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New Flames Sergeant looking for contacts

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Flame Sergeant Raniall Lightstone is looking to start playing a larger role in his home of Ul'dah.


Born and raised in the city, he is a staunch Royalist due to his fathers being a former Sworn. Other Flames roleplayers may know or heard of Raniall, and Sworns may have trained under or even known his father.


Raniall is currently at a crossroads. Though he has aspired to join the Sworn his whole life, the recent (perceived) inaction by the Sultansworn with regards to the Sultanas condition have left him questioning whether he wants to join their ranks now. 


He is a passionate and honorable young man dedicated to his country and its people. 


I'm looking for allies, rivals, any kind of connection. Of late he can be found patrolling the city with Hammer, his war dog in training.

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Oooh, officials. Would he be one to stop illegal activities and potentially punish this certain offender? If so I would love for Rin's file to fall on his desk one day...Or you know, however they keep track of people in this universe.

While I'm not sure if criminal work within the city walls would fall under him, certainly any kind of activity outside of Ul'dah in her settlements could. We can make anything work :D

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There are several RP based fcs, as well as a host of independent rpers that follow you as a Flame. There should be no issue with you finding friends.


Well friends is certainly what I'm going for. I'm glad to have gotten the response I have so far.

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I'm not sure how much use they'd be to you, but I do have two characters tangentially-connected to the Flames.


Chris Ganale is a former Flames soldier who survived the Battle of Carteneau but was medically discharged for injuries sustained there. He still very much bleeds -insert color associated with the Flames here- and joined up again temporarily to participate in Operation: Archon. As of late he's warily watching the (in his opinion) nefarious activities going on in Ul'dah and is more than willing to stand up again with those loyal to the Flame General.



Seno Nakakami is a Doman refugee who joined up with the Flames for a time because he finds their disciplined structure far more to his liking than either the Maelstrom ("bunch of disorganized, grab-asstic loonies") or the Adders ("friggen hippies"). He and his wife tried hard not to stand out, and only really stuck around long enough to get issued chocobos before heading off to try to rebuild their swordsmanship school, but whatever unit they were in would have taken notice of both their martial prowess and professional attitude.

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There are several RP based fcs, as well as a host of independent rpers that follow you as a Flame. There should be no issue with you finding friends.


Well friends is certainly what I'm going for. I'm glad to have gotten the response I have so far.


Yeah man, our FC is Flame, and you are welcome to come by and rp if you ever want to, membership isnt required to have some Flame fun bro. Come on by and we'll go have an adventure or something.

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I'm not sure how much use they'd be to you, but I do have two characters tangentially-connected to the Flames.


Chris Ganale is a former Flames soldier who survived the Battle of Carteneau but was medically discharged for injuries sustained there. He still very much bleeds -insert color associated with the Flames here- and joined up again temporarily to participate in Operation: Archon. As of late he's warily watching the (in his opinion) nefarious activities going on in Ul'dah and is more than willing to stand up again with those loyal to the Flame General.



Seno Nakakami is a Doman refugee who joined up with the Flames for a time because he finds their disciplined structure far more to his liking than either the Maelstrom ("bunch of disorganized, grab-asstic loonies") or the Adders ("friggen hippies"). He and his wife tried hard not to stand out, and only really stuck around long enough to get issued chocobos before heading off to try to rebuild their swordsmanship school, but whatever unit they were in would have taken notice of both their martial prowess and professional attitude.

Flames loyal to the Flame General have every reason to stick together. There are a lot of forces plotting against him, so he'll need all the allies he can have on the outside.

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There are several RP based fcs, as well as a host of independent rpers that follow you as a Flame. There should be no issue with you finding friends.


Well friends is certainly what I'm going for. I'm glad to have gotten the response I have so far.


Yeah man, our FC is Flame, and you are welcome to come by and rp if you ever want to, membership isnt required to have some Flame fun bro. Come on by and we'll go have an adventure or something.

Sounds like a lot of fun. I'll have to make sure to make contact with you guys in the near future.

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Oh, this might be interesting for John to have more connection among the other Flames.  He usually helping at the Grindstone and hanging around the Red Wings's Sable Hall, teasing 'Sister' Clio or (if Doc Oak feels up to it) training under the command Healer, though he's not officially part of the Red Wings.  Kestlona is part of the Red Wings and would be glad to hang out with your character.  First though she's probably going to have to face her new CO about some information that just came to light.

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It also occurred to me last night as I was making my directory that Yuuna might also be a possibility, as she's Doman military intelligence, like ninjas but more in line with talking to Eorzean military forces than doing the sneaky sneaky stuff NIN do.


As to Seno, he and his wife don't have a dog in the monetarist/royalist fight, but as honor is a very big deal with them and they picked the Flames specifically because they liked Raubahn's outlook on such things, they'd be likely to back him as well.


Either way, since I have a billion characters and hop between them frequently to do different things, just drop me a line if you want one of them to wander into your path. =D

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