made it that much easier for Kilid to find her.


After introductions and more than a few shrill demands that they keep quiet, Yukiki briefly explained the situation. A former business partner had entrusted the Bronze Lake shipment to her with the promise that it would help her break into the Limsan markets. She claimed that it was her partner, not herself, who was smuggling crystals and she needed their help to escape from law enforcement to her safe house in Golden Bazaar. Dubious glances were shared amongst the Jackal employees and friends; Helia in particular didn't believe it for a second, although she confessed her intense dislike for greedy Ul'dahns did make her opinion biased.


Kilid was unsure whether to believe this ill-tempered lalafell himself, but he trusted Inarah's judgment in accepting the job, and ordered everyone to move out. Before they set off, Helia cast a glamour on Yukiki to alter her appearance and allow them to travel without trouble from the authorities.


Aside from Xivrez'to's eccentric comments, the journey was without incident. The troupe arrived in Golden Bazaar and entered Yukiki's safe house. She tried to usher them on their way but Kilid and Helia demanded more detailed answers about her predicament.


With a heavy sigh, she gave them the truth: Papushasu, her former business partner, was also her former lover. He had indeed promised to help her break into new markets and, blinded by love, she didn't think twice about it and only gave the contents a cursory check before sending the caravan on its way. When the Yellowjackets questioned her about the crystals, all documentation proving that it was he and not she who had arranged the shipment vanished. She escaped arrest and went on the lam.


The company's attitude towards Yukiki softened upon hearing this and they offered their assistance in bringing the true culprit to justice - provided their client could pay, of course. She accepted and plans were soon set in motion to find evidence of her innocence, or proof of Papushasu's guilt; either way, Jackal & Hide had their work cut out for them.


Yukiki finally shooed the vagrants, as she called them, out and on their way. "Ah really need t' 'ave a word with 'Narah," Kilid sighed as he led the others back to Limsa Lominsa.


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A triple (Triad?) dose of news today, folks!


Firstly, I'm happy to report... that...


No, I'm sorry.  I can't say something about news and not do this:



Where was I?  Oh yeah.  So, I'm happy to report that last night, Jackal & Hide held another guild plot event, and it was a smash!  There was subterfuge!  There was intrigue!  There was... arson?  Anyway, it was fun, and thank you to all those in J&H (And out) that could make it.  Screenshots are to be found below, as ever.


(And a huge thank you to Tata's friend that let us abuse their house for the evening.  Any fire damage that may have ensued will of course be covered entirely by... someone.)


Second!  It's my great pleasure to announce two new acquisitions made by our HR department.  P'etri Ksobwa and Helia Haloren have officially joined the fray after RPing with us on and off for some time.  It's a great honour to have such talented RPers (And dungeoneers) join the ranks! :D Thank you, both of you :3


And finally, we're still recruiting!  While we're not looking to take on too many more people, there's still room for one or two more folks we feel would mesh well with the rest of the group ICly.  So, if you're looking for a home where work runs the gamut, from mingling and serving drinks at the fortnightly Sunny Seaside Bar event, to business dealings both honest and... otherwise, depending on the motivation, then send Inarah or myself a message via the RPC or IG, and we'll see what can be arranged.


Kilid, out.


Waiting on the others, Inarah and Kilid discuss their thoughts on each others' appearance.



Xiv, being handed his new 'identity' for the eve:



With everyone who should be present, present, the group discuss their strategy for the upcoming party infiltratrion:




On the march:



Hiding in plain sight, our intrepid adventurers play their parts to perfection:



Breaking off, Inarah and Kilid sneak away to start hunting for evidence:



Kilid keeping watch over the party:



Inarah finds a secret compartment!



But oh, no!  Someone's coming.  Pressing herself flat to the wall, our endagered Inarah keeps a keen ear perked...



With things... heating up 8-) the group make their excuses, and depart, posthaste:



Safely back out of sight at Horizon, Helia reads through the gathered documents Inarah managed to sneak out in a most... interesting manner.



And the big moment!  Helia and P'etri, after some teasing suspense, make their wishes to join Jackal & Hide officially known!



With a glass of wine in hand, Pope Helia Benedictus I settles in to explain more about her homeland to an enthralled group:



... Mostly enthralled.



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We had a wonderful time at the Golden Saucer on Sunday! Spent more gil than we earnt but nevermind, better luck next time.


Tonight we're doing a little something for Little Ladies' Day; apparently Kilid has plans, but it's a surprise. We wait with bated breath, Kilid!


Of course don't forget the Sunny Seaside Bar on Saturday, now with 100% More Triple Triad. ;)


Have some screenshots from our Golden Saucer visit!



Meeting up in Ul'dah.



Handing over our golden tickets to board the airship.



Xiv is so excited he immediately races off.



