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Adventuring sucks alone.

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Hello everyone.  I recently transferred to Balmung not too long ago when I began to realize that my initial server of choice was rather barren (Housings were available for sale kind of barren).  I'm currently looking for roleplay partners, FCs, LSs, you name it.  Please feel free to reply to this forum or especially send some mail in-game to Rept Sevven (Pronounced just like the username).


Things you should keep in mind is that I do wish to make things that used to be rather standard (such as leveling up a class) task into a roleplaying adventure.  However, I'm no hardcore roleplayer or lore buff.  My character is just an adventure loving comic relief character that is learning to tank and to heal so he can be incredibly helpful.  He doesn't break the 4th wall even when making plans for dungeons or raids, though he refers to things in the game in a way to try and make sense of it in the sense of the game world.


The more often I can party up to level with meaning rather than level up alone, the better. :D

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I'd be open for something like this, certainly. Unfortunately, Balmung is currently locked to new characters so I can't roll up there yet (and even if I did, it's quite late so I'd need to wait until tomorrow to get started). Even so, consider me interested in this sort of thing and I'll definitely send a message your way once I manage to actually roll my character.

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I'd be open for something like this, certainly. Unfortunately, Balmung is currently locked to new characters so I can't roll up there yet (and even if I did, it's quite late so I'd need to wait until tomorrow to get started). Even so, consider me interested in this sort of thing and I'll definitely send a message your way once I manage to actually roll my character.

I only managed to get in because transfers circumvent the character creation restriction.  Yes, it costs extra money.  The only reason I did it was because I already had a character at max job level (For one job though) when I resubbed and realized my initial server was rather empty.

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There's a refresh in about an hour, supposedly. I'm hoping it'll unlock then, and if not, well, I'm definitely going to be asleep long enough for a few more refreshes to pass. I'm quite extremely new to FFXIV, and don't really like the idea of spending extra dosh to transfer a shitgarbage level three character in a class I can't even stand to play long enough to unlock class changing.

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Hey there and welcome.


Check out the linkshell section on these forums for LS and FC descriptions.


Also feel free to give me a prod for an invite to Hugs & Cake, we have many active folks there who could offer help and advice and are in a similar boat. (link is in my sig)

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So something has come to my attention called "Statics" and to my understanding, it's a dedicated group of people consistently working together for stuff.  Anyone know how to get into one of those for leveling and adventuring and eventually Heavensward progression.  That sounds much cooler than large groups of people bantering in a chat log through FCs or LSs.

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Ello! Welcome to the server! Nebbs and I are only the first of a giant horde of players who are likely to greet you. Rinhi has recently started an adventuring group that might perk your interest. We take on "missions" from the leve board that involve running dungeons(using a different name), chasing down hunts, chasing villains, and general day to day things. We are shooting for the "adventure" feel of taking on a job, completing it, and then spending time together. While we have a FC, we also have a LS in general for IC communications so those who have guilds can still participate. We're small, but it this sounds interesting to you give us a PM. Either way, would love to harass you on Rini. Good Luck!

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It's kind of weird how similiar a position we're in. Please do IM Audris Riste in-game when you get the chance. ;D


You're in luck because I'm trying to level my Lancer currently. (As well as my 30s+ Pugilist)


My character's pretty much just an aspiring adventurer whom wouldn't at all mind company to keep the dullness of training at bay~.

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I didn't want to make another thread, so I'm just posting here to tell you all that I'm still looking for adventure and buddies.

add me :)


 L'leona Ember.  lets join up.. im new to rping and  im  also looking for a few cool   people to adventure  with. :0


 seeyah in game

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