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Uh. Hi... Again. XD

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Like the song by Boy George... 

"You come and go // You come and go"


I certainly seem to do that quite a bit with XIV. Granted; don't always post when I come and go, but anyway... Decided to jump back into the game with the expansion coming up and wanting to try out the rogue/ninja class. 


So hi again everyone. o3o


For those who aren't familiar with me; Illustrator, photographer finishing up a bachelor's degree in art for commerce. You can find my work here or on tumblr/deviantart typically under foxberrystudios.

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Foxberry! Fancy bumping into you here. It seems we've a similar set of friends, at least in SWTOR.


Ah, yeah... SWTOR. ;) Spent quite a bit of time there; so I got to know quite a few people.

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