Closed Club
This is a closed club, some content may be hidden to non members.
Maelstrom Command RP Community
AKA FLEET (Balmung)
Grand Company / Military / Law Enforcement / Adventuring
**NOTE: In order to join you must fill out a Character Sheet.
Requesting to join the RPC Club page or joining the discord is only one part of the joining process. RPC Club join requests will be denied after 7 days if a Character Sheet for your character is not submitted within that time frame. The same goes for discord joins that are missing a Character Sheet: you will be removed from the discord after 7 days if a Character Sheet for your character is not submitted within that time frame.
Step by step instructions for joining can be found at the bottom of this page. It's important that you complete every step!
We are a Discord & LinkShell focused RP community – meaning that while we do have a Free Company, no one is required to join the Free Company to be considered a fully fledged member of the community. You don't have to leave your FC friends to play with us!
Located on the Balmung server, we're always accepting new members and we love helping out with events for other RP groups too. While we do accept characters from other servers, please note that we do not have a cross-realm LS. Cross-realm LS's are limited to 64 characters and that's not nearly enough space for us. Most critical planning communications happen in our discord, however, so having access to our discord and RPC Club page are more important than access to the LS.
For more info on how to join, or how to ask us to help out with you event, read the info below!
Following major Grand Company related MSQ themes, we put our heads together as a group and plan out months-long RP campaigns with a focus on enriching our individual character stories. To minimize burnout, we take turns leading events, each player volunteering to lead one or two of the main events in the campaign. Main events typically take place every other weekend with more casual themed events every other Wednesday night.
If you'd like to participate, join the Discord/LS community!
Though we are a military group, our IC flavor is a little bit different than your typical military setup. In a nutshell, the Maelstrom is comprised of former pirate crews, each whom had agreed to serve whichever Admiral might be sitting in Limsa's high seat at the time. When Merlwyb won the most recent Trident competition, declared martial law, and essentially established herself as the permanent leader of the Limsan Navy, many former Knights of the Barracuda made the switch to the newly reestablished Grand Company of Limsa Lominsa (the Maelstrom). Overall, they're an organized military group, with a clear rank and uniform hierarchy, that operates in a slightly more chaotic good/chaotic neutral alignment than similar groups.
OOCly, we are a largely community run group, meaning that the members are given as much creative power as they would like in creating events and deciding what direction we would like to go as a group ICly. We are constantly collaborating: planning events together, taking turns DMing, finding ways to tie our character's backstories together, etc.! Our focus as a community is to help each other move the personal stories of our individual characters forward, using the backdrop of Limsan lore and a loose military structure as a force that helps drive it all forward – with Sylb (MoenMoen) acting as the safeguard/protector, and the social main tank, for the community. We value quality over quantity, and real life events over RP pretendy time. Event attendance is never required!
Above all else, we are determined to be a safe place to share ideas, grow as creatives, and to have fun, dangit!! We avoid drama like the plague, encourage one another, and have each other's back at all turns.
As a bonus, we have cultivated an atmosphere that is a genuine safe place for members of the LGBTQA+ groups to hang out without worry of judgement or bullying.
See what our members have to say about their experiences in the FLEET community here:

Who we are ICly:
Officially commissioned personnel in the Maelstrom Grand Company!
- Maelstrom Soldiers
- Knights of the Barracuda
- Yellowjackets
- Foreign Levy (Adventurers)
- Privateers (Trade, War, & Black Sails)
- Mealvaan's Gate assessors

