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Sort of new person not new to RP.

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Hey guys,


I guess I'll finally make a post here. I recently came upon this site after a short search in google, pretty easy to find :thumbsup:. I've played plenty of Guild Wars 2 and World of Warcraft, and I've even played this game.. say, last august?


Dropped out of the scene quickly, though. Never really dedicated anything in me to roleplaying, just exploring this whole new game. I want to get into roleplaying.


But what's my idea, like, what kind of character will I hook onto? :chocobo: I've already decided to make an Elezen fit for Coerthas - I hope my username is good enough for an Elezen, please please please please -and I have no idea what I'll be doing with him. A guard? A scout? Just a simple, ordinary role so I can focus on the character building.


But that's when my head starts to spin, and I don't know where I should start off. :dazed:Maybe I'll use Freelance Wizard's wiki template and base him off of that.


What do you guys think? Glad to be here. :lol:

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A good overall reference is [The Role-Play Handbook] a great resource.


I'd also suggest hooking up in game too, so check out the [RP Linkskell & Free Company Lists for Balmung] for things that suit you. A Linkshell is like an in game chat channel and you can have 8, and a Free Company is like a Guild.


Feel free to come join us in [Hugs & Cakes Link Shell] where there is a nice positive bunch of RPers many of which are finding their own way.

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