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Looking for a Retainer for hire

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My character is one that travels around a lot and collects a lot of stuff from his travels. He has little means of organizing it and little idea where he is going. There is also simply general tasks he can not accomplish when traveling around all the time. So anyone that may be interested. I would like to get a IC retainer for my character. You would have to be at least fairly active, willing to IC handle and organize his stuff and do the odd jobs he does not have time to do himself while aiding him in jobs he can't do alone. Beyond that I am open to anyone. :3

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This sounds ridiculously adorable. Before the game launched I was in love with the idea of people playing as couriers and things like that since I was just imagining RP'ing in the world and doing my won thing and then just suddenly having someone walk up to me and deliver a message out of the blue.


....not that that will probably fall into that category but it reminded me of it! Good luck with your search in any case (^^/

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I might be interested in this! Y'lani works with a few organizations, but at the moment, she's still desperate for some quick gil. If she's paid, she'd be willing to do (almost) anything he asked.


beware of her sparse English/Eorzean skills. she couldn't write a proper sentence if her life depended on it, and speaking is also hard for her.


I think it'd be a fun connection!

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We can undergo trial periods for a retainer to see if they enjoy the job. Enzo is a pretty cheerful and kind person that gets along with most people. But he would hope to be able to find a Retainer possibly for the long term. I can assure you that I can find almost no end of stuff for you to do if you are lacking on RP. Enzo is not poor IC. But he is not rich OOC. So if you are looking for real gil I can't really help you there xD But he could afford a retainer IC and keep them fairly well paid if you are just looking for an excuse to use fancy clothes and knick knacks you would not normally have.


As I said the main duties would be:

-Organizing and care taking of extra possessions and things collected on adventures.

-Undertaking tasks Enzo does not have time for. Such as going to the market to buy food. Sending a message to someone or to Enzo, or to check out something he may be interested in, ect.

-Aiding in tasks Enzo can not undertake alone. You do not need to be able to fight. But simply being a second pair of eyes at an event or being able to run for help if something were to go awry would work just fine.


The perks of being Enzo's retainer would be more imaginary gil to fund whatever tickles your fancy, and Enzo would be more than willing to stand up for his Retainer and take care of them should they get into trouble or need protection. Much like how a company would protect its employees or a Lord his peoples. Also my best attempts to make your characters life more interesting/exciting should that be what they are looking for.

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Oh, definitely! I would never expect real gil in exchange for roleplay. I'm hoping to give Y'lani experiences like this, among others, to develop her: and I can tell you that she may even be a little defensive at first, but she holds high loyalty to her friends and employers.

Those all seem like things within her skill range, mhm! As long as the orders are spoken plainly, she can do them, and an added bonus is that she's far from bad when it comes to fist fights and melee combat. That's what she's trained for.


I'm here for the long-term. I'm a sucker for character development; anything to make my character feel real somehow. That development over an extended period of time is best, so it seems like we're on the same page! A trial period sounds great.


EDIT: I am super sorry for my chunky responses. I'm on mobile, eeep!

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Oh, definitely! I would never expect real gil in exchange for roleplay. I'm hoping to give Y'lani experiences like this, among others, to develop her: and I can tell you that she may even be a little defensive at first, but she holds high loyalty to her friends and employers.

Those all seem like things within her skill range, mhm! As long as the orders are spoken plainly, she can do them, and an added bonus is that she's far from bad when it comes to fist fights and melee combat. That's what she's trained for.


I'm here for the long-term. I'm a sucker for character development; anything to make my character feel real somehow. That development over an extended period of time is best, so it seems like we're on the same page! A trial period sounds great.


EDIT: I am super sorry for my chunky responses. I'm on mobile, eeep!


*Pats on the head* There there xD

Well feel free to message Enzo Dubhthach in-game anytime. And we can arrange an IC meeting <3

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