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I almost forgot, as a derpgoon...


I have, only once in my life, Elusive Jumped into the wall. Only once. And every dragoon gets just one, right?! D: 


As a Black Mage, I've Aetherical Manipulation'd into a random DPS trying to avoid an AoE... only to wind up in an even substantially worst AoE. <_< Often results in my death, that Aetherical Manipulation... 


As a Warrior, I've forgotten to turn Defiance on for taunt switches all the time. Sometimes I could swear I did only to realise I probably hit it too early (action lock) to activate it, and then cancelled it with another action. lol. 


I've said I was gonna holmgang / hallowed something before, pushed the button, and then realised I didn't have either skill up. This usually  results in instant-death. 


I've been cocky as a healer in T13 and said I could "handle solo healing it" as well, only to watch my tank HP suddenly explode into a burst of candy and confetti.

DW I've seen plenty elusive jumps into dumb things.


Looking at you DRG who elusive jumped into Cerberus spit without being shrunk.

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My best one is an old one from ST. It's after I've done so much ST that I no longer go in it on my peak class, going on BRD instead of DRG. BRD is my "lazy" job, meaning I typically stand in the back of the field and just shoot arrows and occasionally sing, don't do anything.


So we get to Amon, and he drops an ice cage on the DRG in the party, basically right up his ass. Now, this was about my third or fourth ST of the day, and on the previous run I'd seen him drop one really close to him and we were fine. The DRG says we should probably find another cage, and I mention the last run and say we'll be fine. So there we all huddle, up Amon's ass. Someone in the party again states their concern that we're too close.


I utter the immortal words: "Guys, trust me. I'll stake my life on this."



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I have a bad reputation with Repelling Shot. A REALLY BAD REPUTATION. If I can find a way to screw something up with that one ability, I will.


Repelling backward and eating all the tank orbs in Ramuh? I've done it.

Repelled off the Titan arena? Done it (I've heard they fixed that though >.>)

Repelling into the giant insta-kill barrier in T11? Done it.

Repelled into the wall in T5, T9, and T13? You betcha!


It's gotten to the point that whenever we go into something new everyone says "Armi don't use Repelling Shot."


They are all pretty glad I'm switching to Machinist.

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I have a bad reputation with Repelling Shot. A REALLY BAD REPUTATION. If I can find a way to screw something up with that one ability, I will.


Repelling backward and eating all the tank orbs in Ramuh? I've done it.

Repelled off the Titan arena? Done it (I've heard they fixed that though >.>;)

Repelling into the giant insta-kill barrier in T11? Done it.

Repelled into the wall in T5, T9, and T13? You betcha!


It's gotten to the point that whenever we go into something new everyone says "Armi don't use Repelling Shot."


They are all pretty glad I'm switching to Machinist.


Actually, your experience with Repelling Shot is one of the reasons why I'm so scared to use it myself when I play Bard. :D

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Amdapor NM. 2nd Boss. 'Hey let's Elusive Jump...of the damned platform."


Titan HM. Getting my relic. "Let's Elusive Jump...into a bomb."


WoD. Angra Mainyu. I accidentally Shatterspine Dive'd the boss and face planted 2 seconds later while everyone was sorting out who does what. I blamed the cat for doing it. I had no cat.


Every time until like WP NM, when I first got WAR on Kurt and kept tanking dungeons. Defiance was off. EVERY. DAMNED. RUN. 


Every time until like AV, when I got PLD on Nah. 24/7 Sword Oath. 


"Dude, trust me, we don't need to wait for a Tank for SV NM. I can DRGtank the first boss I've done it before I swear!" *Died horribly*


"Guys, I'll be pulling big. You'll see we'll be done with AK HM in no time." *was an i100 WAR* *Died horribly*


"Don't worry, guys I can solo that green dragon, no problem, trust me I have Hallowed Ground." Ah I forgot you get level synced in lolflox NM. I was playing on the PS4 and HG was in another cluster of shortcuts...I realized too late the skill was grayed out.


"Hey, Ram, remember don't stand in the Dragon's way. Alright?" Guess who was busy trying to proc firestarter and thundercloud under Vishap's foot?


"Kurt, snare him now!" Guess who spent 5 seconds not realizing he was still locked to the cannon?

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