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Awkward Hellos and all that!

Gurren Dai

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A-Ah, so this is my first time on this forums so...uh, yes! Hello to you all! I'm Gurren, but I also Anwser to Coke, Diet Coke, Diet, Etc. I'm technically not new to either this game or Role Play, It's my first time back in a while, and seeing as how I'm interested in the RP scene of most games I play...y-yeah. ^^


Ah, anyways. I have RP experience in other MMOs, mainly SWTOR and TESO. I hope I'm not like, making myself look like a jerk for saying that. I hope we can all get to know each other more soon~!

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Hello and welcome! :D


The world's tiniest pugilist, punching everyone's kneecaps.


What about biting them?



I feel that biting also works, if they have poorly defended knees.


So everyone, protect yo kneecaps.


But yes, when spots open up on Balamung (or I get to do character transfers) or on Gilgamesh (I already have a character there that I can transfer), I plan on rolling a Lalafell Pugilist.

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