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Sassmaster Elf Seeks Friends

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My (slightly new) Elezen Dany Beauchemin seeks friends and more people to spend time with beyond those he works with! Hes a bit sassy and very often says things that perhaps arent the -nicest- but hes got a good heart and I need more people to hang out with! Hes from Ishgard and recently came to Limsa Lominsa because reasons (not gunna give that away youre going to have to actually talk to him about it). Im online almost every night, though I work VERY late (I live on the west coast) so if youre not a night owl, earlier in the day or on my days off would be the best way to contact me. 


I am open to most types of RP, friendship, intrigue, romance, etc, and am looking forward to Dany making some new friends. Feel free to send me a tell in game or pm me here !

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