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Vel Ymir

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I already made a thread over in the 'Making Connections' sub-board, but I thought I'd properly introduce myself to the site here.


So, hello!  My character's name is Jinh'a Ganaji and I reside mainly on Balmung.  I am still fairly new to the game (and RP in general) and looking to meet new people to share my experiences with.  I am always open to chatting and/or RP, so please don't hesitate to look me up! 


I will be working on my wiki shortly and hope to immerse myself in other parts of the site in due time.  I am also on the lookout for a FC and/or Linkshell to join.  If you're curious about my interests in this area you can read more over yonder.


Thanks for reading!  I look forward to making new friends around here.  :D

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Welcome to the community!


Hopefully you find what you're looking for in terms of your FC/Linkshell search.

Do not be afraid to poke me ingame should you ever run into my main or alts!

I'll be sure to do the same, take care! :)

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