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Small group looking for FC

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Hey everyone. Thank you for checking this post out. So, My girlfriend, her best friend, and myself just moved back to Balmung and are looking for a RP free company. We are casual with me having the only raid exp outside of towers.  While i would like to raid in the expac dont think they want to so raiding isnt required but would be nice for me. We all have a bunch of exp RPing on FFXIV. We will all be Au Ra when the expac comes so our stories right now will change based on lore. IE not sure exactly what kind of FC we need so a generic RP or something that can fit almost anyone in would be great. 


We are trying to find a nice community to play with. I would rather have active members that are friends with each other then a group that just plays with each other. 


If you could post your website or tell me as much info to get interested I would be thankful.

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Hey there, welcome back to Balmung, all three of you! Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested.

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Welcome, I would recommend some of the larger FC if you want to find an existing raid group as well as RP. Otherwise a smaller FC let's you be part of forming the raid group.


USH is a great larger RP FC that raids


Loveless is a smaller EU based RP FC that is growing and looking at raids


See my SIG for links.

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