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Looking for a partner in crime!

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Haydn'to is a Keeper from the Black Shroud. He spent the last year in Ul'dah pickpocketing and dealing information, however after drawing the attention of the Brass Blades, he ended up in jail. He's recently been bailed out by a friend and is now laying low in Limsa Lominsa.


Haydn is sociable and perceptive, so it's fairly easy to talk to him. He's a risk taker, so he gets himself involved with dangerous people and situations often. He's work-shy, lazy, and impatient, which explains his preference for get-rich-quick-schemes. Which never work, since he still doesn't have a single gil to his name.



Race: Miqo'te (Half Keeper, Half Seeker)

Age: 23

Height: 170 cm / 5'6"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Status: Single

Skills: Pickpocketing, painting, climbing

Likes: Watching (or starting) fights, gambling, stargazing, trashy romance novels, all food

Dislikes: Seekers (it's a love/hate thing tbh, dw), thunderstorms, rain, authority


There's more in-depth information on his wiki here.




A bit about me:

  • Europe-based! I tend to be online 9pm - 2am GMT during the week, and all day on weekends.
  • I'm a heavy RPer, so I like building up character interactions steadily and naturally over time.
  • I'm really friendly OOC, feel free to send me a /tell or walk-up any time!


If you'd like to RP just drop me a message here and I'll add you next time I'm in game! :>

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Hey there!


I remember we added each other a while ago but never got the chance to RP. You can see details about Lucile's IC info here, and review rapidly her wiki if you want! Knowing that you're in europe now has something reassuring o(-( I won't have to go bed to 4AM if we get to RP, which is good. She's a street musician atm, and can be mostly seen in Ul'dah. As much as I'd like her to get in troubles, she only had relatively friendly interactions so far. Pick-pocketing her would be nice. (Out of context, that's an odd thing to wish...)


I have another new Miqo'te character. He's still a WIP, but if you're up to meeting him, let's do this. He's veeery tribal and although he already got out of Sagolii several times, he still isn't quite used to big cities.

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@Meishali - finally grabbed you today! <3 Looking forward to roleplaying with you again soon~


@silverclawedmouse - Added you to my friends list finally, we should meet up again soon :o


@Natalie Mcbeef - "I-it's fine now, n-no thanks to you... b-baka." (p.s. let's rp again soon!!)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh haaai there! I'm all up for making connections between our chars, my character is Lanielle Laelle, tiny Lalafell woman. 


She's a small fry but does try to become better in the shady business, such as smuggling and stealing. 


She's brand new, so I'm not entirely sure where she's headed personality wise or even look wise. But! We're on the same online hours more or less, I'm GMT+1. So, if you ever feel like meeting up give me a poke!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Neato! More pickpockets. If you ever want someone to steal from Haydn'to for a change, Aerius is your guy. You mention he's still learning the tricks of the trade, so it could either be to knock him down a couple pegs or to give him some pointers (although it looks like you're covered on the latter). Let me know! :D

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Neato! More pickpockets. If you ever want someone to steal from Haydn'to for a change, Aerius is your guy. You mention he's still learning the tricks of the trade, so it could either be to knock him down a couple pegs or to give him some pointers (although it looks like you're covered on the latter). Let me know! :D







You don't know it yet, but you're already both part of the same RP!



I can vouch for Haydn'to being a super friendly guy which I'm sure you'll have tons of fun RPing with!

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  • 3 months later...

Hey there!

I have several things for you. So, first off, my main character, K'heyo, has a lover who is a pickpocket, so he has experience knowing how they operate. It'd be interesting seeing how he reacts to being pick-pocketed or something of the sort.


Secondly, said lover has a linkshell specifically for thief characters / characters with darker trades like smuggling, drug dealing, etc. So, if you'd be interested in that, let either me know or /tell Ane'ir Miea or U'zangho Lhea in game some time! The LS is called "GutterSnipes."

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Hey there!

I have several things for you. So, first off, my main character, K'heyo, has a lover who is a pickpocket, so he has experience knowing how they operate. It'd be interesting seeing how he reacts to being pick-pocketed or something of the sort.


Secondly, said lover has a linkshell specifically for thief characters / characters with darker trades like smuggling, drug dealing, etc. So, if you'd be interested in that, let either me know or /tell Ane'ir Miea or U'zangho Lhea in game some time! The LS is called "GutterSnipes."


I'd be up for pickpocketing K'heyo! I've searched for Ane'ir and U'zangho and they don't seem to be online right now, but I'd definitely like to join the LS. Ane'ir messaged me on tumblr about that LS yesterday, actually!

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  • 1 month later...

I see Nanagi meeting you by picking up a rather small mercenary job. Some hiring her to find a pick-pocketing keeper. With little leads she sets up a 'trap' to find this person.

Maybe this would work out if you're interested. ^^


My availability has been limited due to IRL things. Sorry.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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