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Welcome to the RPC!


As Zhavi said, Balmung and Gilgamesh are probably the two biggest RP servers. Because they also have large player populations in general, though, getting in can be a little difficult sometimes. Usually early mornings on weekdays (assuming Pacific Eastern American times) gives the highest chance, followed by right before/after a maintenance.


There are some other servers wih RPers on them, but I do not know much about them, unfortunately. What I can say is that Balmung is typically focused on open-world walkup RP in public, while Gilgamesh is more Free Company (guild) based communication. You can still find both on both!

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Imo, Balmung is mostly FC and Housing areas rp, plus regular tavern rp at the Quicksand. However, it is also a very strong, welcoming and tolerant community, and I'm sure you could find a home here :)


(You just need to get up early to bypass character lockouts and sneak a character on)

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Welcome! As everyone else mentioned, Balmung and Gilgamesh are the two more populated RP servers but I do hear of several servers with RP FCs and linkshells around.


Feel free to check the linkshell listings here. The "Other" tab shows listings from other servers as well. :)

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