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Looking for a long-term partner/buddy

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Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night or whatever place you are in the world!


My ideal partner is out there. I just know she is. I am determined to find you, one way or another.


With Heavensward now in full swing and the initial grinds to 60 have been completed, it is time to settle down and relax a little bit. I haven't taken time to myself in a long while but its getting to be pretty boring playing by yourself all the time, you know?


Firstly, a little bit about me. I am a player of the game first and foremost. I love to play every aspect of this game with the fullest of my ability. Think you can out DPS me? Lets make a competition out of it. =P Get more kills than me in Frontlines? Buckle up because I'll be aiming to take you down the next match! The possibilities are endless! But thats the thing as well... its hard to find a partner that shares this same passion with me. What does this mean if you do end up with me? I would love to do dungeons, fates, leveling, Hunts, etc etc. with you. You get the point. I also play multiple games as well so we're not limited to FF14, it is my primary game at the moment but we can do other things as well. I want to play the game with you, explore all it has to offer and see everything in between.


As for normal role playing? Here's the first spot where I think I will lose people, and that is that I don't do normal RP very often. I can't stand the idea of not being up and active in the world and experiencing the game if I'm sitting on a bench or something in a City talking about the weather. That said, if I found someone I was really comfortable with I might be convinced to try it again. I -do- enjoy doing a lot of casual.. I don't even know what to call it, OOC roleplaying while playing the actual game, however, among some other things.


So whats the catch... there has to be one right? There are two actually. The first being that I am looking for something exclusive. As I mentioned with the first turn away for some of you (Not doing normal RP as often as I'd like), this is the second turn away I know for a lot of you. I've been asked before if I would be ok with my partners multitude of other 'play mates' when I am looking for a little more than to just be a face in the crowd. I want to be the main focus just like how you will be my main target of affection and playtime. I know this is a lot to ask but as I mentioned, I am looking for something a little more. The second catch is, I am a very curious fellow. Expect me to ask if your day is going ok, expect good morning tells/messages on skype or steam, good nights, idol chit chat throughout the day. see what I'm getting at? I'm a very personable guy. I love showering a person with attention, both in game and out. I love making my partner feel special, so they know that they are always on someones mind and that they can always count on me to be there for them and to care about them, to even be a shoulder if they need one.


Please contact me here first to see if we're a good fit. I don't have many friends outside of my static group that I raid with so I guess this is an effort to make one and I'm not sure how this will go. I'm not even sure I worded some of what I wanted to say here the right way since I am terrible at these things.

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So whats the catch... there has to be one right? There are two actually. The first being that I am looking for something exclusive. As I mentioned with the first turn away for some of you (Not doing normal RP as often as I'd like), this is the second turn away I know for a lot of you. I've been asked before if I would be ok with my partners multitude of other 'play mates' when I am looking for a little more than to just be a face in the crowd. I want to be the main focus just like how you will be my main target of affection and playtime. I know this is a lot to ask but as I mentioned, I am looking for something a little more. The second catch is, I am a very curious fellow. Expect me to ask if your day is going ok, expect good morning tells/messages on skype or steam, good nights, idol chit chat throughout the day. see what I'm getting at? I'm a very personable guy. I love showering a person with attention, both in game and out. I love making my partner feel special, so they know that they are always on someones mind and that they can always count on me to be there for them and to care about them, to even be a shoulder if they need one.


No offense, but I think you're looking for the wrong thing in the wrong place, here.

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Yeah... this is honestly kind of weird. I don't think you'll find anyone here willing to set aside everything they've been doing to RP with you and only you. I think to get what you're looking for, you'd have better luck finding a real girlfriend/boyfriend and teaching her/him to play the game and RP.

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We should probably change the name of this subforum to something other than "Making Connections"...


Maybe something like, "Making Friends"


I guess making connections does sound a bit like something that would be on craigslist.


Also sorry OP, it's cool you want that, but I'm not sure this is the place to pursue it. It is Making ConnectionS not making Connection.

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It's not really healthy to expect someone to interact with you and only you. I hope you realise that it's the same mentality that abusive and manipulative partners often adopt? That's largely why it comes off as creepy even if it isn't your intention.


Bribing people/showering them with affection in exchange for exclusivity isn't really healthy either. Surely you'd be happier finding a bunch of role-players who are reliable yet happy and free to go off and do their own thing whenever the mood strikes them?

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It's not really healthy to expect someone to interact with you and only you. I hope you realise that it's the same mentality that abusive and manipulative partners often adopt? That's largely why it comes off as creepy even if it isn't your intention.


Bribing people/showering them with affection in exchange for exclusivity isn't really healthy either. Surely you'd be happier finding a bunch of role-players who are reliable yet happy and free to go off and do their own thing whenever the mood strikes them?


I doubt you will convince him to not like what he likes (Assuming he). I don't want to shame him for wanting this, he just needs to know that realistically this isn't really the place, and it looks creepy to the community.

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So this is a bit strange, and too much to ask of a stranger on a forum. You might want to try making connections with people in real life and asking them to RP with you. 


Or... not doing this. RP around and meet new folks, but don't expect exclusivity out of them, or for them to think your showerings of affection and attention are warranted outside of the game.


No one wants to be told "good morning" or "good night" by the same dude they barely know every single time they log on/off. I get that you're trying to make a lasting ...friendship? But you're coming off really unnecessarily strong here. It looks like this is your first post in the community, and you're already asking for an exclusive RP partner who will have eyes only for you. Kinda weird.


Main point of this reply is to say ...Calm it down.


We all want to make friends, but, y'know... take it easy.

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I find it hard to take you seriously when you demand exclusivity yet you have a static and play more than one game. You expect one person to devote all their time to you, including RL, out-of-game information that they may or may not be comfortable sharing with you, when there's no guarantee you'll give that in return? What happens when you go off to a different game and said partner doesn't want to play it? What happens when you're busy with said static? What happens when your partner just wants to roleplay and you don't?


I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but on top of your post coming off as creepy, that's ridiculously unfair. You've set this up as you get to do whatever you like, whenever you like, and your 'partner' is expected to wait around and do exactly as you do when you feel like doing it. WHILE alienating everyone else in the game.


I myself much prefer to have a partner in whatever game I'm playing, so I know what it's like to want that sort of connection. I also know what it's like to have that sort of connection, so I speak from experience. You're asking for way above and beyond what I consider a normal partnership. Your demands are too high and what you offer in return doesn't even begin to balance the scales. No one should be obligated to give you Skype or Steam information from the word go. No one should be obligated to do exactly what you want to do when you want to do it. No one should be obligated to forsake any connections they've already made, ICly or OOCly, because you demand that of them.

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