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Entry 16 - No Second Chances

Dwassyith Swanra


Having agreed to take the risk to rescue Myrrhantan, the group travelled to the location of trade that was left on the map; The Sagolii Desert.Once there, they found the captive Inkeeper chained to a metal structure - but between themselves and he who they sought to rescue, there was an open area. Attempting to approach quietly, using the cliffs for cover, did not work out. A disturbance of the rocks under their feet revealed their posistion and triggered a signal from those who had been waiting for their arrival. A large crowd of slaves and two large coaches pulled by chocobo, which had been hidden by the large dune at the group's flank, charged forth and surrounded them. The Master of the Second himself, Jacques Vaincannet, and many of his accomplices appeared atop the cliffs behind them. A battle ensued - pitting the group against starving couerls that were released from the first coach. The crowd seemed restless. The second coach was opened, revealing naught but a group of children - all armed.

The crowd, having not foreseen this, reacted in different ways. Those loyal to the Second roared for blood, those new or wanting freedom from such a barbaric 'army', cried for justice. A rebellious fight began in the crowd, some parents making it through to rescue their children. Meanwhile - a powerful blast from one of the group caused the cliffs some collapse, meaning some men toppled over the edge. Already injured, the party could not afford another battle - instead, whilst Xihsa'li and Doyi took to battling Llewyn, Norien took out Jacques with two arrows and watched his lifeless body topple onto the sands. Freedom was had, but not without casualties, the group headed back to their accomodation to lick their wounds.Those who rose up against the loyalists within the Second's rank thanked the group and have since been seen in contact with Z'firah Rhell on more than one occassion.

[Written by Z'firah Rhell]


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