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Flowery Elizabethan Salutation!

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More instances of "pray", "anon", "ere" and the "-st" suffix than any LARPer would ever be caught dead using aside, I figured it was high time I introduce myself instead of just making sneaky posts here and there and roaming around Balmung. So...


As far as MMORPGs go, I can safely say my first was Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast, then the Gamecube (I'm positive the modems are worth a pretty penny). Following that, I preordered Final Fantasy XI and played it solidly from PlayStation 2 release to about 2006-7. It was in Vana'diel that I started roleplaying in a video game as opposed to a forum. After an unfortunate incident caused me to lose my account (and my will to attempt ever dragging myself back through the slog that which was leveling in XI) I moved onto World of Warcraft from 2007 to 2011. I didn't do much roleplaying there. It just wasn't the same, yeah?


The main character I play is a third-generation immigrant Doman Lalafell, Kaniku Kuni, whom I may rename at some point to Kaniku Kani just purely out of perfectionist spite. Daughter of a dollmaker and a courtesan. While I don't have her fleshed out as much as I'd like just yet, I envision her as a Lalafell Lady Eboshi from the Hayao Miyazaki movie everyone of you should know about.


I came to know of the RPC through... Well, it's honestly a yarn. I knew people in it. I've heard of it through whispers. I found it through skilled deduction—magnifying glass and silly hat. I've been lurking here for months prior to even obtaining a copy of XIV.


I consider myself a medium-heavy roleplayer with clearly defined in-and-out of character moments. I adore roleplaying the little things, such as minor quests or leves. I also get quite a kick out of simply warning players about inclement weather coming to Ul'dah on the way to the market board. Immersion is just such utter fun, even if it doesn't advance anything. I could very well RP Kani's Monday morning walk from the inn room to Commander Swift, enjoying the cool air and kicking at loose cobblestones without anyone to actually roleplay with just to flesh out Eorzea.


As for anything about real-life? Entirely too much. I've been in seventeen US states, three Japanese prefectures (My soul remains in Osaka) and am utterly flabbergasted at how large this world is. I remember the Cold War and the Clinton election. I like fancy clothing, too. My wardrobe is fully stocked with suits, waistcoats, less ties than I'm happy with, Elegant Gothic Lolita dresses, yukata, cosplay, crossplay, baseball paraphernalia and a startlingly large amount of CAT5 that never gets used.


Anyroad... Now that the introduction is out of the way, I hope I can continue being a lurker/poster here and a Popoto in game with the rest of you.

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First I still have a drum of 10Base2 coax in a shelf :)


Welcome to the forums.


Your lala sounds adorable (also + points for lala) and I too love the little things, the moments that make a dull day brighter, like colouring in the larger RP tapestry.


Hope to see you around now that you came out here :) and being an authentic English-er please being on the more hitherto obscure turns of phrase! 


Check out the Linkshel lists for Shells and FCs.

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Glad to be aboard and thanks for the welcome. I've actually been on Balmung and roleplaying for like two months now like I was here the whole time.


Hope to see you around now that you came out here :) and being an authentic English-er please being on the more hitherto obscure turns of phrase! 


Now, when you want me to be more English, are we talking "Prithee, kindly shrew, wouldst thou escort mineself to yonder Quicksand anon?" or "Oi! 'Ere canna bloke get pissed with a bit o' crumpet 'round 'ere? Me knackers're a bit peckish! Scurry along 'n there'll be a bit 'o drink innit fer ye!"?

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Glad to be aboard and thanks for the welcome. I've actually been on Balmung and roleplaying for like two months now like I was here the whole time.


Hope to see you around now that you came out here :) and being an authentic English-er please being on the more hitherto obscure turns of phrase! 


Now, when you want me to be more English, are we talking "Prithee, kindly shrew, wouldst thou escort mineself to yonder Quicksand anon?" or "Oi! 'Ere canna bloke get pissed with a bit o' crumpet 'round 'ere? Me knackers're a bit peckish! Scurry along 'n there'll be a bit 'o drink innit fer ye!"?


Either to suit, let loose the dialects of mirth and cry hussar!


And I may be a witch but I be no shrew!

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