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My name is Rehlan and I decided to check out the roleplay community for this game. I used to do some very light RP on WoW, which introduced me to the concept but was never able to fully dive into due to time restraints.


That is to say that I'm still newbish to roleplay, but feel free to poke at me if you see C'rehd Rehlan on Balmung.

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Welcome *hugs*


I would recommend joining some of the RP Linkshells (see the Linkshell lists on this forum). There are some OOC ones to make connections as well as some IC ones to actively RP. 


Also if not in an FC I would recommend a smaller FC where people are getting to know each other, but if you prefer crowds there are also some larger ones that are very welcoming.


Go forth, watch for others RPing and jump in, don't worry if nothing happens every time.


And please post back here your experience .. it's good to know how people get on.

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