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  1. Izayoi almost won. I swear, she's got the god's own luck.
  2. Look at that skinny nerd up there. Who does he think he is being so boring!
  3. Small child sells soul for friendship and a "Hero of Justice" membership card.
  4. Hello, all! After finally having gotten off my lazy bum and transferring to Balmung, I'm ready to get some connections for my little girl(otherwise, that'd be 18$ wasted) and started RPing! The first thing to note is that I am available any time after 12PM on Mondays Wednesdays, and Fridays. My timezone is CST, so keep that in mind! Next up...a little about how I RP, I guess, or what I'm looking for as a new RPer. All forms of RP are fine by me, from light-hearted to mature and dark. I am not an RPer that rejects any style, as I am a writer first and foremost. I generally write in character while in-game as well, unless I have something specific to ask, such as questions about mechanics or "where can I find...?" That being said, I'm a new RPer, so I may have some faults here and there. Pleeease, don't hate me for that! Onto the character that I want to form connections... Izayoi Ashikaga, Dark Knight fledgling and all-around goodie-two shoes. Physically, she looks like any other Xaela(her name being the result of a young adoption), black horns and all. Her defining characteristics would have to be her heterochromatic eyes(blue and purple, respectively) and white hair. Emotionally, she's a bit of a wild-card, and veers between extremes of unnatural calm, cold fury, and uncontrollable excitement. Most people assume she's always calm, or exceedingly sarcastic, because of her flat-tone and matter-of-factly way of speaking(specifically telling people "I'm happy" when she's happy with an almost perfect monotone), and to hear her say it, she agrees despite her mood changing on the spot in most scenarios. The result of her rapidly changing mood comes from her foray into the path of a Dark Knight, leading her to put her emotions first in all things. Because of this, she's foolhardy, idealistic, and a little selfish because of her inexperience in the world, but...well, her heart is in the right place! Last on the docket is the type of connections she's looking for! --- Friends: Izayoi has relatively few contacts outside of Ul'dah because she doesn't like the prospect of travel. That being said, when she does travel she doesn't talk much to strangers. I'd like to imagine she has, maybe not a close-knit group of friends, but people she could talk to at the very least. Maybe they admire her sense of justice or the child-like innocence of her ideals? Or maybe they needed friends of their own and she just happened to be there! Enemies: This is something I see Izayoi having a lot of. For all of her innocence, she considers herself an enemy of evil everywhere. Of course, evil being as subjective as it is means that even a petty thief may have met the pointy end of her sword at one point because of her lack of knowledge on what "heroism" really is. Izayoi is a fan of straight-talk, and has probably made enemies of people with simple words beyond just her deeds. Be they miffed at her bluntness, or outraged at her threats of violence, enemies of all kinds to test the little hero are all welcome! Perhaps she may even find a nemesis to prove herself a hero! Mentor: Izayoi was taken in by Raen parents early on in her life, but they died during the formative years of her youth, which remains the reason for her immature way of thinking about the world, even to this day. What she needs is somebody she can look up to, who she may or may not consider a new "parent" of sorts. If anybody's willing to take the youngling under their wing, I would not object to it, so long as it didn't conflict with her idealistic "hero of heroes" thought process. Love Interest: This one's a tricky one. While it will take some time for her to actually develop love for somebody because that's the way love goes, I'd like to know where her options lie, or rather, I'd like people to know what she offers. She puts all of her emotions into everything she does, as stated before, and while she would be guarded in her response to whoever she developed a romantic interest in, she would fall hard because she can't keep her emotions from spilling over. If people are interested in her in the future, I'd enjoy seeing where it goes. Just keep in mind what kind of person she is! Everything in-between: And lastly, any and all other suggestions for connections will be considered! I'm a sucker for seeing my characters develop relationships, so the more ideas, the more people willing to connect with Izayoi, the better! That, and I, personally, am in the market for a new FC and linkshells given that I have left my old ones to transfer to Balmung. Annnd...that's about it! I look forward to seeing you all in-game!