We decide to split up and meet later.



Nowt to end the day like a burger and a pint!



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A huge welcome to Thya, who joined us yesterday as the resident go-to metalworker for the guild! :D


I reckon we have one or two spots left before we close off company recruitment for a while and focus on group development.  If you feel you have anything to bring to the table, you want in on a close-knit group of RPers, and you remembered to bring gear with +resistance to Godsawful puns, pester us via the RPC or whisper!


In other news, last night we held a sortamini training event on the beach for our young Lala protege, Tata.  Sadly, it seems he's not really an axeman, but he does appear to be a natural with the ol' knives.





The beginning of our Little Ladies Day gift giving began, with Myra and Inarah receiving their gifts:




And as Inarah said, the Golden Saucer thing happened.  We ICly gained a Stone Wall that night, who has the dubious honour of getting to look intimidating for the company!  Yay Roegadyn!






Oh!  And we had an impromptu beat-up-the-leadership-in-the-name-of-sparring session, with P'etri and yours truly.




And tonight is our PvE night!  We're, uhh... busy! :D Amidst all the RP, we've got our final non-50's up to 50 (We ran them through AV, for the first time, with no wipes :3 ), and those of us who have been 50 for a while are now WoD- and Coil-ready.

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We had a great time last night at the second opening of the Sunny Seaside Bar. Thanks to everyone who attended and congratulations to Cinaed Wilder, our Triple Triad tournament winner! Despite not advertising quite as heavily as last time, the bar was still packed and our staff were certainly kept on their toes.







This week we also welcomed Thya Kahzuun, Z'thara Dhen and Yoral Porral to our ragtag bunch of misfits. Thya is our new resident blacksmith, Thara brings some sorely needed skill in stealth and Yoral claims to be a healer, albeit one who may have hit his head on coral a few too many times...


We've got quite a lot of work lined up, with a search for star maps on Monday, Stone Wall's dungeon adventure on Thursday and Kilid taking the reins for the company plotline event on Saturday. We hope everyone's ready to show us what they've got!


Finally, we're still recruiting for a couple more able bodies so if you're interested in joining then please get in touch in game or apply via our website. That's it from me, over and out!

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*Sails in atop the prow of the great ship H.M.S. Roleplay, accompanied by a flyby of roaring Spitfires, union-jack-trailing Dolphins carrying Bulldogs and Corgis, and several military marching bands playing Pomp and Circumstance*






As the beautiful Inarah posted prior, a great big welcome to Thya, Z'thara, and Yoral!  And a congratulations to Tata on becoming a fully-fledged member after impressing Inarah with his twin blades.  May the new blades he's been gifted serve him well in his coming adventures!


In other news:  The Sunny Seaside Bar event, while quieter (Thankfully!  Due to RL reasons we were a little understaffed this week, hence the lack of advertising), was still very entertaining, and hopefully all who turned up had a great time.  We hope we'll be seeing more of you all in the future!  We just need to decide on the coming theme... Please look forward to it.


Oh, and I'll second Inarah's congratulating of Cinaed Wilder who defeated allcomers to be crowned our first Triple Triad Tchampion. May your bottle of Bacchus go down well with whatever you spend your earnings on!












In other news, we ran another internal event seeking starmaps for a client on Monday.  While I'm pleased to say we acquired the maps, it wasn't the smoothest of operation.  Evidently, in the Roedagyn tongue, 'distraction' means 'charge on in, axe swinging, and let the heads roll'.  So that was interesting!  Casualties on the other side were many, and on our side only Inarah and Kilid ended up injured, with Inarah taking an axe to the thigh (Thankfully, the blow came at an odd angle, and she is still the proud bearer of that leg, and a newfound scar), and Kilid suffered an axe would to the shoulder, rather deeper, and is still recovering after some hurried on-the-spot healing.














Outside of RP, we've held two PvE nights, more gear has been acquired, and we're now pondering beginning the assault on the Binding Coils.  Which I'm told will be fun... no, not fun.  What was the word... opposite of fun.  Umm... oh, yeah.  I'm told it'll be Aurum Vale.


Upcoming events?  Check!


Tonight is Stone's first time DM'ing an event, and Saturday I'll be running something that maybe/maybe won't tie in with our current overarching story.  Time will tell.  Although as it's only two days off perhaps I'd better get a move on...




Jackals, out.



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Evidently' date=' in the Roedagyn tongue, 'distraction' means 'charge on in, axe swinging, and let the heads roll'.  [/quote']

Instructions unclear. Told to distract, distracted! Nobody bothered to explain tactics!


In other news, this ragtag crew of classy misfits and whats-ye-got-street-lifers are happy to welcome anyone seeking a crew to call friends! Don't be afraid to contact us if you want some contacts, business or just good old fashioned Tea-Parties (Not that we hold any) We don't bite! (Atleast not that much. Well, some of us might.)


