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new in all respects!

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hello, everybody!

i just started playing this game, and it's gotten me all HYPED UP!

as a kid i ALWAYS wanted that genuine in game roleplay experience with unique characters like .hack. every time i try a new mmo it's lacking somehow, but i think i could really get into this, especially with so many other roleplayers out there!

this game's just got such good lore and i'm so pumped to get into it!

i've already made a cute oc, even! i hope you don't mind if i introduce her a lil here!


meet Wild Blood! (also called Elilbhar---please tell me if having two names, an old language and a new language one is wrong! wouldn't want to be inauthentic!)

she was abandoned as a child and left to the animals, but she managed to survive on her own until she was around 8. lots of people saw her but were fearful of her, taking her as a bad omen, calling her Elilbhar because of her outcast status and because she had the tendency to snarl and roar and chuff the way a bear did. rumors arose that she was the product of a raging fire and a ferocious old bear. a group of traveling marauders, not knowing the stories, took pity on her and attempted to socialize her. they dubbed her Wild Blood since........well, you know. you can assume

at her current age (~27? nobody knows how old she really is) she can speak (sort of) and is (relatively) socialized. she has a kind heart and has genuine motivations, but still acts a little off. she's a BIG, BIG girl, REALLY strong, and she sits kind of goofy and bites and licks herself when she's itchy rather than using her nails, and she'd probably hug you too hard and lenny you on accident. she's fearless, strong, and a pretty cool chick!

here are some doodles i did of her! my tablet is broken waah!


i really want to roleplay in-game, but gilgamesh has been closed the whole time i've been on. it's breakin my heart!


how are you guys? thanks for reading all this if you did!

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Hiya! Welcome to the RPC~


Two names is perfectly acceptable. Most Hellsguard Roegadyn take "common" translated names, but the game has also givens us some named NPCs that use the older language, just like Sea Wolves having common names instead of their more usual older language names.


There is an upcoming maintenance (tonight!) that should help get you on a server. If you're able to, make sure you've got your character saved so you can load right away! Typically, I see people have the most luck about 10 minutes before the servers go offline (just keep spamming it) and up to one hour before they're supposed to come back up (because maintenance can finish early). Would totally recommend to try getting a character on Balmung if you get a chance as well. Balmung, from what people say, has a bigger open-world RP scene, while Gilgamesh is more focussed on RP Free Companies (guilds).

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i thought i read somewhere that balmung is gonna be closed for a while? is that wrong?

thanks for the welcome, pal!


Balmung's usually stuck in "full" status because it's pretty populated. About the only times it's open are patch/maintenance and sometimes early morning on weekdays (EST time)

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