  5. Izayoi is the adopted daughter of Raen parents. As a Xaela, she would have a different name, but grew up with Raen naming conventions. Her adoptive parents are deceased, and her birth parents are alive. Connections-wise, she maintains infrequent communication with her birth parents. She has a somewhat minor connection to the standing guard of Ul'dah because of her gullibility and frequency for getting into trouble and having to be in contact with them. She is, at the very least, acquainted with a good majority of the Brass Blades because of this. Her contacts do not extend beyond Ul'dah, save for friends of her adoptive family that are still alive, or travelers who've seen her lugging around the sheet of steel she calls a sword. Edit: It's more accurate to say that, as of now, her contacts extend very loosely beyond Ul'dah. She's left it before after she aged a little, but outside of Ul'dah, she's relatively unknown.
  6. Hello, all! I recently joined in seeing that there were others like me that were avid seekers of roleplay, and I had hoped to immediately jump right in. That being said, I very quickly failed because I realized I didn't know anything about Izayoi(my character) as a person. So here I am asking for help from the more experienced writers here for the sake of writing Izayoi believably. Ask me anything, be it a single question, or a list, and I will answer it in the hopes of properly creating a character that can be roleplayed to the best of my ability. At the same time, I ask anybody that notices lore discrepancies, or ways I can make Izayoi more interesting as a character, please speak up and tell me what would've been a better way to write what I was thinking, the cooresponding lore if I've miswritten something that is directly and prominently tied to FFXIV's lore, or ways you think I can improve on my ideas overall. I could even consider this an exercise in writing! With that spiel out of the way, shall we get started? Fire away!
  7. Thank you for the advice! I wasn't quite ready to advance to the next "page" since I didn't know what others thought of what was already written. Since you pointed something out to me, I think I can move this story along a bit. Thanks again! Edit: On that note, however, I do believe a Miqo'te would refer to themselves as "men" because "man" is simply a word for a being that is a part of mankind. Miqo'te fall in to the spectrum because they are very much "human" despite inhuman traits. As another, more embarrassing note...there was a bit of disconnect there. I meant that line for the teacher rather than Ex himself.
  8. (In Chapter 1 we'll be exploring Exodus' reasons for wanting to fight. Despite his wish to fight, he's shown that he's the weakest of all prospective gladiators. What's making him weak? Why can't he raise his sword without dropping it again a second later? The answer is in his desires...in his fears.) Page One Page Two Page Three
  9. (Hooray for cluttered posts) Never would I have known that one could experience hatred...hatred that burned so strongly that everything around it burned within the flames. Wait...flames is not the word to describe what I've seen. Fire denotes something that burns brightly, but what I've seen consumes all forms of light around it. Honestly? I'm not surprised considering who I've met, heck, even their name means to consume. Exodus Artitas...a seething darkness that is better off vanishing in to obscurity, but...I can't help but feel sorry for him. As far as I know, he's experienced the ultimate loss; the loss of one dear to his heart. To understand his pain, however, one must understand 'Exodus' and his reason for being. In an ideal world, this Miqo'te lived quietly with his sister and two brothers after their parents perished in battle. You can probably tell where this sorry tale is headed, but if you don't, then I'll tell you now that neither could live without the other. His sister, 'Revelation', was highly protective of her brother, and even at the end of everything? She would gladly sacrifice body and soul both for his survival. Being alone with each other, this relationship is what sustained them all even regarding the difficulties they'd experienced. An odd job here...a death there...nothing was of more import than their love for each other. Even his sister, who was a White Mage, was not beyond taking a life because of love. Moving around a lot was common for the younglings, so they never had many friends either. From here, you can tell that if any one of the four siblings were to endure harm, the pain would destroy the remaining three. Hear now, the tale of Exodus Artitas. Despite him not participating directly in the final battle, he was marked deeply by all that remained. [align=center]____________________________________________________________[/align] "Sister!" The