Who we are OOCly:
Friendly nerds who love to chatter and hang out and goof around!
- Human meme generators
- Housing fanatics
- Glamour savants
- Artists & writers
- Emoji addicts
- Mighty Punishers
1. Read the Rules, Ranks, and Uniform Requirements below
OOC Rules
Neglecting to follow these rules may result in you being removed from the LS/FC. Three strikes and you're out no matter how much we love you. It's that simple. So, read carefully. :]
1. Be Respectful
Honor people's personal OOC boundaries, understand that no means no and don't be pushy. Don't get hostile or belittle others due to differences in OOC beliefs. No name calling. No bigotry of any kind. No rape jokes. No trolling RP. No godmodeing. And when someone asks you to stop doing/talking about something in a public channel, stop.
This is, and will always be, a LGBT friendly zone!
2. Be encouraging and supportive of one another
Help each other out ICly & OOCly. Say hello to new members. Cheer each other on!
3. Be proactive about RP
Don't wait for LS leadership to create cool events for you – if you have an idea, create your own event for the LS!
4. No Drama
If you have an issue with another player, work it out amongst yourselves. Do not drag other people in the LS into the situation. Do not gossip, spread rumors, or complain about other players, characters, LinkShells, or Free Companies in the public channels. If you can't work the issue out privately, then let Sylb know and he'll help!
5. Keep it family friendly-ish
NSFW content and innuendos should be contained to our 18+ NSFW Discord channel. Even then, keep it light – this is not the place to express dark fantasies. If it's illegal or violent, it doesn't belong in public chat.
6. Be OOCly aligned with the Maelstrom Grand Company
IF you are a Maelstrom soldier IC. Uniform requirements call for Maelstrom GC standing, so Maelstrom it is! If you're a freelancer then this rule doesn't apply to you.
7. Send other LS/FCs who want to do stuff with us to the Event Request form, please!
If someone outside of the LS/FC expresses interest in ICly starting a plot with us with us, ask them to fill out the Event Request Form:
8. Don't take over a fellow LS/FC Member's scheduled event
If a fellow LS Member has volunteered to take lead on an RP event, please do not ICly advance that RP story without first OOCly getting the event leader's approval – even if external parties ICly bait you/OOCly ask you to!
IC Rules
These are a set of IC rules that your character must ICly follow – or face IC consequences of breaking these rules. IC consequences will be OOCly discussed ahead of time.
NOTE: Commander Ostulmsyn can grant personal clearance for some of these rules if circumstances require it.
1. Follow your orders
and respect your commanding and superior officers
2. While on duty, do not remove your uniform
unless life or limb depends on it
3. While off duty, do not pursue perpetrators
or investigate cases etc. – instead, call it in & the soldiers currently on duty will respond
4. Do not get involved with crimes outside of Maelstrom jurisdiction
(La Noscea) instead, call it in and alert either the Adders or the Flames, depending on which presides over the territory
5. When dealing with civilians, always strike to stun
then make the arrest – never kill, even if they're armed
6. Strike to kill only if your commanding officer clears you to do so
otherwise strike to stun and make an arrest
7. No guests allowed in restricted areas (FC rooms)
within the Command Center (FC house) unless they have been granted special clearance from a Storm Captain or from Commander Ostulmsyn himself
8. Weapons and magic are never to be used indoors
at the Command Center (FC house) – weapons will always be checked in at the door
9. Do not attempt to enter a maximum security area
(empty star RP Rooms in the FC house) without proper clearance from a Storm Captain or Commander Ostulmsyn
10. Carbuncles are not allowed indoors
at the Command Center (FC house) thanks to an unfortunate exploding carbuncle incident in the Mess Hall
Ranks & Uniform Requirements
Here in FLEET, we adhere to the original Maelstrom lore regarding ranks which differs from the newer in-game Grand Company Barracks mechanic that was introduced. If you're hoping to be a Lieutenant, Captain, or Elite ICly so that you can wear the coat/gear ICly, know that we treat the Lieutenant and Captain coats, and all Elite gear, as "fancy military dress wear" that personnel can wear to special events regardless of their IC rank. All Lieutenants, Captains, and Elites are still required to wear the same plain old dress and field gear outlined in the Uniform Requirements below. Also keep in mind that all characters that are Lieutenant rank or higher will be required to create and run RP events for the LinkShell community, whereas creating & running events for lower IC ranking characters is optional.
There are 3 uniforms that you will be responsible for acquiring for your character. Some require Grand Company Seals, some require crafted items that will need to be dyed, and some require dungeon drops.RP events will often require uniforms. Info about which uniform to wear will be found in the event details in our Discord #event-postings channel.
1. Dress Uniform
Typically worn when the Maelstrom is meant to leave an impression and be clearly visible. Within city limits, special occasions, official briefings etc.
2. Field Uniform
Typically worn for day-to-day grungier work outside of city limits.
3. Chocobo Barding
Worn (by their chocobo) whenever traveling while on duty.
Organized from highest rank to lowest~
Storm Commander
Status: Commissioned Officer
IC Role
Every Levy is lead by one Commander, who is the highest ranking officer in the Levy. The Commander interacts directly with the Coral Tower and accepts/delegates assignments, while the Captains beneath them relay and carry out instructions to the Units/crews.
This rank is primarily administrative, communicating with the Coral Tower and following their orders, but like the Captains, they too can be seen on the ground/sea in the thick of the action.
**Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn is the Commander of 1st Squadron, 9th Levy – the primary Levy for this LS/FC.
OOC Role
Create an RP event for the LS/FC about once every month, and be available to ICly take charge of situations and give IC orders at events that occur in the day-to-day.
NOTE: Sylb is the sole leader of the Maelstrom Command RP Community OOCly. Joining as a Commander ICly won't elevate you to a position of OOC leadership over the community at large.

