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Hello RPC!

Vel Ymir

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Greetings and well met!  My character's name is Kuopo Kopo.  Here's a little more info as provided by the welcome template:



--MMORPG background


I am a veteran of the MMO scene.  My first foray was with the original EverQuest not long after its launch.  Since then, I have dabbled with nearly every major MMO to hit the NA market.  My favorites have included Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies, Lord of the Rings Online, and World of Warcraft.  Sadly, I never experienced much of FFXI despite my love for the IP.  I have heard many good things, though, and this has in part convinced me to move on to FFXIV.  The little I have played so far has really impressed me and I look forward to experiencing the story with my fellow RPers on Balmung!


--RP experience


My RP experience, while limited, has provided me with an intense appreciation for these games.  I have been involved with RP guilds/groups in LOTRO, Star Wars Galaxies, and WoW.  I am interested in trying my hand at it in Eorzea, too.


--Character ideas/info


I will update this portion later.  I am currently working on my character's wiki now.  For now, I can say he's a friendly, inquisitive, and adventurous Lalafell hailing from the beautiful city-state of Limsa Lominsa.  The plan right now is for him to work as a freelance merchant who moonlights as a "Indiana Jones" wannabe (which of course leads to hilarious and often-times dangerous situations) which he recounts in his notebook/journal.


--How did you learn about the coalition?


I was doing a google search on FFXIV news and decided on a whim to try a combined search with rp.  This was one of the first things to pop up.  It seems like a great community!


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


Probably somewhere around "medium".  I want to participate, but I don't want every single moment in the game to be in character.  Sometimes I just want to unwind after a long day at work and focus on whatever goal I have in mind.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


I'm pretty busy in real life.  In addition to my job, I'm also a FT student in graduate school, husband and a father, and I'm involved in various community organizations.  This doesn't leave me with tons of time.  However, I do work remotely from my in-home office, so this allows me to log in during the day when things are a bit slow.


Obviously, I'm a gamer and I love all genres of RPG.  I just received my copy of FF Type-0 HD, and I have a couple games coming soon (Bloodborne and Pillars of Eternity).  It's going to be a very busy couple of months for gaming. :D


I look forward to meeting all of you!

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A very big welcome to you! Kuopo sounds like a very fun character, hopefully will see you around.


Everyone is very friendly here - please don't hesitate to ask any questions if you have them! I usually play EST mornings or early evening if you'd like any help with anything, just send a /tell to Aris Frey. :)

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