exclamation was the first thing Exodus had said since departing to join his sister in battle. She had foolishly gone off to face off against the mastermind behind all of this without any kind of help. He could still feel her words striking his soul whenever he remembered the reason she decided to go alone. She wanted all of them to live happily together...but what good was that happiness for them if she couldn't enjoy it with them?! Exodus ran through the battlefield, and despite his inexperience in the arts of war, he had forced his way through. Perhaps it was because of his weakness that he was ignored...or perhaps it was because stronger people than him were far more appealing targets? Exodus kept his eyes on the horror that became their sky, and just as he thought he was going to run endlessly without sight of her, he saw the thing he dreaded the most. Reve was falling from the sky...she swore she'd be safe! Using whatever strength he had to pump his legs, he sprinted to catch the falling Miqo'te. He was absolutely sure it was her, the white robe...the staff...her black hair as opposed to his white hair...it was Reve for certain! Exodus wouldn't let her hit the ground, not for anything...if he did, then he was certain that her enemies would take her before her allies could find her. Exodus couldn't allow her to leave him...he needed her far more than the world did! Exodus, true to his word, caught his sister in his arms before she hit the ground. He dropped to his knees and held her close, glad that she was alive. Exodus had yet to examine his sister, so far be it from him to know her true condition. "Reve...Big Sister! I...I'm so glad you're okay!" Exodus smiled, tears forming at his eyes from being reunited with his sister. "Oh...it's you, Ex. I really...didn't want you to see me like this. You were always...so quick to anger." Reve seemed almost serene as she reached up and touched her brother's face with a blood-stained hand. Exodus' joy soon turned to horror as he looked at his sister's abdomen...blood. It wasn't an enemy's blood, she was a mage...Reve had been injured. Exodus shook his head, already in denial...she could heal a simple wound like this! "Sis...no, sis! Please...no, you can't let this slow you down! We've got to keep moving!" Exodus cradeled her blood-stained body in his arms as the sound of the surrounding combat faded from his ears. Reve smiled at him, even in her final moments she was doing her best to assure him that everything was alright. Exodus couldn't hold back his tears, he cried in to her marred white robe...she couldn't really be leaving, could she? Despite his denials, the gods had spoken...Reve's eyes were fogged over. "Ah-ha...I can't move. You would think...that this was just another fight, no? Something...that even I could handle. You are...so fragile. I couldn't let you...die." Reve curled up in to Exodus' body, wanting to keep his warmth as close as possible. She kept her eyes open, knowing the moment she was too tired to do as such she would be leaving Exodus on his own. She wished to at least see his face one more time, but she doubted that somebody as prideful as Exodus would want to be seen crying over somebody like her. "H-hey...do you remember when I became a mercenary? I didn't think somebody that was as weak as me was going to be able to fight for...a greater purpose, you know? Still, I had more than enough to make it to this point." Tears ran down Reve's face, she couldn't feel her pull of magic...perhaps that was the reason she didn't heal? Then again, there was another reason...Reve was tired. She didn't want to fight anymore, but she had just enough drive to keep herself alive until the last minutes. "Yeah..." Exodus responded, "people kept asking why somebody as limp as you was so strong. You didn't have an answer, right?" Reve sighed, the heat of battle subsided, and only the cold of sleep awaited her. Her friends were probably celebrating by this point in time, and despite her saying she would survive to meet them, she was spending her last moments being comforted by somebody she wanted to protect. "Ha...no, I didn't. Ex...I'm sorry to put this all on you. I...don't want to....." And there it was...the force of losing the most important thing in the world hit like a brick wall. Exodus desperately shook Revelation's body, trying to stir her awake. Exodus began to grind his teeth, as he was unsure if he could do anything to save her now. At their time of parting, Exodus looked up at the sky only to see an ominous sight. Dalamud...it was getting ever closer. He was fine with being crushed now, but as he prepared to accept his death, the moon broke open. The earth-shaking roar from a creature beyond comprehension shook the ground beneath everybody. This was...Exodus couldn't describe what he felt looking upon