Dress Uniform – Commander
Company Hat (Dalamud Red)
Lominsan Officer’s Overcoat (7,340 GC Seals)
Lominsan Officer’s Gloves (4,650 GC Seals)
surprise us
Lominsan Officer’s Boots (5,100 GC Seals)
your choice!

Field Uniform – Commander
Felt Cavalier's Hat (Soot Black)
Felt Bliaud / Wolf Bliaud (Rolanberry Red)
Felt Trousers (Goobbue Grey)
Mercenary Leggings (Lotus Pink)
*Wanderer’s Palace drop (NM) - first boss
your choice!
Lominsan Crested Barding (8,000 Grand Company Seals)
Storm Captain
Status: Commissioned Officer
IC Role
Captains command the Units within a Levy, using Lieutenants to assist. Aboard a naval vessel, the Captain is the highest ranking commissioned officer and is responsible for the day-to-day affairs of the ship.
At this rank, an officer will have to spend a considerable amount of time on paperwork, supervision, and supply requests. How much direct combat they face varies, but they are still active field officers, and therefore are still seen on the field.
OOC Role
Create an RP event for the LS/FC about once every 2 months, and be available to ICly take charge of situations and give IC orders at events that occur in the day-to-day.
Storm Lieutenant
Status: Commissioned Officer
IC Role
Lieutenants serve immediately subordinate to a Captain. While the Captain may oversee the function of all Units within a Levy, Lieutenants may be assigned to command each one (while using higher ranking/more experienced Sergeant to assist them).
OOC Role
Create an RP event for the LS/FC about once every 3 months, and be available to ICly take charge of situations and give IC orders at events that occur in the day-to-day.

Dress Uniform – Captain & Lieutenant
Lominsan Officer’s Cap (4,800 GC Seals)
Lominsan Officer’s Overcoat (7,340 GC Seals)
Lominsan Officer’s Gloves (4,650 GC Seals)
surprise us
Lominsan Officer’s Boots (5,100 GC Seals)
your choice!

Field Uniform – Captain & Lieutenant
Woolen Cavalier's Hat (Soot Black)
Woolen Bliaud (Rust or Blood Red)
Cotton Sarouel (Undyed)
DoM: Linen Sarouel of Gathering (undyed)
Goatskin Leggings (Bark Brown)
DoM: Archaeoskin Jackboots of Crafting (Bark Brown)
your choice!
Lominsan Crested Barding (8,000 Grand Company Seals)
Storm Sergeant
Status: Petty Officer
IC Role
As the lowest rank of officer in the Maelstrom, Sergeants do not have their own command. However, they can assist under the supervision of Lieutenants or the permission of Captains. This usually happens in larger Levy or Unit with need of more supervising officers, but it can occur in smaller ones if necessary.
Most specialists aboard a ship (e.x. Midshipmen, armourers, Masters-at-arms) are Sergeants. In infantries (e.x. Yellowjackets and Storm outposts in Vylbrand), many Sergeants can be found as Drill Sergeants, Quartermasters, or Boatswains.
OOC Role
We ask that Sergeants be available to ICly take charge of situations and give IC orders at events that occur in the day-to-day should no Lieutenant or Captain be present.