So, speaking of business, if you're looking for some Escort/Guarding jobs done, No problem, we handle that! Aching to check if your houses Security still works, will do! (Warning, we discharge all Law issues of that what may turn a ''Breaking in'' into a ''Raze the House into Rubble'' situation.) Need a unpleasant person taken care of? Well, best look elsewhere. We're don't go after innocent people (As if there's any)


So! See you all around Eorzea! Happy Plundering an' Hunting hunting out there!

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Instructions unclear. Told to distract, distracted! Nobody bothered to explain tactics!


We did, you just didn't listen. :P


Last night we showcased our wares at the Mid-moon Meanders Market Meetup (try saying that three times fast!), with Thya providing some unique armour and Inarah offering tasty cuisine. Both seemed to go down a treat!


Once the market ended, we headed off for what was meant to be a straightforward contract negotiation but ended in betrayal and bloodshed.













Finally, presenting the most recent plotline event report for perusal:



Chapter 5


The Jackals met in the arid desert of Thanalan once again on their mission to set things right (for the right amount of coin, of course). Through Myra's connections with the Ul'dahn socialites, they obtained invitations to a private soiree thrown by none other than Papushasu himself. With false identities, flamboyant attire and more than a little makeup, the company headed towards a mansion in the Goblet to crash the party and search for evidence which would clear Yukiki's name.


Inarah and Kilid presented themselves as servants to the doorman and were quickly ushered in, with orders to get immediately to work. Xivrez'to claimed to be the son of a wealthy Gridanian trader, whilst Helia was apparently an Ishgardian with connections to the Holy See itself, and P'etri stood by as bodyguard. Their invitations were given a cursory examination before, they too, dressed to the nines as they were, passed through without incident.


As Kilid and Inarah busied themselves serving food and drink, Xivrez'to got cosy with a hyur noblewoman out on the prowl. Helia, in her glitzy clothing, immediately caught the eye of Papushasu who was eager to tell her of his new business plan. The greedy lalafell spoke of war, and how one might profit from it, with the right investments. The Keeper barely managed to hide her disgust but kept Papushasu talking long enough to obtain some juicy information.


The 'servants' managed to make their way upstairs to the bedrooms and office. Kilid stood watch, making a pretense of dusting ornaments (and pocketing some shiny paperweights), whilst Inarah picked the lock on a very large and very ornate desk. The documents she found within would have to be read later as time was ticking. She moved on to a sturdy dressing cabinet in the master bedroom and, after some prodding and poking, found a false wall with a lockbox on the shelf behind.


A tense few moments passed as she tried to pick the lock, only to hear footsteps in the corridor. The butler found Kilid shirking his duties and ordered him downstairs, although luckily didn't seem to notice Inarah lurking in the shadows. Once the voices had faded, she got back to work and cracked open the box. With naught but her clothes to hand, she stuffed the parchments she found into her top and casually made her way back downstairs.


Xivrez'to's romantic escapades with the noblewoman roused jealousy in another gentleman and it wasn't long before a scene was being made. Papushasu was just getting to the meat of his business proposal with Helia when screams rang out, causing the party to come screeching to a halt. Although the woman involved explained the situation, eyes were now on Xivrez'to and the other guests loudly wondered just who was this man?


Sensing their cover would shortly be blown, Helia 'accidentally' knocked over an oil lamp on the staircase as she left the mansion. A fire began to spread, the crowd went hysterical, and the Jackals took the opportunity to escape.


Once back in the safety of Horizon, Inarah rifled through the documents she found. Her attempts to work out the details fell short, however, and Helia kindly took over to read them. There were a number of contracts, all with merchants who sold armour and weaponry, and an unsigned letter on Papushasu's letterhead to a mercenary company based in Limsa Lominsa. The letter detailed an agreement whereby the company would intercept a shipment travelling from Limsa to Camp Bronze Lake, ensuring they left no evidence of their ties to Papushasu.


The Jackals looked round each other in surprise; the date, time and location matched the shipment Yukiki had asked them to guard and, indeed, it was intercepted. It seemed he used Yukiki as a mule to smuggle the crystals and pin any wrongdoing on her, should the job go awry. Helia suggested Kilid and Inarah present their evidence to the authorities and hope that whoever they speak to wouldn't be easily swayed by a bribe from the unscrupulous lalafell.


With the way forward becoming clear, the company chose to take a well earnt break and spent the rest of the evening relaxing with a bottle of wine pilfered from the mansion by Kilid. "Everythin's comin' t'gether well...mebbe a little too well," Inarah mused as she took a long sip from her glass.


