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Fight Tournament

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Thank you to all who came and supported the event and those who have gave interest in it. Also would like to thank those who gave feed back. I will be continuing the event and updating the main post. I will post here informing when it has had updates. We will post the weekly bracket and winners so on and awards will be added next week, 1 mil to bracket winner. Though matter if the backed gets large it might have to be every 2 weeks. We are looking into getting more then one fight going but we need assistance in judging the fights and healers. So we are looking for volunteers currently. It is a decent responsibility so keep that in mind.

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Thank you all who came out and supported the event ^.^ had a awesome time and was good to see more people show up this week. I'll be updating the post for next week today and tomorrow but I will post again when it's fully done. We are going to be adding more prizes and might change uo the 1st place prize from time to time. But I'm currently working on a 2nd place prize.

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Thank you Zax for hosting this event. I had a lot of fun and I'tsu did too. Grindstone is new to me, but I'm looking forward to more of your events.




His event is pretty awesome. ^_^ Lots of fun and his commentary between fights is amusing. There's some fun OoC chatter going on in between each fight and everyone seems to just enjoy themselves. 


Honestly, at first I thought the one fight at a time format was bad... but it feels pretty good these last two times. when I wasn't fighting, I could just sit and talk, and enjoy the fights of others. We had a lot of fun X3 


Hoping for more in the future!

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As dorky as it may sound, those fights got pretty intense had a lot of fun attending and participating! o/


Also if anyone that attended and would cares to assist feel free to give any "rumors" on Y'uraq's RPC wiki you might have after seeing Y'uraq fight the way he did, I'm starting a story arc :3

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One thing I'd say for future reference - don't allow people to join in if they're like over half an hour to an hour late. Was there from the beginning/early - sat there for nearly 2/3h and still wasn't my fight while someone who showed up nearly 1h later instantly had a fight.

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Always appreciate all the feed back and hope everyone enoyed their time. Was another successful night thought we had quite few who had to go before it was over. Next week's Location is still being decided and the post will be updated soon though the bracket might be bit confusing due to those who had to go. Hope to see everyone next week for another exciting bracket.

also thank you to the owner and staff of the rum and rumble for hosting us last night and I hope the event will help start to get the rum and rumble going again.

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Also on topic of updates after few funny rolls last tournament I've had few suggestions to add some fun rules into the tournament so I will tell the suggestions and go off the feed back for if we use them or not.


The first was at a 999 roll on a attack  is a 'critical hit' and there for automatically wins (since it is as rare as a 0) and the second was that a 0 rolled on a defense is a automatic loss. I personally like the critical hit idea but not sure on the 0 idea. So let us hear your thoughts on it.

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