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Slinking back!

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Hello! :)


I'm back after having taken a small break from the game and the RPC to focus on finances, my mancandy, other games, and work! Lovely to see new and old faces alike and I hope you all have fun with the expansion.


Updated tidbits about myself~


  • Retired founder/leader of DOVE (now FW-S). Passed the FC along to a friend so I could more readily pursue my own interests. :)
  • Medium RPer. I can be more 'Heavy' at times, but I've grown a bigger love for gaming and content and at times have a hard time standing around when there's so much to do!
  • FF14 is my primary MMO with GW2 as a close secondary.
  • Lilithium Rinannis is my main with some alts I fiddled with here and there.
  • Feel free to contact me in game or here on the site! I usually am best reached on Skype (rydusknikolai).

Have a great time everyone! :D

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Welcome back, Kotter Lili!


Glad to hear you got all your ducks in a row. There's going to be plenty of content for you to chew through with the expansion - and a lot to take in with regards to the plot. There was issues with the sheer number of people trying to play, though, which will likely continue for a while... so keep an eye out for that.


Worse comes to worse, you can do what I did and do chores while waiting for the massive queues to pop. :lol:

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