Bahamut. It's magesty and power was overshadowed by its sheer propensity towards destruction. Exodus' heterochromia-inflicted eyes widened as Bahamut floated over the battlefield. In the way of things, he began to destroy every portion of the battlefield. He held tight to Reve and closed his eyes, thinking that he would be the first to go as a bright burst of energy came their way. Just as he thought he was going to die from being burned to a crisp, a blue light enveloped him. He looked at his body and stared in surprise, Reve...she used whatever magic she had left to protect him instead of healing herself. Exodus stood to his feet, but he carried Reve with him. His only recourse was to leave this battle far behind...he had what he came for. Even if he wasn't coming home with Reve alive, at least she was going to be buried in the shadow of her home...she deserved so much better than to die in such a despair filled hole in the ground. "I'm so sorry, Big Sis...I'm so sorry..." Exodus repeated as he ran as quickly as his body would carry him in the opposite direction. He didn't witness the rest of the battle, but he survived...even at the end of the world, not only did he survived, but he thrived as the world did. [align=center]____________________________________________________________[/align] "Is that all you've got? The last person who wanted to mug me actually lasted a little bit longer than you. Seventeen seconds, actually...impressive, right?" The sound of metal grinding against bone...it was a disgusting thing. The blood ended up spraying everywhere, and despite his reasoning behind it, the man who protected himself had no reason to cripple the thief by severing his spinal cord. This man was familar, as was his voice, but the newfound malice he held in his heart was enough to drive a man mad. Still, Exodus was already insane after losing his sister five years ago. The dark-skinned Miqo-te chuckled as he sat next to the thief. Both of his eyes, one violet, the other cyan...seemed to peer straight in to the soul of the thief. Was it because he had some special abilities as a gladiator that nobody else had? Nope...it was just because his eyes didn't hold any form of humanity anymore. Even as somebody dedicated to protecting others...his hatred of the world just seemed to boil over at times. "Wh-what is wrong with you?!" The thief cried out in tear-choked breaths while Exodus silently stroked the man's hair. Exodus smiled gently, placing his hand on the thief's cheek. "Nothing's wrong with me...I just really...really hate scum like you. Since you aren't going anywhere fast, let me tell you one thing. Children like you can be cruel, so I've decided to get in touch with my inner child." Exodus' bright smile was generally disturbing, but he made his feelings clear. He may have been as dark as the night, but all he wanted was something else to believe in...something else to protect. That was his reason for becoming a gladiator...he would give back what he was taking from the world that birthed him. Even if it was never going to bring back Reve. Genesis knew as much, and said as much before he left for Limsa Lominsa. Both he and Exodus owed the world so much, so they'd give back the only way they knew how. They would kill, kill, and keep killing until the day they just didn't move fast enough and some cutpurse slashed their throats. It was just the rules of the world...no changing that. Even Exodus' trainer questioned his dedication to the path of the gladiator. Exodus seemed to want to destroy rather than protect, but he went through with the training since that was the only way he was going to give back to the world. Reve would've been proud of him, but he couldn't help but wonder if she would still accept him if she saw him now. Staining his armor deep red with the blood of somebody who didn't deserve the fate he had thrust upon them... Exodus stood up and allowed his longsword to rest on his shoulder. He didn't bother mercy-killing the thief and just left him bleeding on the ground. His evil smile faded, and the mask of insanity was shed only to be replaced with the look of a man who had been defeated. He had allowed himself to take things too far again...a lot of people would've told him to get over it, but Reve meant everything to him. "And what's a man to do when he's got nothing?" Go to Ul'dah, that's what...perhaps there was a caravan somewhere around? Home...after so long, Exodus was going to return. He failed to noticed that the light his sister had entrusted him with still shined brightly...after everything was said and done, she still did everything she could to protect her little brother. Sadistic or not, right or wrong, they were family, and Reve would happily embrace her brother when his life came to an end.
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