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So, what's been going on with Jackal & Hide of late, I hear you ask!

(Because I'm psychic.  OOoooooOOOOOOoohhh! *Waggles fingers*)


Well!  As Inarah mentioned in the previous post, we had our presence at the Mid-Moon Meanders Market Meetup, joint-hosted by the Kindred, and the Harbingers of Dawn.  Inarah's cooking went down a storm, friends and contacts were made, and our resident smith, Thya, found some admirers for her wares!





And, of course, there was the contract-negotiation-turned-ambush, that could have gone very very wrong for Stone, Thara, Inarah and myself, were it not for the timely arrival of P'etri, Helia and Thya.







Stone Wall hosted his first event for Jackal & Hide!  I'm pleased to report that absolutely no-one died, so we're calling it an overall success! :D Sadly, I wasn't present for it, but it sounds like everyone had fun, and it ended up with treasure, I do believe, which is always nice *Isn't jealous of the treasure* *No, really* *... maybe a little*









In other, non-event news everyone in the company has been levelling/gearing up nicely.  Congratulations to all those who have reached 50 with more classes!  Inarah and I are so proud of you all *Sniff* They level up so fast, these days...


*Ahem* Anyway... in a semi-FC related turn of events, Kilid and Inarah are engaged!  Congratulations to us both!  Soon the pair will be departing on their pilgrimage to visit all twelve shrines across the Eorzea, so please wish them the best as they venture off to new and unknown places! :3


The time and date of the ceremony will be posted at a later date (Once we know what it is) and is open to all in the company, along with friends and allies from outside.  Invites will, of course, be sent via Moogle post, because the idea of Moogle's delivering mail still makes this grown, mature FC leader giggle.


On Saturd-... TOMORROW (Where has the time gone?!?) marks the third Sunny Seaside Bar event, and this time we're expecting to have some more staff to hand!  There's a talent contest taking place for those who (think/feel/hope/pray they) have talent, and for those who would rather just sit back, relax, and enjoy a Mysterious Cocktail™, you can do just that!  Enjoy the show, and cast your votes to decide who takes home the grand prize of Something Nice™!


Hope to see you all there, folks!  It begins at 19:00 GMT, with the talent contest beginning at 20:00!


Peace out,




*Strolls out to the tune of Renegade*


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It's time for a wee update. First up, well done to Thya and Z'thara who've passed their trial period and are now proper members of our Crew!


Next, we had a great time last night with our third running of the Sunny Seaside Bar. Congratulations to Devin Grey and Yoral Porral for their joint first place, voted for by our lovely patrons!




After we shut the bar, Inarah, Kilid and Xiv headed to Fuji's Date Auction where Xiv bought himself a date. Let's hope Xiv doesn't mentally scar the lucky man...


Earlier this week, we took a little visit to Gridania. Some of us had never been there before so Thya led a tour of the city and parts of the Shroud. We bumped into our friend, Vana'to, at the Sanctum of the Twelve.













What's up for us next? Our first company plot will be winding up over the next couple weeks and, as ever, another opening of the Sunny Seaside Bar on 4 April.


And that's it from me. You stay classy, Eorzea!

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[align=center]♪ Where the palm trees grow ♪

♪ All along the shore ♪

♪ Where the salty breezes blow ♪

♪ There's always room for more ♪

Hint: It's Costa Del Sol[/align]


I, Yoral Porral, expert on sea slime and pebbles joined Jackal & Hide only a few weeks ago now and I thought it was about time to post a little something here about my experience so far.


Firstly, they're an incredibly friendly bunch, they welcomed me with open arms and supported my character concept from the get-go. Plus you wouldn't believe how hard working they are, but maybe that's because this is a newish guild and they haven't become horribly jaded yet (THAT'LL NEVER HAPPEN!). What struck me most is that they're very open to a full spectrum of different characters and are always really inclusive, which I think is a really special thing since this is in fact a sneaky sneaky cloak and dagger guild leave your morals at the door. I think there's room for everyone, even Stone Wall who has an IQ in the minus numbers, poor guy.


Is that enough praise? No! They're also expert PvEers and have offered to help me every time I have gotten myself into a sticky situation. They helped me send the Lord of Crags back from whence he came and they didn't even break a sweat. The Lord of Crags, I say! A Primal! Now you know what sort of heroes you're dealing with.


I would easily recommend this guild to anyone, but especially if you're in Europe and especially if you have little to no morals. ^^


Small note regarding J'inarah and J'kilid: They're super! They work tirelessly for this guild and provide so much opportunity for us role-players. They are a real boon to this community and Balmung as a whole. I'd advise you look them up! But they do come as a pair, urgh, couples.


Extra extra note: You should join this guild if you want extra hawt screenshots. Seriously, J'kilid is the king of screenshots.

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