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Hello everyone!

Sacha Desyre

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Hey there! Going by my character's name here, but CJ is also welcome. I am a female player from the UK and play a lovely male Keeper of the Moon~


I'm not new to the game, have been playing for a while on the Moogle server, but recently was getting bummed out that the Roleplayers seemed to be on Balmung. So I managed to snag a spot there with Sacha and hope to get him out of his (or rather get out of mine) shell there.


Though I am not new to the game, I am new to roleplaying on MMOs. I have been eager to get into roleplaying as a whole again and what better way then to doing so on my favourite game!


Here's hoping that I make some good friends on here and shall be posting more about Sacha in the next day or so! Eager to get started! :cactuar:

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Welcome to the RPC! :D If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! I'm fairly new myself but I'll try to help as much as I am able. ^^


Also I can't wait to meet you in game! :D If you want to RP just pop me a line on any of the three characters I have listed below as they're the ones I'm leveling. Would love to try and start something up.

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Welcome to Balmung, a more elegant server for a more civilised player!


Inarah beat me to linking the EU directory, and so I'll just say...


Hey!  Hope to see you about IG, enjoy your time here.

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