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How would you change your favourite class/job?

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I think they are getting Shiva-Egi too... I mean, come on, Shiva has been a summon in every game since she was introduced. They just didn't say it because at the time Shiva wasn't in the game yet.

I doubt there will be a Shiva Egi yet. They may add one in 4.0 or even just do it as an optional reskin of one of the others. but I doubt they will change their formula of job quest every 5 levels, or add a second level 50 one.

I don't think that once you buy Heavensward you can already level to 60, otherwise the quests between 2.0 and 3.0 would be too easy. I think there will be something similar to the Limit Break quests from FFXI. So this is how I think new job quests will be:

- Level 50 quest, requires you to have completed 2.55 MSQ. Unlocks new skill and allows you to level to 60.

- Level 55 quest, unlocks new skill.

- Level 60 quest, unlocks new skill and (probably) gives you AF2.

The gate to get into the 3.0 content (i.e. level 60) is the MSQ. They don't need to tie it behind a Job Quest as well.

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I don't have much of a complaint about the classes. Well, minus the Mudra thing that was already mentioned (didn't really think too much on macroing them, though, which could fix that problem) and the animation lock for Hallowed Ground.


Really, if I was to change anything, I'd make Eos less dumb about spamming her abilities.

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Also relevant: Shiva's story isn't resolved yet. Levi and Ramuh's are. Can't exactly summon her when she's still featured, you know?

Well, you can easily end up being able to summon Titan-Egi before facing Titan and Garuda-Egi before Garuda.


True, but if you want to look at it as invoking the powers of a fallen primal, Shiva's powers are still accounted for. Can't take what's currently in use.

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Also relevant: Shiva's story isn't resolved yet. Levi and Ramuh's are. Can't exactly summon her when she's still featured, you know?

Well, you can easily end up being able to summon Titan-Egi before facing Titan and Garuda-Egi before Garuda.


I don't mean to nitpick, but you actually cannot. When you try to take the quest from Y'mhitra, it states that you have to complete The Navel or The Howling Eye before you can get the summon. I...might know this because I leveled hard on accident while I was playing the first time.


I do love that the level of detail goes that far.


To be a little more on-topic, I really would like to see Shroud of Saints do a little more sometimes. If it somehow scaled with your natural refresh rate I think I'd be happy. I bet it'd be too good then, though.

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Also relevant: Shiva's story isn't resolved yet. Levi and Ramuh's are. Can't exactly summon her when she's still featured, you know?

Well, you can easily end up being able to summon Titan-Egi before facing Titan and Garuda-Egi before Garuda.


I don't mean to nitpick, but you actually cannot. When you try to take the quest from Y'mhitra, it states that you have to complete The Navel or The Howling Eye before you can get the summon. I...might know this because I leveled hard on accident while I was playing the first time.


I do love that the level of detail goes that far.


To be a little more on-topic, I really would like to see Shroud of Saints do a little more sometimes. If it somehow scaled with your natural refresh rate I think I'd be happy. I bet it'd be too good then, though.

Really? Damn that explains all those squishy summoner at level 45 in the Howling Eye without their AF that keep dying.

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I know it's probably been said buuuuuuuuut


Paladins getting something better than Flash and Circle of Scorn for AoE threat generation. The main issue is in a situation where you have a Paladin in a dungeon or two Paladins in a Raid, if one is asked to offtank for adds or in a dungeon just AoE pulling etc, the amount of effort expended vs. the reward gained is acutely different. You will work three times as hard for almost no actual guarantee of maintaining threat on those adds. I'm not for homogenization to the degree that Paladin and Warrior are irrelevant as different classes but Paladin simply lacks a lot of tools that tanking classes in other games, and even this one, simply just have in abundance. Hell, if they somehow added magic damage to Flash as a Paladin passive that would go a long way. Though a cone attack like they had in 1.0 would be even better.


On top of that Sword Oath should either be scrapped entirely or reworked absolutely. Adding 50 fire damage to auto attacks is just ridiculous. Compared to a Warrior's ability to simply take off Defiance and do, while not equivalent to a Dragoon or even a Monk, pretty respectable damage. This is mostly for solo play and questing, etc. I've no illusions to Paladins queuing as DPS or anything like that, but there's no reason that Paladin's should be "the class that takes 5 minutes to kill things out in the field". Even Conjurers have Cleric Stance as an example of a tool to speed up their solo play. Sword Oath simply just doesn't stack up to the obvious benefits of Cleric Stance or simply switching Defiance off (nevermind the 5 stacks of crit buffs).


With Dragoon, my arguably favorite class, I really appreciate the changes made to the class thus far. The only things I could really say I would like to see added might be some way to help the class stack up to Monks in regards to Greased Lightning. I don't think adding a similar mechanic to the class would be a good idea, myself, though I wouldn't mind some kind of debuff to a boss applied by jumping-based attacks so as you jump attack it, it takes more damage up to a lovely amount such as 3 stacks or some such. 


With regards to jumping, though, the reduction of animation lock is good though it could be better. Completely removing it would be the best bet though, realistically, I would say that the best way to solve that problem would be an invulnerability granted for the duration of the animation, only a second or two tops depending on the animation so that while elusive jumping away from a boss AoE you don't have to factor in Korean levels of finger reflexives to actually use the ability in the way it's meant to be used, i.e. avoiding damage. The CD is also way too long on that one. 30-45 seconds would be preferable. One minute at most.


Also the long CD on Dragonfire Dive is far too long for the small amount of damage the ability does. Either the damage needs to go up to account for such a long cool down or the cool down needs to come down so it's more in line with Spineshatter Dive.


Lastly how about some silly fluffery? Falling damage reduction =P They do jump hundreds of meters into the air and land without any damage taken; It seems to make sense that a 30 meter drop shouldn't even phase them! 


That's all my rambling for now and I didn't even include crafting/gathering classes yet lol

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