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Fight Tournament

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[align=center]Fight Tournament[/align]


Any can watch and any can fight also. Simply contact Zax Xelphia or comment below.

Please be respectful to the fighters or you will be asked to leave.

This will be ran with the roll system to keep it fair and not to time consuming.



  • Each fighter will start with 1000 HP
  • The first roll controls who emotes first
  • The attacker and defender will both roll, if the attacker rolls the defenders losing roll will be subtracted from the winning roll and the out come number will be subtracted from their HP. If the defender wins then it will be a dodge or parry mattering how they choose to emote. In which case no HP is removed from either.
  • The fighters will switch after each roll for who is attacker and who is defender. You are free to pass on a move but just make it clear you are passing.
  • THERE WILL BE NO KILLING. By entering this tournament you accept these rules. So if you make a attempt to kill a player in these RP battles, the Ref or 'overseer' of the fight will step in, they will do what ever is needed to stop a death. Even if that means making a God Mod move. Or severally injuring your character. If you wish for some twist or something that could break a rule and both characters OOCly agree to it. Speak to those in charge of the event before hand to clear it.
  • All armor and weapons (including magic) are aloud as long as they follow lore.
  • Please yell your emotes, it makes it easier on the Ref to see the battle outside of the surrounding chatter. 
  • The location will change each time so ask or look where it will be.
  • Respect the Ref and those in charge at the event.
  • Respect the fighters.
  • No healing magic aloud. This includes stone skin, protect, esuna, etc.
  • NEW ADDITION: Forfeits are aloud, but if you wish to forfeit we ask you make the intention very clear oocly and ICly.

Any rule breaking will result in removal from the event rather it be IC or being asked OOC.[/align]

We will have IC healers on hand to handle injuries and such after the fight. If the tournament counties out of beta we will set up a bracket with a prize for the winner at the end.

ICly the tournament cost 500 gil to fight in, this is not OOC. We do accept donations to help keep up the winners fund.



This weeks location: Eastern La Noscea 33,29 [Talk to Fery Skipper, board the Rhotano privateer.]



 1st place 500k

 2nd 250k

 3rd 100k

(This is in real gil)



Any questions and wish for further info talk to Zax. Look forward to seeing you all and hope for a awesome first turn out for the return.

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On the calendar I set the event for next Sunday starting at 9 PM EST, if it goes well then I'll keep it there weekly. Less a bunch of people say they could come on a different day if I'm free on it. I have a lot of FC commitments that take up my time during the week.

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If anyone would like to volunteer to be a healer on at the event icly would be appreciated as well. We have one already and My FC is filling other empty job slots.


Which is us!

To clear up future confusion, we have the same tag and name as the Grindstone but we aren't the same group. Spawned from the same group in FFXI (Which, in turn, was spawned from my LS the Crimson Pirates), but the FFXI LS founder Ellion quit after a few years (In which the NB and Crimson Pirates merged then moved to WoW) while the FFXI NB remained. We're the NB/CP FC, they are the FFXI FC. Okay? OKAY!


Zax is a pretty fresh transfer from Gilgamesh and wanted to try Gilga style fighting match here. I'm probably going to get with him about running these in conjunction with the FC Training Parade (Like have it a day or two after each one so people can use what they've learned) since it allows for both weapons and magic.


At this point I'm not sure if my character came come yet, she uh.. may not be fit, but we'll see!

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Attended this event IC tonight (Caex'ra vaeriar) 


It was a smaller event, so I'm curious to see how it'll play out when it gets bigger. It was a lot of fun, and a pretty interesting system - A single amazing role can really turn a fight around in the blink of an eye, so unlike the Grindstone where it's basically lucky three times without being unlucky three times, one REALLY BIG lucky hit can really make-or-break things. 


You could also in theory win 10 attack rolls with their system and still lose, whcih makes for a more interesting system since you can kinda give yourself more damage as your HP gets more critical. xD 


I had a lot of fun in it and hope to attend next week. Hopefully we can get the word out to more people in the future and get more fighters in here. The two hosts were pretty cool adn chill and talked to people IC at that, so it was great. 


My only concern and point of suggestion would be that I think people get bored while waiting. Having the matches occur one at a time is probably not the best method for this tournament - getting another watcher or two and having fights occur simultaneously might be in your best interest, especially if you start to get bigger! 


I'm all-in with my support of this event though, and will happily make myself a common face in the fighting scene. Was a lot of fun this week and I'm sure my rolls will wreck me next week.

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