Dress Uniform – Sergeant
Lominsan Soldier’s Cap (680 GC Seals)
Lominsan Soldier’s Overcoat (1,040 GC Seals)
Lominsan Soldier’s Gloves (660 GC Seals)
surprise us
Lominsan Soldier’s Boots (730 GC Seals)
your choice!

Field Uniform – Sergeant
Storm Sergeant's Sallet (2,860 GC Seals)
DoM: Silver Circlet (Garnet)
Storm Sergeant's Bliaud (3,280 GC Seals)
Storm Private's Trousers (1,360 GC Seals, Soot Black)
DoM: Chimerical Felt Skirt (Slate Grey)
Storm Sergeant's Leggings (2,710 GC Seals)
DoM: Archaeoskin Jackboots of Crafting (Charcoal Grey)
your choice!
Lominsan Barding (6,000 Grand Company Seals)
Storm Corporal & Storm Private
Status: Enlisted
IC Role
Lowest ranks in the Maelstrom. These men and women are the ordinary able-bodied foot soldiers and seamen of the Thalassocracy. While belonging to the Maelstrom affords some measure of status and respect, these are still the “grunts” of the Grand Company.
The majority of Maelstrom soldiers fall under these ranks. While they are able to advance their station through merit, actions for the Maelstrom, or the acquisition of Storm Seals, most will never become anything other than enlisted.
OOC Role
We ask that Corporals & Privates follow IC orders! No IC leadership required.

Dress Uniform – Corporal & Private
Lominsan Soldier’s Cap (680 GC Seals)
Lominsan Soldier’s Overcoat (1,040 GC Seals)
Lominsan Soldier’s Gloves (660 GC Seals)
surprise us
Lominsan Soldier’s Boots (730 GC Seals)
your choice!

Field Uniform – Corporal & Private
Storm Private's Sallet (1,280 GC Seals)
DoM: Velveteen Wedge Cap of Crafting (Adamantoise Green)
Storm Private's Bliaud (1,960 GC Seals)
Cotton Sarouel (Adamantoise Green)
DoM: Linen Sarouel of Gathering (Adamantoise Green)
Storm Private's Leggings (970 GC Seals)
DoM: Archaeoskin Jackboots of Crafting (Shale Brown)
your choice!
Lominsan Barding (6,000 Grand Company Seals)
Recruit & Initiate
Status: Enlisted, but in training
IC Role
These are the characters who have just enlisted in the Maelstrom and are undergoing training. It can include fresh faced youngins who've never seen battle of any kind before, and seasons veterans who might be pros when it comes to weaponry but are absolute shite when it comes to working alongside other soldiers as a team (and therefore require training more for the teamwork and tactics aspect).
OOC Role
We ask that Recruites & Initiates follow IC orders! No IC leadership required.
NONE – Recruits & Initiates are too low ranking to have proper dress uniforms.

Field Uniform – Recruit & Initiate
Storm Private's Sallet (1,280 GC Seals)
DoM: Velveteen Wedge Cap of Crafting (Adamantoise Green)
Storm Private's Bliaud (1,960 GC Seals)
Cotton Sarouel (Adamantoise Green)
DoM: Linen Sarouel of Gathering (Adamantoise Green)
Storm Private's Leggings (970 GC Seals)
DoM: Archaeoskin Jackboots of Crafting (Shale Brown)
your choice!
Lominsan Half Barding (4,000 Grand Company Seals)
Status: Enlisted
IC Role
Basic law enforcement for Lominsan territories – especially beyond Limsa Lominsa itself. All Yellowjackets appear to wear the same uniform regardless of rank with the exception of the rare Yellowjacket Major, who appears to be the highest possible Yellowjacket rank and thus wears a different helm.
OOC Role
We ask that Yellowjackets follow IC orders! No IC leadership required.

