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About This Club

Both the teachers and students at Lunar are players roleplaying their characters. Most roleplay revolves around scheduled classes (60–120 minutes) that teach various subjects related to adventuring life. We also have student-run clubs, field trips and fun seasonal events organized by the student council. We have a free company house (Balmung Goblet W4 P60) where most classes and casual roleplay tends to happen. It holds classrooms, a cafeteria and even a theatre! Lunar has an official school uniform that students are expected to wear for all school outings in order to represent our amazing (and sometimes a little wacky) community. If you're interested in checking us out, go on ahead and click on the 'Lunar Rose Discord and Class Schedule Links' topic, or simply navigate to 'Rules' above, for links to both our Discord and daily class schedule!





Group Type

Free Company

RP Intensity




  1. What's new in this club
  2. until
    Lunar Rose Academy's monthly assembly, held in the cafeteria on the first Saturday of every month! Anyone interested in seeing Lunar Rose in action for themselves is more than welcome to come by! The monthly assembly will cover all upcoming events, classes, and news. Hope to see you there!
  3. until
    Lunar Rose Academy's monthly assembly, held in the cafeteria on the first Saturday of every month! Anyone interested in seeing Lunar Rose in action for themselves is more than welcome to come by! The monthly assembly will cover all upcoming events, classes, and news. Hope to see you there!
  4. until
    Lunar Rose Academy's monthly assembly, held in the cafeteria on the first Saturday of every month! Anyone interested in seeing Lunar Rose in action for themselves is more than welcome to come by! The monthly assembly will cover all upcoming events, classes, and news. Hope to see you there!
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