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Looking for DRK Mentor

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I'm looking for someone who is currently roleplaying a master of the Darkside to teach my Elezen Knight, and help him begin that path. Help him become a Dark Knight.


My character, Jullienaux Sintierre, after a series of unfortunate events finds himself in a very dark place emotionally. He is ripe for the transition, but I would like to roleplay out the journey.


If you or someone you know roleplays a master of the Darkside and would like to engage in some fun Mentor RP, then please let me know so we can work out the details of their meeting and go from there.

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If you don't find anyone else, I could do it in a month. Right now I'm on vacation, but by 26th July I'll be back, and I was already planning on creating a Dark Knight character... But you'll have to be patient, as I'll have to create the character and rush to Ishgard. You'll probably find someone else in the meantime, but if you don't, know that I'm available.

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That's unfortunate, Viola.


And definitely hitting you up on Clementine.



That being said, if there's any other IC DRK's it would really help my character's transition to see them in action.


Send me a PM or reply here if you're an IC DRK looking for RP :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm going to update and bump this thread since I'm still looking for a DRK Mentor. (I'm having a tough time matching Clementine's times, though I won't stop trying!)


A DRK Linkshell would be very interesting, but honestly, judging by the amount of responses to this thread I feel that there's not a lot of RPC'ers actively roleplaying experienced DRK -as presented by the game- out there. Or maybe no one wants to teach my character, hehe. Either way, it sounds interesting.


Aaron, my main man. Thanks for the offer, I appreciate it, but I'm really looking for something closer to what is presented in game. I want the struggle with the Darkness, holding back that bloodthirst. Sounds fun to me.


Please, don't be shy if you're on the fence. I promise many funs will be had.


I'm EST, but I go to bed very early, and wake up even earlier so I'm actually pretty EU friendly.

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Hey there! Originally, I wasn't going to say anything because I was going to China, and didn't want to inconvenience you. But, since the trip is canceled I could potentially help. My character, Draco Nobis, is a Dark Knight and has been (ICly at least) since 2.0 launched, although there are slight differences between himself and the other Dark Knights. Since I started him as a DRK before there was any concrete lore, his powers are a little different, but I've since tweaked him a bit to match FFXIV's Dark Knights, with minor adjustments to keep him a bit as he was before DRK came out. His philosophies are also different from those of Fray and Sidurgu. For instance, he isn't one to encourage negativity as fuel for the Darkness, but he is aware it is a vital step in learning. He has already faced his inner Darkness and conquered it, and is training another Dark Knight at the moment, so he is capable. If you'd like to hit me up in game or on here, I can discuss more with you.

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Hey there. You dont need a master DRK to set you on the path. Just someone who is capable of calling out your darkside.


With that said, Sarnai would have the skill level to do such a thing should you want to start your path down the DRK road, but it wont be easy to convince her. Im on every day, during the daylight hours of GMT and all the way into the wee hours of the night. Should you want to do some RP to call out your darkside, simply /tell me in-game and we can do some plotting.


PS: Im on right now so if your on currently then you can catch me and we can talk a little.

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