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Well, uh, hi!


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Hey everyone!


So my copy of A Realm Reborn has finally arrived and now I'm just waiting to get into Balmung, so I figured that now is probably a good time to introduce myself.


So. Onto questions!


MMORPG background


I have spent a lot of time on various MMOs. World of Warcraft (primarily Sha'tar and Argent Dawn later on), Rift, The Old Republic, Runescape, Runes of Magic, and Tera are some examples. I also played a little bit of Aion, although most of it was just private RP between me and a friend as I didn't find the gameplay very interesting. I played a lot of Guild Wars 2 last autumn/winter, but I stopped RPing when my guild sadly dissolved.


Aside from RP, I mostly did PvE. I was never a hardcore raider, though. I spent most of my time coming up with transmogrification sets using addons like MogIt for WoW. damn i love clothes


RP experience


Most of my RP took place on Horde-Sha'tar. While I was absolutely terrible to begin with, I have a lot of fond (if sometimes cringey) memories RPing with the Phoenix Enclave and others. When I moved to Argent Dawn, I mostly RP'd outside of guilds and with a small group of friends. When Tera had a sub, I spent a few months with another guild which (I believe?) was called Blazing Phoenix, and I loved it there. I moved on after that and stuck around with Guild Wars 2, finding another guild called Pact Team Phoenix (are you sensing a pattern here yet?). Sadly, the guild no longer exists, so I've been bored until now.


I've RP'd a little bit in SWTOR and Rift a little bit, but I wasn't part of a guild. Mostly just tavern RP.


Character ideas/info


I've yet to finalise anything, but I am tossing a few ideas around. I have a feeling I'll make my Roegadyn and my Lalafell (both males) my mains. I just need to add more detail and make sure everything matches up with the lore and what not.


How did you learn about the coalition?


Through the FFXIV subreddit. Also, by typing in 'FFXIV ARR RP' into Google.


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


Light/medium. I would like to enjoy other aspects of the game (like PvE) but we'll see how things turn out!


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


I'm currently doing psychology, religious studies, ICT and English language/literature for my AS levels. I hate all of them (except for ICT) and so I'm hoping to do something different next year. The fact that I'm doing AS levels means I'm in the UK, so there'll obviously be time differences between me and Balmung, but hopefully I'll still be able to drop in now and again.

(However, I do have a pretty non-intrusive schedule for most days, so I will be available most afternoons and weekends).


I don't have lots of hobbies aside from video games (although I have a very diverse taste, thankfully). I do catch the occasional film or TV programme, but most of my time is spent either playing or reading about games.


I have a life, I swear.


Anyhoo, it's time to play the waiting game. I've got some psychology revision and a pint of coffee to go through, so hopefully that'll help me through the night as I stare at the screen waiting for Balmung to open.


Hope to see you in game soon!

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First welcome to RPC!


I am sure you will find your place here and fit in just great! There is all sort of RPers in server/in game, so you can and  you will find people to RP with and experience great things and create great stories ^^

For me FFXIV was first RP game ever and first MMO I play seriously for real and this community has helped me a lot!


So welcome once again! :thumbsup:

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Hello there, welcome to the RPC! I hope you can make your way onto Balmung soon! :D Feel free to say hello anytime in game when you do; I'm always glad to help out or RP!

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