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Looking for some able bodies!

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Essentially after my hiatus, before I set Ramona, Nah and Kurt back into the RP scene. I want to signal their returns with something.


Now Kurt and Nah are accounted for. A healer would check up on Kurt recovering from poisons, while Nat mounts a Nah rescue!


So for Ramona's IC runs I've a few ideas stewing in my head.


SV NM run

Assassinate some Dravanian Lt or something.


Rescue someone, I dunno some lower Ishgardian noble's kid or something.


DD run

This could be a sort of treasure or relic hunt


Voidsent extermination.


AV run

Rescue someone


Go on a treasure hunt.


SV HM run

Simply help Ishgardians retake SV


Lt. Assassination



Cultist hunting


Relic hunting



Rack a huge body count while taking on a Major or equivalent Dravanian.



*Ramen is trying to get on some Ishgardian's good side so they could maybe let her in come 3.0


*For the rescue ops. I think it'd do nicely if the one being rescued was an Ishgardian PC themselves.


*To that end some Ishgardian contact for Ramomo would be nice too.


It's a long shot and I'm probably bending cultural viewpoints quite a bit but I'd like to say that even on my hiatus, Ramona is trying to gain favor behind the scenes up in the highlands. Nah is making headway into sating her vendetta. Kurt is out of action and recovering from a high dose of diremite toxins.


Thoughts? Interest?

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yeah why is kurt so bad he got hit?


sign me up for any of these on kell. he just came off a SUCCESSFUL (kinda) IC WP so yeah.


Ehh blindsided. He's been out of it lately and he's carrying stress like you wouldn't believe. Which is giving his body some difficulty in flushing out some otherwise weakassed toxins.


EDIT: Also which of the runs do you want to take part of? Or do you have your own twist you wanna try out? xD

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yeah why is kurt so bad he got hit?


sign me up for any of these on kell. he just came off a SUCCESSFUL (kinda) IC WP so yeah.


Ehh blindsided. He's been out of it lately and he's carrying stress like you wouldn't believe. Which is giving his body some difficulty in flushing out some otherwise weakassed toxins.


EDIT: Also which of the runs do you want to take part of?  Or do you have your own twist you wanna try out? xD


I don't really care, and Kell can fill any role so long as you don't ask questions as to HOW he does it.

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Jancis has something of a specialty in venoms and toxins. She's built up tolerances for ones common in the Shroud. Also she's heard that Kurt got attacked by a Baritine. :cry:


She also has soup he made. *nom* Um, so that's one thing for his side if you need, but again you already said that's in hand.


Jancis will also answer certain calls for help from explorers, historians, not so much money relic hunters. She also has no Isgardian ties, but she can heal and is usually helpful. ((also I could just do generic archer person))

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Jancis has something of a specialty in venoms and toxins. She's built up tolerances for ones common in the Shroud. Also she's heard that Kurt got attacked by a Baritine. :cry:


She also has soup he made. *nom* Um, so that's one thing for his side if you need, but again you already said that's in hand.


Jancis will also answer certain calls for help from explorers, historians, not so much money relic hunters. She also has no Isgardian ties, but she can heal and is usually helpful. ((also I could just do generic archer person))


I'm actually banking on Jancis showing up to treat Kurt or something.

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I would like to get in on that DD run on Nins if I'm available. Work schedule's all over the place so let me know what days and times are looking like.


The voidsent variant right?


Anyway Nins is a what exactly?


Also, Seno is what too?


Kell can fill in for any role.


Ramen can tank or DPS.

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I'm actually banking on Jancis showing up to treat Kurt or something.


already told her tonight about it ic so she should be showing up to check in on you ;3

 Round completed! RP Unlocked!!




Fantastic! Going to be so much fun. One treating or something coming right up!

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Let's see. Tomorrow I've got long-awaited dungeon RP/raiding in the evening, and I'm kinda reserving early afternoon on the very slim, absolutely infinitesimally small, not-holding-my-breath-lest-I-choke-myself chance that I might get RP with a particular individual.


Monday I'm booked solid, got Chao's Day of Getting Her Ass Beat that day. Tuesday I believe I'm free, but my time limit is 10 PM CST cos I have work the next day. Same goes for Wednesday. Thursday I have a D&D game that runs until 8 PM CST, but afterward I can stay up all night because I don't have work the next day. Friday I'm free all day but have to take my girlfriend to work around 10:40 PM CST. Saturday I work at 11 PM CST, then the next Sunday it's only raids in the late evening, free Monday but have to be in bed by 10 PM CST. And the cycle then repeats except for adding a D&D game to Wednesdays under the same conditions as Thursday.

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I just gotta ask how many hours is difference between CST to EST? 




Anyway if we can all supply some est/edt answers that'd be nice. Just so I dont have to math as much.


Also what's the difference est to edt?


Also at earliest we'd be doing this on the night of june 2nd but the week later would be the safer bet.


EDIT: Also, if anyone wants to do the other runs and variants we can work something out too xD

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Alright you think you guys can work with...


Saturday and Sundays.


Or Thursday evenings

Or Tuesday evenings before 9pm est.


I can go day time any day just try to have it wrapped up before like 12noon or even 1pm est if it aint possible.

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