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Cat-Con Seeks Friends

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U'ashael [and I] are completely new, and I am looking for connections of all types (friends, acquaintances, rivals, enemies) for this little Miqo'te:



(Look at those freckles! .. and those terrible graphics..)


U'ashael Malik (or, preferably, Ash) is a con-artist based in Ul'dah. As a youngling, she left the tribe in Sagolii Desert with a child's hope for adventure, fame, and fortune; but, she found herself a vagabond's life instead. She is now a ne'er-do-well, frequenting taverns for coin, drinks, and trouble as a troubadour. She also plays short-term cons with a gang in Pearl Row, Ul'dah; though, she often visits Limsa Lominsa between cons, dodging the law. She is a trickster, a total mischief-maker. She is amiable, sweet, and romantic at her best and indolent, irresponsible, and greedy at her worst. There are influences leftover from life in a tribe: superstition, a naivete about the world, and a certain savagery. She is talented with tarot and folk-medicine, and she loves singing and poetry.


I am open to anything, but a few suggestions for connections are:


- fellow thieves (i.e. drinkin' buddies, friends, or rivals)

- contacts for business-related things (i.e. fences, bookies)

- contacts in Limsa Lominsa (i.e. for laying-low)

- tribe members (Drake)

- fans? (i.e. maybe someone doesn't hate her singing)

- clients for card-readings (this is a perfect "in" for random role-play!)


I'll take short-term plots, long-term plots, character development, serious/fluff, whatever.. I am just super excited to meet new people for role-play! Oh, and I am EST.


You can contact me here or in-game on U'ashael Malik. I look forward to hearin' from y'all! :3

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Hello, and welcome to the RPC! 


Your character sounds interesting, and I think my restless, poetic scribe might enjoy a run-in with your character. Even if she gets pick-pocketed - though I highly doubt she carries anything valuable enough to be worth stealing if she's sitting in the Wench or walking around in Limsa. Which she's based in, so she could be a possible 'contact', and she used to mix around quite a bit with the underclass of Ul'dah. 


She would also never be able to resist card-readings. 


Let me know if this sounds good and we can arrange something by PM or otherwise! I... actually come from a crappy timezone so I'm never around on EST weekday nights. (Except Friday.)

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Pleased to meet you! 


Kyrio's home base is in Ul'dah. And while he tries to be an upstanding citizen, he has his past as well. so surely the two will be able to get along!


Hello! It sounds like some mischief needs to happen with these two! I'll send a message in-game! :3


Hello, and welcome to the RPC! 


Your character sounds interesting, and I think my restless, poetic scribe might enjoy a run-in with your character. Even if she gets pick-pocketed - though I highly doubt she carries anything valuable enough to be worth stealing if she's sitting in the Wench or walking around in Limsa. Which she's based in, so she could be a possible 'contact', and she used to mix around quite a bit with the underclass of Ul'dah. 


She would also never be able to resist card-readings. 


Let me know if this sounds good and we can arrange something by PM or otherwise! I... actually come from a crappy timezone so I'm never around on EST weekday nights. (Except Friday.)


This sounds wonderful! It has the potential for an interesting interaction (friendship???) since both seem to come from dramatically-different backgrounds. I'll send you a PM! :3


Attempt to steal from Rita.


She triple dog dares you.


Gonna do it, can't stop, won't stop!!!

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Hello there and welcome! Your character is very interesting--certainly a lot of potential for interaction there! I have a fellow thief for her--likewise, another female Miqo'te thief and former Ul'dahn street rat. I'm sure they could strike up a partnership... or rivalry of some sort. They surely have a lot in common. I have another more naive Miqo'te girl who I'm sure would be fascinated with her tarot cards and songs, or I'm sure Faye wouldn't mind a card reading sometime. :D

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bahaha... Another Miqote theif? The last one blew tynos half a mile away, but hes a mostly harmless looking elezen who carries a lot of allagan trinkets and books along with him, I enjoy that sort of rp! just shoot me a tell! or msg me on here x3! ( would love to see her try and theif him!)

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bahaha... Another Miqote theif? The last one blew tynos half a mile away, but hes a mostly harmless looking elezen who carries a lot of allagan trinkets and books along with him, I enjoy that sort of rp! just shoot me a tell! or msg me on here x3! ( would love to see her try and theif him!)

