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Choose the new site cursor!

Which cursor do you like best?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Which cursor do you like best?

    • Option 3: Moogle 2
    • Option 2: Moogle 1
    • Option 1: Chocobo

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The upcoming site update will bring in a new cursor for the forums instead of the oh-so-dull white arrow. I'm undecided on which to use though. So I'll just ask everyone what they prefer to look at in the future! OR, if someone is talented enough and/or willing, they can make their own custom animated FF14 themed cursor and submit for feedback. However, time is literally of the essence and you wouldn't have longer than a week at most to submit one.








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I'm gonna go with chocobo. The other cursors seem a bit too intricate and 'busy' -the animations are sort of distracting as well. The chocobo is simple enough to not be gaudy or distracting while being clear precisely what it points to and, if elected, will institute sweeping tax cuts for RPers.


OK, so maybe not that last one.

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There is no way to disable it from the forums. There /may/ be a way to disable it through your browser itself but I don't know exactly how. Putting in an enable/disable option for cursors on websites is unheard of and I don't even know where to start with something like that.


In addition, upon further extensive research, it seems most major browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc) do not allow for animated cursors. So in the instance of the chocobo cursor, there won't be the rocking back and forth animation unfortunately. There is a workaround that involves using javascript to create the cursor (which is how the moogles are generated), but it comes out too laggy and would be more harmful than beneficial. The final product is below, however, it won't have the rocking animation unfortunately due to browsers being stupid.

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