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Networking for Alderique

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I am open to making connections for Alderique Valeriant, my main, and only character on Balmung. The wiki link in my signature has the best details about him, but some pointers on his current trajectory:


  • He feels a bit lost, and might be looking for a new direction, possibly returning to some of his roots from his Gridania days. This could include being outdoors more, hunting, fishing, and conjury.

  • He is still a hedonist, but may be deviating from his desires to become wealthy, and may be practicing more self control over time.

Here are some things I am open to!


  • Friends. Since joining this server, I've made a number of IC and OOC friends, and am pleased with the experience. I wouldn't mind meeting some more characters IC, preferably to get involved in more active roleplay out and about in the world, to break up some of the tavern interaction. I prefer 1-on-1 and small group RP over large events, due to textwall stress and difficulties following the activity.

  • Lovers. I like to develop relationships with other characters by chance, most of the time, whether they be one-nighters, flings, short-term or long-term romances. Realistically I know they are not always easy to come by, so I'm pointing out that this is an interest of mine! I'm a male playing a male who is interested in males, for the record.

  • Mentors/sparring partners. IC, Alderique is deviating a bit from his lust for gil and looking to train harder and better himself. He has begun taking conjury lessons again for the first time since he was a teenager, but would also be interested in finding some sparring partners (both for him to practice IC, and me to practice writing it). I'm open to the idea of having mentors to teach him any of the following: archery, dagger/shortsword combat (he usually has schimitars equipped), staves (for physical combat with a conjurer's staff).

  • Employers. Alderique works all kinds of odd jobs to get by, so a few things might be up his alley. He can and has done mercenary work, though prefers to hunt and fight creatures rather than having to kill other people. He can take on delivery work if necessary, but prefers jobs that offer a high reward for his effort. He would also be open to escort work, whether to provide protection or to provide company for social events and private interaction. It should be noted, that while he would be very happy to be a charming and flirtatious host, this sort of arrangement would be non-sexual.

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I'd be more than happy to be In-game pen pals with you! Send ol' Bosch Schmidt a message sometime! Should be fun to see what we can do with a twitter-like 200-character limit. :D


Oh, I hadn't sent many letters in this game yet and didn't realize that was the character limit. Either way, it's worth a shot. Do you have a character profile anywhere? If not, you can send me some details so I've got a starting point.

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Val likes to drink and relax, though he's more roguish and doesn't much care for learning or anything! Most of my characters are listed in my signature and you're welcome to peruse them and hit me up anytime for RP!

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Hey there! I'd be happy to RP sometime to see if our characters could mesh to become friends or pen-pals. While not exactly merchant-related, Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. We do have the Crafting Branch that serves to create, repair, and sell goods. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested.

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Thanks everyone. I'm planning to be at the Harbingers gathering tonight, so feel free to chat me up this evening if you're attending, or send me a message if you're online and not. I'm always open to receiving tells from people while I'm online, but I'm kind of a terrible multitasker and am getting used to organizing my chat logs.


Lately I'm mostly running around doing story quests with my friend (I am but a level 38 ninja nugget, running around frozen Coerthas in a very revealing harness. Go figure, fantasy armor), but I could stand to make a little time to hang out.

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Thanks everyone. I'm planning to be at the Harbingers gathering tonight, so feel free to chat me up this evening if you're attending, or send me a message if you're online and not. I'm always open to receiving tells from people while I'm online, but I'm kind of a terrible multitasker and am getting used to organizing my chat logs.


Lately I'm mostly running around doing story quests with my friend (I am but a level 38 ninja nugget, running around frozen Coerthas in a very revealing harness. Go figure, fantasy armor), but I could stand to make a little time to hang out.


We actually are not having Tavern Night tonight due to Heavensward and all the server issues! :( But you're more than welcome to still stop by, there should be some folks around to role-play with!

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Thanks everyone. I'm planning to be at the Harbingers gathering tonight, so feel free to chat me up this evening if you're attending, or send me a message if you're online and not. I'm always open to receiving tells from people while I'm online, but I'm kind of a terrible multitasker and am getting used to organizing my chat logs.


Lately I'm mostly running around doing story quests with my friend (I am but a level 38 ninja nugget, running around frozen Coerthas in a very revealing harness. Go figure, fantasy armor), but I could stand to make a little time to hang out.


We actually are not having Tavern Night tonight due to Heavensward and all the server issues! :( But you're more than welcome to still stop by, there should be some folks around to role-play with!


My heart breaks. I'll try to forgive all of you.

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