I'm hurt. You wound me. Rhian Solane is the only thief you need, Tynos!


Anyway, if you happen to choose to mug this sad sod... don't be surprised if Rhian swoops by. Girl gotta keep her favorite target away from other thieves. (*ノ・ω・)

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bahaha... Another Miqote theif? The last one blew tynos half a mile away, but hes a mostly harmless looking elezen who carries a lot of allagan trinkets and books along with him, I enjoy that sort of rp! just shoot me a tell! or msg me on here x3! ( would love to see her try and theif him!)

I'm hurt. You wound me. Rhian Solane is the only thief you need, Tynos!


Anyway, if you happen to choose to mug this sad sod... don't be surprised if Rhian swoops by. Girl gotta keep her favorite target away from other thieves. (*ノ・ω・)

Its ok tynos will always have a burn mark in chest that he will cherish always

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Hey there!

Ash seems like a really cute character!! I'd definitely be up for some RP with you, my seeker Miqo'te has some history in the not-so-legal line of work and currently resides in Ul'dah so that's something they would have in common! He also has connections in Limsa, that being his hometown, so maybe he could help out with the keeping things on the lowdown? 


I would also like to shout out Jackal and Hide FC, they're a cool shady bunch. They are EU based but I definitely recommend trying to hit them up somehow for some RP! They deal with all the dodgy illegal stuff and I've had lots of fun getting up to mischief with them. :)


But yes, feel free to message me here or in game on X'rhen Tia if you'd like to RP sometime!

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Hello there and welcome! Your character is very interesting--certainly a lot of potential for interaction there! I have a fellow thief for her--likewise, another female Miqo'te thief and former Ul'dahn street rat. I'm sure they could strike up a partnership... or rivalry of some sort. They surely have a lot in common. I have another more naive Miqo'te girl who I'm sure would be fascinated with her tarot cards and songs, or I'm sure Faye wouldn't mind a card reading sometime. :D


Hello and thanks for the welcome! I would love to meet anyone--all of them sound like they'd be a lot of fun to interact with! I'll be sure to message you in-game!


bahaha... Another Miqote theif? The last one blew tynos half a mile away, but hes a mostly harmless looking elezen who carries a lot of allagan trinkets and books along with him, I enjoy that sort of rp! just shoot me a tell! or msg me on here x3! ( would love to see her try and theif him!)

I'm hurt. You wound me. Rhian Solane is the only thief you need, Tynos!


Anyway, if you happen to choose to mug this sad sod... don't be surprised if Rhian swoops by. Girl gotta keep her favorite target away from other thieves. (*ノ・ω・)


I would love to meet both of you! We could certainly set up a rivalry between Rhian and Ash--gotta protect that territory, right? >:3


I offer you William for anyhing really, who's profile is in my Signature~


I'll be sure to message you in-game! It sounds like Ash and he could either get along.. or she'd try to con him. We shall see, huh? :3


Hey there!

Ash seems like a really cute character!! I'd definitely be up for some RP with you, my seeker Miqo'te has some history in the not-so-legal line of work and currently resides in Ul'dah so that's something they would have in common! He also has connections in Limsa, that being his hometown, so maybe he could help out with the keeping things on the lowdown? 


I would also like to shout out Jackal and Hide FC, they're a cool shady bunch. They are EU based but I definitely recommend trying to hit them up somehow for some RP! They deal with all the dodgy illegal stuff and I've had lots of fun getting up to mischief with them. :)


But yes, feel free to message me here or in game on X'rhen Tia if you'd like to RP sometime!


Oh, that would be wonderful! I was really eager to find some folks in Limsa (I really like that city, but some friends are keeping me stuck in Ul'dah for the most part!) I'll also be sure to check out that FC. I'd love to find some of those business contacts. I'll throw you a message in-game! :D

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Thanks again for the wonderful responses! If I haven't gotten in-touch with you, I am still trying! C:


Also, an addendum to U'ashael: I am going to throw-in a Faustian theme for her (maybe she is exceptionally good at singing one day a month? for a terrible payback), so if anyone is interested in demonology/leading this little Miqo'te astray, this is also on the table!

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