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HALP! Coloring

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So..I'm trying to get the Storm Blue color and nothing seems to be working. I keep flipping between Royal Blue and Abyssal Blue. I've used the color calculator online, as well as the graph I've seen displayed and nothing seems to be working >.> it seems to skip the step needed to get Storm Blue. Anyone have the color and know how to obtain it?

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FFXIVChocobo got Avenger to the Dalamund Red I wanted in two tries. First attempt set him to Rust Red, and then a quick comparison got me the vegetable combination needed to nudge him into Dalamund. I had the same "two try" process with Gogon's going Snow White, but that was before the calculator - just used a post someone said about how they went from default to white. Got a light pink, then used that crazy diagram that was floating around back then to make adjustment.

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