Field Uniform – Yellowjacket Major
Linen Shirt (Honey Yellow)
Fingerless Boarskin Gloves (Soot Black)
Woolen Sarouel (Soot Black)
Vintage Thighboots (Shadow Blue)
Any Maelstrom issued gun

Field Uniform – Yellowjacket
Iron Sallet (Soot Black)
Linen Shirt (Honey Yellow)
Fingerless Boarskin Gloves (Soot Black)
Woolen Sarouel (Soot Black)
Vintage Thighboots (Shadow Blue)
Storm Private’s Labrys (1,170 GC Seals)
Lominsan Half Barding (4,000 Grand Company Seals)
Status: Depends on the character's IC rank within the Maelstrom
IC Role
These are all enlisted characters that serve the Maelstrom but do so without seeing actual combat. They may stay behind and tend to the base, focus on administrative tasks or research, practice law, etc. Non-combatants can be found in any Unit and can be of any IC rank.
OOC Role
Depends on the character's IC rank. Please see the spoiler drop down containing the rank of your character for more info.
Depends on the character's IC rank. Take a look at the spoiler dropdown containing information about the character's rank and adhere to the dress uniform requirements found there.

Field Uniform – Non-combatant
Wind Silk Wedge Cap (undyed)
Company Tabard (Dalamud Red)
Amateur’s Breeches (Soot Black)
Lominsan Soldier’s Boots (730 GC Seals)
Any book, if equipment is visible
Depends on the character's IC rank. Take a look at the spoiler dropdown containing information about the character's rank and adhere to the chocobo barding requirements found there.
Foreign Levy (Adventurers), Mealvaan's Gate, Privateers
Status: Enlisted on a "freelance" basis
IC Role
The Foreign Levy refers to all Adventurers who assist the Maelstrom. Mealvaan's Gate officials are Limsa's "cusoms" department, checking all incoming and outgoing ships to ensure that all cargo is legal, and that everything is as its supposed to be. Privateers are pirates for hire, their agreement to the Admiral is to pirate all Garlean ships they find – and no Maelstrom ships – and bring all of the spoils back to Limsa. Some are contracted by the Maelstrom to fight on behalf of Limsa as well.
OOC Role
We ask that Foreign Levy (Adventurers), Mealvaan's Gate officials, and Privateers follow IC orders! No IC leadership required.
No requirements. Wear what you'd like!
No requirements. Wear what you'd like!
Lominsan Half Barding (4,000 Grand Company Seals) if you're aligned with the Maelstrom Grand Company and you have it, otherwise any red colored barding will do.
2. Fill out a Character Sheet
One per character you wish to add: or click the spoiler link to fill out the form on this page (desktop only)
Fill out a character sheet on this page
3. Request to join this RPC Maelstrom Command Club
We use this RPC Club page for all of our event scheduling. For that reason we do require that everyone join the RPC, then our Club page, so that they have access to our calendar.
4. Join our Discord and contact a Recruitment Team Member
We're all busy folks – you and us both! Ideally we'd like to get every new member in within 3 days after submitting a character sheet. In order to make that happen, however, we'll need you to be proactive in reaching out to one of our Recruitment Team Members. The easiest way is to join our discord and set up a time to chat:
If you'd prefer to be on the lookout in game, however, watch for:
- Sounsyy Mirke
- Honoura Hawke
- Rinh Panipahr
- Jordan Kennedy
You find them by either running a search function in game ( /sea ) to see if they're currently online, or stop by our FC house (Mist W7:P2) and ask whoever you find there if they can see if one of the above is available to get you in.
Involve us in your RP plot:
- Think about what you'd like the Maelstrom's IC involvement to be (friends or foes?)
- Figure out a loose timeline (7+ days advance notice preferred)
- Fill out this Event Request form:
- Sylb will contact you and figure something out!