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Gladiator Directory

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After chatting with a bunch of fellow gladiator RPers, I thought it might be neat to actually assemble a list or directory of all the Gladiator RP characters and their info so that each of us can kind of be all “Oh yeah, I know that guy from my gladiator days!”, "I fought that guy once!", or even "THAT ASSHOLE IS MY ARCH NEMESIS!"




This is a google document you are free to look at for info or to fill out with your own character information. I'll eventually try to sort it alphabetically!


  1. Character Name (Also your RPC Wiki Page if you have one!)
  2. Gladiator Name (If not the same as Character Name. Example: Franz the Fair, The Hellfire Phoenix, The Lightning Prince, Halone’s Fury)
  3. Current Age ( If your character's age is 'unknown' give a rough estimate! It helps people figure out whether their character was gladiator'ing around the same time as yours. )
  4. Age While A Gladiator - (Feel free to list a range if it was for more than one year. Such as 20-34 or 15-24)
  5. Main Weapon (Lance, sword, cesti, daggers, etc. You can list a secondary weapon if it was used frequently or alongside the first weapon.)
  6. Fighting Style (Try to keep it brief! It can even just be a single sentence long.)
  7. Where They Fought/Fight both past and present (Coliseum, Grindstone. Illegal Death Matchs. Underground fighting pits. Etc.)
  8. Any Other Notable Characteristics (Were they a gladiator slave? Was there something unique about how they fight? Did they ever do anything interesting before/after battles?)

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Can I start out by saying how much I love this idea! I've been wondering if there was a way to connect with other current/ex-gladiators for a while now.


You may wish to clarify in the title that the thread is referring to all career gladiators and not just the class GLD.



1. Character Name Klynzahr Iyrnahctwyn


2. Gladiator Name Currently none. However several years ago she was known as 'The Blue Wolf', the larger and bulkier half of 'The Blue Wolf and the White Fox'.


3. Current Age 29


4. Age While A Gladiator She began her career in the coliseum at 24 and officially retired at 27. However she can still be seen frequently training at the Gladiator's guild or participating in the grindstone.


5. Main Weapon She fought her first season with a marauder's broad ax, before shifting almost exclusively to sword and board. She quickly developed a preference for a particularly long, hooked falchion, which she generally pairs to a light shield.


6. Fighting Style During her three year coliseum career, Klynzahr fought almost exclusively in pairs or small group matches. Her preferred partner was the midlander Hyur Ginshaw Iyrnactsyn, better known as 'The White Eyed Fox'. Although the two enjoyed several successful streaks, common opinion held that Ginshaw was carrying his larger 'crew mate'. The exclusively ax wielding Fox, fought with a flamboyant and aggressive style that easily overshadowed his more cautious partner.


7. Where They Fought/Fight both past and present Previously the Coliseum. She has recently returned to fight in the Grindstone after an absence of two years.


8. Any Other Notable Characteristics It should be noted that Klynzahr was responsible for the deaths of three competitors early on in her career. All were properly declared accidental, despite their brutality. These transgressions gained her an early following among the rougher spectators and more than a few enemies among her peers.


Later in her career, Klynzahr adopted an almost passive style, engaging only to distract competitors from the Fox and abandoning individual matches all together. During these years it was rumored that she would pace the hallways of the Gladiator guild for hours before each match and some said that she would vomit in the street before her fights. This lead to further rumors of alcoholism.


As 'The White Eyed Fox' gained a greater renown, he began to fight frequent solo matches. In his last appearance on the sands, the Fox was brutally beaten by an elezen lancer. Spectators and gladiators alike witnessed Klynzahr leaving the stands in distress to carry away her injured team mate. Soon after rumors began circulating that she had taken him home to Limsa Lominsia to die. Neither of them have fought on the sands since.



I would really like to build up some connections through this history, wither you have fought against her and Fox, teamed up with them, or simply spectated.

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Tierrrrrrrrr! You know I'm so down with this! <3 Sounsyy needs more gladiator friends!


  1. Character Name: Sounsyy Mirke
  2. Gladiator Name: Mirke the Maimer
  3. Current Age: 32
  4. Age While A Gladiator: 15-17 years old. Year 1562-1564 6AE
  5. Main Weapon : Ala Mhigan Scutum, Shortsword, and Partisan.
  6. Fighting Style: Sounsyy violently assaulted enemies with her heavy shield. If she used her blade, it was to cripple or maim the other fighter.
  7. Where They Fought/Fight both past and present: Bloodsands from 1562-1564 6AE, 12 victories. Grindstone: Present, 4-time champion.
  8. Any Other Notable Characteristics: Sounsyy was a Noxius fighter, meaning she was an Ul'dahn prisoner fighting to buy her freedom. Sounsyy's debut Bloodsands fight she won by ripping off her opponent's pauldron and bludgeoning the man to death with it.

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  1. Character Name Ba'akari Nunh
  2. Gladiator Name The Blood-crazed Boar
  3. Current Age 23
  4. Age While A Gladiator - 23
  5. Main Weapon: Fists, Horas or Khatars depending on the ruleset.
  6. Fighting Style Ba'akari's fighting style and strengths revolve around his superior endurance and agility. He controls the distance by staying beyond his opponent's reach before dashing in with vicious debilitating counters to the body.
  7. Where They Fought/Fight both past and present Mostly underground pits, and illegal skirmishes along with twice in the Grindstone.
  8. Any Other Notable Characteristics In battles, it is most notable that he seems to outright enjoy every second, oftentimes prolonging skirmishes(Usually by maintaining himself just beyond reach) to study and appreciate his adversaries. He is dedicated, oftentimes found after dark in the training squares of the guild or early morning running along the crowded streets dodging merchants like it was practice.


I'm looking for a Lanista for this character in order to help him grow into a proper Gladiator. Also, an IC Monk to mentor him and take him along that path. But throw me up there too!

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I forgot to add - if your character's age is unknown, please put in a rough estimate. Different RPers sometimes have different ways of interpreting how much time has passed in the FFXIV world, so using current age vs age-they-were-as-gladiators can make it super easy for folks to figure out whether their characters were fighting around the same time as yours.


I'm looking for a Lanista for this character in order to help him grow into a proper Gladiator. Also, an IC Monk to mentor him and take him along that path. But throw me up there too!


I heart you for using the word Lanista.

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